Or, technically, tortoise… but my inner child, who has lots to do with dreaming, learned turtle!
And, yes… I’m pretty sure I know why this dreamer is dreaming this dream, now.
It has to do with the current Furniture Yahtzee adventure. (It has to do with something else, too, but we’ll get there…)
First, a bit of context. Furniture Yahtzee is code, around here, for what happens when two people with differing mobility challenges try to run lives and 3 businesses out of an early 60’s ranch house with a very big dog, too many steps, about a zillion books, and enough art supplies to – well, paint the rainbow!
Periodically, our needs change. Or, maybe, my powers of denial fail me. In any event, it was time. Time to essentially swap two of the busiest, least magazine-ready, rooms in the house.
The narrow hallway between those 2 rooms didn’t help much!
The swapping bit is, essentially, done. You know… drag this over here where that was, and so forth. Now comes nesting!
We’re tired and sore. And my muscle memory mind is totally confused! The part of me that knew – in a deep level of non-consciousness – to stick out my right hand to grab my cell phone is adapting to the fact that it now lives in the land of the left hand! And so on and so forth…
Hence, I suspect, the dream!
First, though, you need to know about Abraham and Sarah.
Nope! Not the biblical ancestor folks. The turtles!
When Dave and I moved to the Village at Columbia Seminary, very nearly 34 years ago, we had some adjusting to do. One of the biggest changes was the theoretical no pets rule. My 7-year old was decidedly unamused!
We had fish, which didn’t thrive in their tiny universe.
We even tried a bunny. When he reached adolescence, he grew – shall we say – frustrated, and started biting. I called a vet to inquire about neutering which turned out to be both very risky and very, very expensive.
After I missed a week at my nursing job, due to the heavily bandaged finger, Thumper moved to the petting zoo at Stone Mountain where he could happily do what bunnies are known to do and not bite people!
(Yes… a practical solution with major philosophical issues!)
Then, one day, my second grader who struggled with reading, arrived home clutching a school library book and announced that he had the perfect solution… Turtles, Mama!!!
(Clearly, I gave in!)
Abraham and Sarah did surprisingly well. And they were popular with my neighbors!
Friday afternoons often involved half a dozen or so seminary students sitting on the sidewalk, sipping beer and walking the turtles!
Fast forward to my dream!
A bit of internet searching on Turtle/Tortoise Spirit Animals will lead to the notion that having a safe haven is very important for Turtle people.
Perhaps especially so when you have memories of not having had such a safe haven!
To Indigenous peoples, turtles also represent healing, wisdom, spirituality, health, safety, longevity, protection, and fertility!
I relate to those words a lot, at this point in my journey. Some of them more symbolically, than others!!!
For now, though, we’re kind of still in the chaos phase of creation!
My favorite chair/nest has a whole new view of the world. (Well, it has a whole new view of a lot of things still to be done!) And, I am no longer attempting my deepest creating in a place that doubled as the pathway to the bathroom and the closet. Hallelujah!!!
It doesn’t look like much yet. For now, this adventure feels like hope. (And sore muscles!)

Which might be a whole lot like being ready to head out into the world with all the stuff that really matters to me!
ps… the art up top is last summer’s Legend painting. Decoupaged photos of my “permanent” turtle who is, apparently, hiding in a closet during all the moving! The grand-turtle is feeling shy!
pps… what are you ready to head out into the world with? I can help! You just have to raise your hand. Or, in this case, CLICK HERE so the calendar elves can hook you up with time for a wee chat, on me. Turtles welcome, too!

so excited to hear about your Turtle Box dream. I’ve had those same symbols in dreams! Synchronicity abounds! I’d love to discuss turtles and other such symbols over tea one day with you! Karen
Thanks, Karen… for reading and hearing! Let’s find some time for tea, soon!