Yep! The basement!!! With huge thanks to the Legendary Husband for undertaking the expedition on my behalf!
The goal???
A square canvas. At least 36×36″. New and shiny. Or, stuck somewhere between begun and finished.
He was successful! There were actually two neglected candidates waiting to be noticed.
The photo, above, is the middle section of the 48″ square winner. (Read that… lots of underlayers ready to play!)
Frankly, we have a big job ahead of us, Guardian and I. And, yes… this is my third beginning on this journey!
It’s not that I messed up along the way. It’s more that this one wants to be very different from much of the work I’ve done before. And, just between us, my paint brush has struggled a bit with the notion of different! As in, scary!
Progress is among us, though! (Here’s an up-close view of where I was after I sat and stared at it for a couple of hours and then actually – you know – picked up a brush! And a squirt bottle!)

Intentionally claiming my promise to create!
The part I’m still experimenting with is the notion that much of what I’m painting and loving will eventually disappear under marks that I can only describe as intentionally abstract!
The real challenge is that I can’t see it in my head!
Well, that feels like the real challenge! It’s actually just the way my brain works.
The other challenge is realizing how much this one means to me.
It’s all about what I would call my Promise. My work in the world. The world my granddaughters – and all our Littles – will inherit.
I have words for that. No problem! And, yes… this is a Filter thing!
And that, dear heart, is the key to unsticking stuck stuff, which is one of my most favorite things!
I’ve had some good teachers along the way… so it’s no accident that I’m typing these words to share with you, just before I head to bed… I’m talking to myself!
We do not become healers. We came as healers. We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.
We do not become storytellers.
We came as carriers of the stories
we and our ancestors actually lived. We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.
We do not become artists. We came as artists. We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.
We do not become writers… dancers.. musicians… helpers… peacemakers. We came as such. We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.
We do not learn to love in this sense. We came as Love. We are Love. Some of us are still catching up to who we truly are.
– Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes
The trick is venturing out to live as we truly are!
And that, my friend, involves laying down all the stuff that’s been holding us back!
Limiting beliefs. Other people’s shoulds and oughts. The power of shame and blame. Fear of fear. (Really!)
And laying that stuff down takes learning new things… preferably in community! It takes seeing deep. Consciously!
Now is the time!
Well, it’s probably well past time for some of us. It IS the time we have! So, take a deep breath, please. And click this link…
I know! It might feel scary. Here’s what’s even scarier… not taking a chance on you!
How do I know? Well, I’ve been taking a chance on me and learning to help people just like you do the same for over 30 years, now. And right there, in the place you’ll be when you click the big link, I’ve added a few details about my journey… about the things in my medicine basket, just in case you’re wondering. We’ve got this!
So check what’s happened on my canvas since I began painting and writing on Saturday afternoon. It’s really the visible artifact of what’s happening inside me! And the word for that is HOPE!

Aren’t you done with, “If only…”???
Join us. Soon! We begin on February 8th…

Gnostic Judeo-Christian Mystic Medicine Woman walking the Way of Love (aka, The Fiercely Compassionate Rebel Grandmother, For Rent)
ps… huge thanks to my Intentionally Conscious buddy, Natalie Moyes, for helping sort glazes!