I look to the mountains…

Caution! Mixed metaphors ahead!!!

It’s been more than a bit of a week in my world. Probably in yours, too. Certainly in THE world! And, yes… as you may have noticed, I’ve been dreaming. Mountains.

I’ve also been painting mountains. I need them for the book I’m writing. Actually, the writing is done. It’s the images that are still unfolding.

Trust me when I tell you it’s an adventure!

See if you relate to this….

I know what I want! It’s just that getting it out of my heart/head and onto canvas means seeing things… making them concrete when they’ve mostly been word-symbols inside me.

You know how some of the old, old stories speak of creation as coming out of chaos. That’s where I am! And, frankly, the external chaos isn’t helping. (I’m guessing you hear me…)

So, I spent yesterday’s 15 minutes dedicated to doing-something-that-matters-to-me in a small group of others doing things that matter to them, sipping my cacao/collagen potion and staring at this…

There was, as you’ve probably guessed, more time needed for doing stuff that matters to me. My next right thing was hunting for the photo at the top!

An early quilt project. A gift for my son and his beloved. One I had no idea how to pull off until I got started!

I wanted mountains. What I had was a huge box of fabric scraps. And some ideas about colors, which was complicated since Dave tends in the direction of color blind! Then there was the bit about figuring out the zig-zag look.

That same kind of reverse engineering is going on with these painted mountains! I started with a photo a friend sent of some mountains here in Georgia, hoping to make my painting look something like that. It turns out there’s lots of stuff behind the mountains that needed to happen first. So now I’m going back and doing first stuff first so I can, eventually, get to last stuff!

I’m trying to stay curious about the flood of stuff that’s been bottled up a long time, coming forth as I work, in the context of the news in this moment.

(For now, time out for PT so I can keep painting!)

Then a bit of a song appeared in the auditory/digital processing center of my brain… I look to the mountains, from whence comes my aid! And, yes… the language might long for a bit of an update. Still, it helps!

Maybe realizing that our brains are full of mixed metaphors would be a good strategy for venturing out into this world!

It’s possible, though, that you might want to wrap yourself in a mountain quilt and make a bit more space for dreaming into what’s really really calling to you, first!

ps… here’s where the mountains and I are at the moment…

pps… I’m waving Sunday’s magic brush-hammer again, and declaring that all original art and archival prints at FierceArtWithHeart including those in the guest artist collection – are 20% off the current listed price, through July 22nd, at 11:59pm EDT. Just enter the code The Tower when you check out… (And, if you have your heart set on something major, there’s an option to spread out the payments!)

Sue Boardman, Certified Intentional Creativity®
Color of Woman Teacher & Coach