I used to think I was supposed to be perfect!

Blessedly, I’m (mostly) over it! Trust me when I tell you that it’s really not sustainable!

For me, this perfection hang-up has always had a lot to do with words. And I began to understand more about that when I was failing (literally) my first semester of Hebrew in Seminary. Let’s just say my brain doesn’t quite work that way. Nothing I saw made any sense. I didn’t understand anything I heard. And I felt doomed.

Somewhere along the line, about 3 million flash cards later, the magic happened. Almost literally! Somebody explained that a word my ear recognized – abracadabra – could be translated as, for I create from the word. Or, even better, I will create as I speak!

How utterly cool is that???

I’d been writing for a long time before that. In that moment, though, I think I became a writer!

I’ve written a whole lot since then. Sermons. Magazine & news articles. A dissertation. Editorials. Books. Blogs. And, now… another book!

In fact, the first actual hold-in-your-hand copy arrived Saturday. (And, yes, that was a bit close for comfort!)

It feels good. It smells good. It looks great!

And then the old anxiety kicked in! As in, what if it’s not perfect???

I’ve been here before. There’s a typo in my 269 page long doctoral dissertation. One.

It was around that time that I learned a helpful old story. Legend tell us that the people who hand-tied Persian rugs in days gone by always included an intentionally mis-tied knot because they believed that only Allah is perfect and they should not attempt perfection.

I’ve always found that comforting! Comforting enough, at least, to put my work out there in the world. Now, more than ever!

First, there’s me modeling the notion of showing up and doing my best for my grand-teens! (Who helped, by the way, with the new book-baby!)

Then there’s the even more important – and also urgent – notion that all our voices matter. That it’s okay if not everybody hears what we meant to say in the way that we hoped they would. That a big part of life is learning to make our choices even though some people think their way is the only way.

So… A book launch party!!!

Today. (Sunday) In honor of all the women who came before us and risked their safety – their lives, many of them – to choose. To use their voices. To claim that they mattered. All wrapped in an ancient story of beginnings and belonging. An ancient story told, intentionally, so that all our Littles might learn that they, too, are part of the story of love and hope and inclusion.

And some new ways to think about setting ourselves free from limiting beliefs!!!

I’d love for you to join us! The adventure begins at 1pm PT/ 4pm ET. Just click here for all the info.

ps… It’s also possible to pre-order copies of the book at the same link!

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Sue Boardman, Certified Intentional Creativity®
Color of Woman Teacher & Coach