Or, the tale of a painting that’s painting me…
Early last November I began a journey through the land of Intentional Creativity® known as Vivid… Tapestry.
In our first gathering, Maestra Shiloh Sophia McCloud invited us to allow the experience to come through us and to see what would become revealed.
If that creates feelings which could be labeled both just a touch scary and exciting within you, you’re in the right place for the rest of the story.
We were invited to relate to our canvas as a portal through which new knowing could emerge and as a screen, like the one where you’re reading this story, where you have continuous access to that which wants to be revealed.
Perhaps. But also, as Shiloh warned us, not for pretend-sies!
Translation… it has a lot to do with physics and vision and perception. And, trust me when I tell you, it’s still working!
Or, to put it another way, with what we are weaving together.
Here’s how I know…
My particular journey stalled out as November led to December and December led to visiting the kids and, well, some other complex adventures.
Then, this past Friday, that which ironically passes for the United States Supreme Court these days, overturned Roe v Wade.
Then, in the wee small hours between Monday night and Tuesday morning, Grandmother Moon started whispering in my ear, as I knew she would.
It took me a while to start putting the pieces together…
Sequins… Buttons… Weaving… Paint brushes…
I went hunting. It took a bit, as we are in the midst of a major studio re-imagining.
And there she was. Just as you met her, above. My Vivid… Tapestry canvas, insisting that her time had come!
We worked, she and I, literally through Tuesday’s un-scheduled hearing on the 1/6 Insurrection.

I suspect we were both an odd mix of appalled and encouraged. And she was, clearly, steering our journey.
Here’s where we are in this moment:

I have no idea where we go next, she and I.
I will share her updated message …
Not for Done-sies, either!
I’m pretty sure she’s serious!
For now, though, a few words from an urgent family meeting of another sort, called by a teacher and author named Kathleen McGowan:
Hope fuels perseverance!
And, just in case that touches something in you, I have questions…
Are you in?
What will you do?
How can I help?
Click HERE if you, too, are on the path!
ps… should you happen to have a copy of Shiloh’s Tea with the Midnight Muse handy, check out Tree of Life Blessing on page 109. Here’s my favorite bit: May you take one step, however small, toward that which you have always longed for. Now is the right time.
pps… the weaving goes on! Or, as Kathleen would say, The Great Weavers of the tapestry are supporting us! So be it, for me and for you, and for all of us!