Giving the Pen to the Muse…

Yesterday was a good day in the way that sometimes happens when the world is upside down and you work your butt off trying to claim what’s true.

It started with an Intentional Creativity® livestream event called Magi, and led by Shiloh Sophia and Jonathan McCloud. You kinda had to be there, but you can!

We meditated and moved. We pondered things like etymology and history and legends and messages for the future. We listened deep inside and drew images of some of the things we hold most dear… the things we most long for.

It was daring work. Especially when we gave the pens to our Muses.

I learned a whole lot. And I’ll tell you more about it soon.

For this moment, though, my Muse asked for the pen (okay, the keyboard) again and I agreed.

She led me to a post from the past, tugging at my sleeve and insisting that these were words (and music!) for today, as well.

I’m not going to change them at all. (I promised.) I’ll simply ask you to notice the date this was first published and read with ears for then and now and the now that is still to come. I trust you!

(Oh… there were some technical problems with posting this which have something to do with updating my version of WordPress. Very scary!!! Also in progress, in hands more experienced than mine. All you have to do is click below where it says Continue reading. (After you click, when you get to the place where there’s a book title and then a blank square, keep scrolling. There’s a whole fabulous story, just past yet another tech issue…) Please Click!!!!

Sue Boardman, Certified Intentional Creativity®
Color of Woman Teacher & Coach