I just got an email from “somebody,” with a headline asking, Is preppy your style? and offering me a discount on wallpaper!
Short, predictable, answer – Not so much! – though I come from a long line of people who would probably have been comforted if I’d said yes…
Here’s the thing… I used to be really good at following directions. At meeting perceived expectations. At hanging safely in the middle of the pac. Now I know more!
The photo, above, is indeed the vision from the chair that makes things hurt less. Finished work, yes. Some just home from Scan Camp! And works-in-progress. I literally prop them there so they can whisper the next right things to me. The deep answers to what they want next.
And, they do!
See the one behind the sun and the moon???
She was kind of a pop-up with some unexpected requests. As far as the demo live-streams went, she was supposed to be an adventure in background. Many, many layers, which I love. Different art-sisters doing different things with brushes. (And fingers!) Kind of an unfolding mystery.
Mine, however, seemed to focus in on some older paintings that we witnessed as we began. Paintings by an Intentional Creativity® ancestor named Sue Hoya Sellars. Sue walked into her future very early in my journey with canvas and paint and possibility. I just know I would have loved her!
In this moment, the connection had to do with inner and outer consciousness, and crystals.
(That, dear heart, is a sentence I’ve never needed before!)
The group-art demos didn’t go as far as beings. My canvas insisted! The human-ly one in the center was intentional. The seal – or Selkie, perhaps – on your right, appeared as if by magic. And, well, then we needed another one.
With considerable inner dialogue, I have decided not to obsess over making them match! Related is close enough!
Then, I spent some time communing with the crystals in our home. The ones which insisted on helping with this adventure were amethyst and kyanite. (Tip! You can google something along the lines of amethyst energy and discover all kinds of cool things you might not have learned in biology class!)
This is where we were just before the kyanite began, on Saturday evening.

Here’s the exciting thing… I’m following directions from my consciousness-es! A concept which much of the world has attempted to shame and blame out of way too many of us!
And, for a whole lot of reasons, now seems like a really good time to learn to listen to myself. To ourselves. And to spread the word!
Here’s where my friend is, after amethyst joined the kyanite with a whole batch of magic prayer dots…

ps… it’s Graduation Day in Intentional Creativity® land! To celebrate, the elves have created a discount at FierceArtWithHeart! Save 15% off anything in the Wearable Art (Clothing) collection! Leggings, tank tops, a dress, even a new T-shirt! Sizes from 2T to 6X!!! Just use the magic code BackToSchool at checkout. And, if you’re ready to stock up, there’s an option to pay over time. (Special offer expires on Aug 12, 2024 @ 11:59pm EDT.)