From soup to books… some more!

Yesterday was quite the day in the mythical soup pot known as my consciousness! And, yes, we had fab soup for dinner last night, too, but this is not that!

Now, I know this is not a total surprise to you – these fav metaphors of mine – but they’re hopping up and down like a 2-year-old needing attention and trust me when I tell you that ignoring them doesn’t work out at all well!

You see, this is the kind of miracle that happens when a whole bunch of ingredients we’ve been stashing inside us – many of them unconsciously – encounter a bit of extra energy and become some entirely new thing that wasn’t, before.

Translation… I hatched two books and a deck of wisdom cards yesterday!!!

Like, what they’ll look like and how they’ll work together and what they’re actually being created to accomplish! Plus, most of the stories!

The “extra energy” was a suggestion from the amazing Sam Bennett about claiming our ideal readers which – just between us – feels way more hopeful that writing something and then searching for somebody who might care!

The photo at the top is actual notes I was making as the magic happened, fiddled with intentionally, because curiosity is our best state for learning! (Thank you, Steve Glenn!)

One of these books is going to be for children. You know… the read aloud kind. I’d been struggling with needing a narrator and, suddenly, one appeared and volunteered! Never mind that she came from a painting that’s been hanging on my wall, waiting for exactly this moment, for something like five years, now. And, she told me how to make the whole thing work publishing-wise! (You’ll get to meet her soon…)

The companion book for the grown-ups already had a Muse. You’ve probably met Matilda before…

And, yes… she’s in charge of Filters! (Which is kind of like being in charge of everything! Details to follow!)

The whole Wisdom Card deck is a bit like all the little containers of left-over soup that wind up in the freezer, eager to help when a new wondering arises!

Now for the heresy alert!

Today, for many of us, is Ash Wednesday. The beginning of Lent, as we travel toward Easter. Traditionally, it has been seen as a time for penitence. I’m going out on a limb, though!

I’m going with 40 days of focusing on my power to be, as much as I am able, the love I believe Yeshua came to the world to bring us. To be hope in the chaos. Me… in my purple sweatshirt with my saints and grandmothers around my neck… opening myself to Inspiration!

And, just in case nobody told you this, one of the meanings for the Greek word, heresy, is able to choose! A notion which just happened to come up in a meeting today!

ps… just in case you’re dreaming of next right things and would like a witness with a handy medicine basket full of strategies, let’s talk! 45 minutes. My gift. You fix a cuppa, bring something to draw on and with, and some Red Thread if it’s handy. I’ll bring the best stuff I know for helping visions come true! Just click here and the calendar elves will be delighted to hook you up.

pps… my Good Trouble friend, Daphne, is so hoping to introduce you to A Creation Poem… our story of hope and belonging for your beloved Littles in the midst of all the angst and uncertainty in this world. It’s here, with related goodies… I’m also supposed to say that the cover and pages feel really good, too!

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