If you’ve been reading along, dear heart, you’ll be pleased to know that “everyone” did, indeed, make it to the mythic stable for Christmas! (Along with a few other sentimental items which make my heart happy!)
The backdrop for our creche is volunteer art from A Creation Poem… “blacker than 100 midnights, down in a cypress swamp” (slb with thanks to James Weldon Johnson!)
I’ve thought about that a lot. Imagine being one of the folks in that rather rag-tag original gathering. No notion of what was coming next… only certain that, somehow, you belonged there in that moment.
And, yes! I – in a very small way – am relating just now.
There are other things in my awareness, as well.
News, though I’m still rationing that!
Dizziness off and on… with the need for new glasses. A very cranky right wrist and hand which makes painting more complicated. You get the drift…
Along with a crazy plan to re-arrange all the rooms in our house. Again! And, no, it’s not avoidance. It’s commitment to meeting new needs!!!
Here’s the real-deal room view from my favorite chair just now! And, no… I haven’t taken leave of my senses! There’s just a whole lot going on inside that needs externalizing. And that means words and paint. (And, bears!)

It also means space! The designated kind! So, the current bedroom is becoming the library. The studio is becoming the bedroom. The living room is becoming the studio. We’re even going to get rid of a few things!!! And, yes – blessedly – the Legendary Husband is on board!
Fortunately, painting and pondering go well together! You see, in several places where I hang out, the notion of intention or words or vision for 2025 has come up.
I like words and intentions way better than resolutions! And, I know it’s a bit early yet, but I’ve also heard The Muse whispering our answers!
I am declaring 2025 to be the year of Fiercely Compassionate Rebel Grandmothers… literal, or volunteer!
(I’m guessing you’ll agree that there’s more hope in this notion than in the “project” some of the folks in the news are planning for 2025…)
The words that chose me are Promise and Persist. (As many times as it takes!) And I’d love for you to join in!!!
What might YOU promise for the coming year?
What matters enough to YOU to empower you to persist?
And, yes… I really would love to know! You can leave a comment if you scroll down a ways, or email me at suesvoice@gmail.com
Here’s another thing I’m thrilled about… the studio revision will give me enough room to actually invite people to paint!!!
For this moment, though, the edges on my #Legend painting, The Time Returns, are dry enough for another coat of paint! She/they are counting on me… and on you! Counting on us to live in a world where promises matter and keep showing up for new knowing.

ps… rest in peace, Jimmy Carter. And rise in power. With huge thanks… he is teaching me, still!
pps… can you feel the intentions rumbling??? The dreams whispering??? Let’s talk! The world needs as many of us as possible on the path to the place where our great joy and the world’s deep longing meet, and my Filters model is going deep and wide! Just ask the calendar elves to hook you up with 45 min. My gift. You bring your notions of joy and longing, along with a cuppa, some paper and markers, or whatever’s handy. A scrap of Red Thread would be welcome. I’ll bring my very excited Medicine Basket! We’ll name a next right step!
ppps… help the Littles you love to start their new year with an inclusive new sense of belonging and wonder! January 6th is the feast day of Epiphany and the word, epiphany, comes from the Greek word which means manifestation!!! The very obliging shop elves insisted on extending the buy 2 – get one free – offer on my first picture book, A Creation Poem… until then. No fancy codes needed. Just put 3 copies in your basket and one will be free! As my old friend, Dr. H. Stephen Glenn helped me learn, “if a teenaged child has 5 adults who will listen to them, take them seriously, and not shame or blame them for their questions, that child is practically immune from ever attempting suicide.” A Creation Poem… is INTENTIONALLY written exactly that way for Littles of many traditions and families! Mattering matters!!!