
What if… just maybe… we’re so busy looking for really huge miracles – other people’s notions of miracles – that we miss the ones right in front of us?

Or forget to celebrate and learn from them?

Let’s use this photo for an example.

I know. It looks a lot like two big dogs and an unmade bed. And it sort of is.

It’s also HUGE joy in my world!

You see, Luther, the big fuzzy guy toward the top, is totally blind.

He’s done amazingly well, adapting after his surgery. And he still gets lost, especially at night when there are fewer people sounds for navigation.

He’s most comfortable in the doorway between the kitchen and the breakfast room, which is beyond inconvenient, but I think it’s because the flooring changes there and it helps him know where he is.

And, he’s been exploring more lately. Learning to see with his heart.

A couple of days ago, I woke up a bit later than usual and wandered out in search of tea. I couldn’t find either of the dogs!

A bit of seek and find revealed the miracle…

Luther used SuperPowers that are new for him and made it all the way to the place he wanted to be – to the far side of the bed – and nested in that space with Phoebe, feeling safe enough to actually sleep through the night!

The Newfoundland Rescue Mom in me was delighted for him.

The Guide Grammy & Personal Alchemist inside of me was even more thrilled! You see, my mission in the world – my SuperPower, if you will – is helping people just like you claim YOUR SuperPowers and navigate the path of using them for good in the world.

Getting clear – in your own voice – about what that might look like is the next step.

So, you’re invited… to a SuperPower Red Thread Circle.

Forty-five minutes. Zoom. Paper. Markers. A cuppa. And a scrap of red yard if it’s handy. (Virtual works, too!)

A new sense of connection. Clearer vision. An idea of next steps.

My gift to you!

The calendar elves will gladly hook you up!

Be like Luther… and click here!

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