I would welcome you to this day of prayer dots and Joan Baez!
In fact, I am welcoming you to this day, even though I don’t run the actual calendar! It’s a good way to be, especially in these days!
And, yes… the photo is my personal studio/sanctuary. Let me show you around… There are actually two paintings on the table, receiving their dotty edges, even though it’s hard to tell. Both of them newly completed. (I think! They’re kind of always works-in-progress around here! As are those of us who are paying attention!!!)
Here’s a closeup of Our Lady of Fiercely Compassionate Abundance… the one on the top… from my recent #Filters workshop for #Origins, known as #OIC!

And, barely visible, just below her (I’m painting edges!) is She Who Has Ears to Hear.

She is our story for this day!
Part of a year-long journey known as #RedMadonna, she has taught me so much! Or, perhaps more accurately, they have taught me so much! A Prophetess with the owl and tortoise who insisted on joining the journey.
I know… you’ve heard about them before. And there’s new news today!
First, though, a bit about process, from Owl…
I really, really wanted to be in this painting! Sue agreed, after I begged one night in a dream. She looked up pictures of owls for guidance. The first me was, well, cute. And way too small! So Sue made me bigger! And then she read something from her Indigenous Shima friend, Maria Yraceburu, about heart-faced barn owls and I got to be one of those! You see, I represent wisdom and intuition, magic and prophesy. Since the whole painting was about our prophetess, I obviously belonged there! Just between us, I was a bit of a challenge for Sue to paint. She even looked up how many toes I needed! Four on each foot. Two pointing forward. One pointing back. And the fourth one able to point either frontwards or backwards, depending on what needs doing! Really!!! I think tortoise was happy to have me along on this path. She has a big task… to be a bearer of spiritual medicine, guiding us on a transformative journey of finding stability, seeking protection from harm, and embracing the art of living. (It’s amazing what Sue can find out online!) I think tortoise and I make a good team! And that’s a good thing because there’s another journey about to begin. And you’re invited!
You see, #RedMadonna2024 is beginning!!!
A whole year in virtual circle with amazing women. Community. Learning. Creating. Growing! With our whole selves!!! And, whether you’ve been in that circle for years, or are utterly new around here, you’re welcome.
Our theme is Celebratrix! As in, intentionally celebrating life along the way. And I’m deeply honored to be part of the leadership team. Tortoise has already volunteered to help since celebrating is a great way to embrace the art of living!
So… please fix yourself a cuppa and grab some Red Thread if it’s handy. Then click here to hear some of the stories and see some of the art and just let yourself wonder if this is, indeed, your next step.
And, yes… I’d be delighted to answer your questions! suesvoice@gmail.com
ps… tending my Spirit, intentionally, with paintbrushes and pens and celebrations, helps me tend my body and my community, too! Really!!!
pps… you really don’t need to know anything about painting. We’ve got you!