From magic to creation… without Penn & Teller!

If you’ve been reading along for a while, you’ve noticed that I am, perhaps, the world’s biggest fan of The West Wing.

One particular episode has been tickling my consciousness for a couple of days.

It was Zoey Bartlet’s birthday and there was a big party at the White House.

Penn & Teller brought their magic act to the festivities.

I loved their performance. (It did create a bit of a political storm for the President, but that’s an issue for a different day.)

Let’s it boil it down to a big debate over whether they actually burned something or it just looked like they did.

Magic is like that. And I, word nut that I am, have been pondering magic as Natalie Moyes and I move closer and closer to the beginning of our Medicine Basket your way… journey.

So, in an effort to transform all the stuff swirling in my head into something I could actually share with you, I did a bit of clarifying. (aka research!)

I’ll spare you the rabbit trail and go right to the prize. (A prize which I’ve loved for quite a while but didn’t necessarily expect to bump into on this journey!)

We’re going to move from the notion of magic to the Hebrew word, dabar (or davar) – which means word – to one of my all time favorite revelations… the Hebrew word abracadabra – which means something pretty close to I will create with the word!

In fact, according to The Jewish Chronicle, “the kabbalists tell us that reality itself is forged from combinations of the 22 Hebrew letters.”

That article goes on to say that, “We, too, create our world and the things of our lives through words.”

And all of that creating happens… wait for it… in context!

So, back to the notion of medicine baskets and magic.

There really are simple, accessible tools which regular folks like us can use to alter the stories – the actual words – we’ve toted from one context to other vastly different contexts so that those stories can work for us rather than against us. We just have to get our brains involved in new ways!

And, no, I’m not messing with your mind! In fact, I’m helping my granddaughters learn the same adventures!

Natalie and I are ready for our part of the magic.

Your part is to show up with something that’s holding you back. With an argument in your head that’s been keeping you stuck.

And we’re making it as easy as we possibly can with a free preview call on Tuesday, February 15.

You’re invited!

In the interest of full disclosure, we won’t be handing out millions of dollars. But, assuming that there are some things in your world which could be better and you’re actually ready to risk doing something different, all you have to do is click the link. From there, you’ll be magically transported to the land of the elves, where the special information/registration page lives.

Get all your questions answered. You know… materials and such.

Fill in your name and your email address and click the sign up button.

And, just in case you’ve already signed up… Yay!!! (Once works!) We’ll send you reminders.

Click HERE to be part of the magic!

ps… yes!!! Invite your friends. As you’ve no doubt heard me say, I have 2 granddaughters growing up in this world, and I’m way past serious about transformational magic.

pps… curious? Season 6, episode 8 of The West Wing.

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