Last night, the Muse and I worked on the dove. And added another person toward the bottom. And touched up some colors. Progress… and I knew there was more!
Then, I knew. She is here, becoming… to bring something new into my awareness.
I’m not clear about all of it yet, but it has a lot to do with growth and hope. And, if my own experience with the pregnant thing is any indication, there will be some challenges, along the way! (This is both true and, likely, the voice of the Critic, as well!)
And, regardless of the challenges – and the fear – I’m all in, whatever we’re birthing!
In fact, after the chaos dreams last night, the Muse sent me in search of some comfort. I found it in my box of Mother Mary Oracle Cards… or, more likely, it found me!
Card #1… Our Lady of the Sacred Hearth. There are times, it begins, when we have outgrown our old safety nets. Like a hermit crab that outgrows the little shell and needs to search for a larger home, we must endure a transition that can feel frightening, giving rise to many insecurities.
And, then, this… there are times when growth simply must happen. You are at one of those times in your life…
Just between us, I really, really hope so!!! In fact, I hope that much of the world is at one of those times!!!
Our Littles need for us to be at one of those times!
I don’t expect such a time will be easy. Growth rarely is.
When you get right down to it, though, why else would we be here???
This is a glimpse of another one of my growth-paintings…

The raised hand is mine. And the Hebrew word means, Here I am.
A reminder of my promise… even on a day when it’s way colder than it needs to be and my knee is doing a new painful thing which means my planned pot of soup is on hold.
Sometimes, apparently, growth decides we are ready, even when we don’t feel ready.
And the surprising thing, in this moment, is that, deep in my heart, I can just barely hear a whole huge circle of ancestors – of those who came before us – whispering yes… yes… yes!
Because there is, indeed, more growing to do!
For just a bit longer, though, I think I’ll stare at her and wonder what wonder has quickened her!
ps… right after I remind you that there’s still time to do some deep growth holiday gift shopping at FierceArtWithHeart! The shop elves will be delighted to hook you up with a copy of A Creation Poem… OR, put 3 in your basket and 1 of them will magically be free! Then, choose anything from Original Paintings, Archival Prints, or the Special Collection by my dear friend, August Venuh, and get 25 % off your choices. You just click here to fill up your basket and the elves will do the math! (No codes needed! )They’re really excited to help you, so fix yourself a cuppa and wander in the wonder! It’s time to deck the walls!!!
pps… I’d really love to know what’s calling you! 45 minutes. My gift. You & your big dreams. Me & my medicine basket. A cuppa. Paper and markers… or eyebrow pencils if that’s what you have! Some red thread if it’s handy… to get one step clearer!!! Just click here and ask the calendar elves to hook you up!