A funny thing happened on the way to this blog post!
Like many of us, I have two feet. Last night I dreamed that, perhaps like my paint friend the Pyrenean Brown Bear, I had four feet and each of them was on a different skate board!
This was NOT a restful dream!
It was, however, helpful. Here’s what happened…
I painted a lot, today, and found some places beyond my recent adventures with stuck.
Stay tuned for more photos! For this moment, though…
Today, I gave myself permission to take time for processing!!!
Ever the “good” student, it was, admittedly, a challenge. Picture a Zoom room with a fabulously perceptive and encouraging leader, a flock of wise women ready to change their lives and the world… and a question.
What offer could you make in the next couple of weeks, without taking a year to plan it out???
Followed, of course, by another question…
Will you???
I declined, with gratitude. By which I mean that I answered a different question. One of those talking to myself in a room full of other people kind of responses!
I owned the 4 skate board feeling and committed to returning to the question after I make it through the first week in March.
And you know what??? My response was met with gentle witnessing and honor!!!
So, why am I sharing this with you in this moment?
Well, because I can’t possibly be the only one on team 4 skate boards in this moment! And, just in case you relate, I’m so hoping you’ll leave me a comment and we can witness each other. (Really!)
When you get right down to it, we are all our own works-in-progress and life gets enormously easier when we claim it!
Also, more hopeful!!!
So… a glimpse or two of what’s on my easel. And my table! (The studio is shrinking by the moment!!!)
First up, fresh from big, scary glaze… Guardians of Fierce Compassion… Then. Now. Always.

And, then… Constellation of Being, temporarily on her side. And very excited!

And, last but not least… a journal page insisting that you might welcome this message, too! (The little horseshoe shaped image made from circles toward the bottom is, depending on your perspective, a six-petaled rose or my map of reality!)

You are seen and heard in this place! And, if you’d like more information about how we might create the world you’re longing for, just click here for more information! I do have time for you!