Let’s talk alchemy!

There’s an old saying I love…

The best way to learn something is to teach it!

My life feels a whole lot like that in this moment. Let’s begin with a peek into the dictionary…

al-che-my noun… the medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposed transformation of matter. It was concerned particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold or to find a universal elixir. A seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or a combination.

As you might suspect, this was not a popular vocabulary word in nursing school or seminary. It is, however, a very useful one in this moment of chaos and uncertainty!

I’ve been learning about the things I’m teaching… about the tools in my Medicine Basket – literally and figuratively – for a long while, now. And I’ve often felt, along the way, like I’ve been handed a box full of jigsaw puzzle pieces with no edge pieces and no photo on the cover of what it’s supposed to look like.

This last week has felt a whole lot like that!

I have 4 paintings in progress at once. Still! And they’re all really opinionated! Or, perhaps, they’re committed to changing some of my opinions! (Ummm… alchemy!)

And, it seems to be pain flare time.

Which brings me, kind of surprisingly, to the place where my alchemical class, Oh, I See, Consciously! meets some Inspired learning about healing and a freezer way too low on broth!

The ah-hah! of this particular moment seems a whole lot like start right where you are… even when you need to change things up!

So, lots of fingerprint dots, which are way easier on my hand than the brush kind. (And a great way to “erase” when the paintings change their minds!) In this case, my Red Madonna Prophetess has hair!

Symbols that inspire me.

I’m so hoping you’ll stay tuned… the alchemy of Oh, I See, Consciously! will begin again, soon! With a sprinkling of Inspired for seasoning!

We’re probably not actually going to turn lead into gold but we really can bring light and hope and healing to some of the scary places!

Then, a question…

Are you ready to make some actual healing magic of your own??? Just click here to be transported to my very best recipe…

ps… the photo at the top is a glimpse of my first Alchemist painting, right there with a bowl of stardust soup!

pps… want a recipe for vegan broth? Leave me a note in the comments, below. For now, my Alchemist #wip is ready for the next right things! She wants to be bigger… to hold more space! And the transformation will happen on camera!!! This is me, all in!

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