A tiny orange and black moth, not even as big as the end of my thumb, flaps her wings near the window as I write. I saw her twin while I was walking the frogyrinth, earlier.
The words to an old hymn echo deep inside me. I’ve got peace/love/joy like a river… in my soul.
I’ve hummed along all weekend.
A new friend rests nearby while, outside, the ballet of Qigong active exercise goes on.
This is, in fact, my favorite movement. The one focused on contentment.
It’s mesmerizing.
And, I suspect, very counter-cultural.
There’s no money to be made in contentment.
Please hear me say that I’m not throwing stones. I grew up with a dad who fed his family with his skills in sales and marketing.
We didn’t so much watch TV when I was a kid, as we watched commercials.
And commercials are literally everywhere we look these days. All the time.
Which is worth a bit of noticing. And some wondering to go along with it.
How long has it been since many of us have felt content… even for a few moments?
And, the really big question: How in the world do we help our kids and grandkids get a glimpse of what contentment feels like?
They’re not easy questions, I know.
I suspect, though, that the answer begins in becoming aware of our almost overwhelming tendency toward comparison.
Bigger. Stronger. Smarter. Faster. Prettier. Younger. Richer.
Well, you fill in the blanks…
And, maybe — just maybe — the answer has to do with valuing ourselves and each other as individuals instead of focusing on how we compare to everyone else.
Which is also a really good way to avoid more bullies and kids inclined to be victims of bullying!
It doesn’t have to be about being perfect.
(Or never shopping again!)
Just making a couple of shifts in the ways we talk about ourselves and each other.
And maybe creating a bit of peace/love/joy while we’re at it.
At least, that’s what the frog said!