Familiar words… in a whole new context!

My first book was a really big deal for me! I’ll never forget the first time I held a copy – finished – in my hand. It so reminded me of the day I held a beating heart in my hand for 4 hours. Life changing. And, life giving!

That book is teaching me still.

Grandmothers Are in Charge of Hope!

Back in the days when I was writing, it felt a lot like quilting. A story from here. Some powerful learning from there. A soup recipe, toward the end.

And, it’s all still true. And helpful! The world, however, has changed. At least the up-close experience of it has changed for me. And, yes… it has a lot to do with the news.

Now, I know there are lots of ways to filter what’s happening. One of the most obvious ways is choosing the media sources we’ll even consider allowing into our space. You do you. As for me, I need compassion along with tragedies… and a handy remote control!

Here’s what I’ve noticed…

Before my inner Grammy was ready for hoping again, she needed a time out. Not punishment. Space. And I suspect that’s going to be a regular need for a while.

No shame. No blame. No guilt. Just space. Space for quiet. And painting. For prayer dots and writing down dreams. Space for guided imagery and coloring books. Space for nurturing my space! And for all the tools and insights in my Medicine Basket. (Even really dark chocolate!)

Here’s the reminder I needed most… and the place where that first book began:

Once upon a time, about 15 years ago, I was sitting in my living room with a group of amazing women, celebrating a magical workshop of creative giving we’d just led. And, at the risk of seeming, well, nostalgic, we were singing old summer camp songs. Mostly Peter, Paul & Mary.

Suddenly, the phone rang. I ducked out to answer. Little did I know, my life was about to change in a way that still amazes me every day.

My son was calling from Scotland. We did the hiya howya bit for a minute and then I heard this: Mama, you’re going to be a grandmother!

Witnesses would attest that I said nothing but Wow! for the next several minutes, followed by a flood of tears. I was utterly overwhelmed by the realization that my whole world had just become different. Bigger. Brighter.

Then I got my most recent book out. The one I created for all our Littles, and the Bigs who love them. The one intended to help everyone feel part of the story of Creation, with love.

Turns out that we need it even more today than we did in September when I held the first copy in my hands and marveled over how good it feels kinesthetically and emotionally.

Here’s what one reader/friend had to say:

I absolutely love the look of the cover and every single page. But what I really love also is, the feeling of the cover itself. It’s so satisfying and almost calming/soothing to the touch.

Each page has absolutely beautiful details. From the images, placements, and the text/font choice. I really like the font that was chosen. It is a nice touch for those who may struggle with dyslexia, ADHD or any other learning/reading disability. It makes for a very smooth and vivid read, without being too overwhelming.

Which brings me to my huge question in this moment…

How do we – each of us – engage the world with that same desire to help everybody feel calm and soothed and included??? (Also, perhaps, fired up!!!)

Of course, your huge question may be different and that’s okay. I am so totally hoping, though, that you’ll put words on it. Claim it. And start living into it, one intentional step at a time, with hope and compassion!

ps… get your copy of A Creation Poem… here! Someone you know needs to hear this! And, while we’re being real… you may need to share it! Just click here and ask the shop elves to hook you up!

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