There’s a room in our house known as The Dressing Room. The builder, in 1962, would have told you it’s a bedroom. And it is, in the sense of a place for welcome guests to sleep. Mostly, though, it’s my closet. And, no… I’m not taking a picture. (Yet!)
It’s also a metaphor. A power-full one in this moment! You see, I’m sorting. Intentionally!
And, yes… Daphne is modeling part of the change. Let’s talk denim vests. Or, in my world, purses! You see, most days I need at least one hand for walking. Sometimes, two. And that makes purses complicated. Also, my shoulders are not fans of the backpack option. So, for a while now, it’s been denim vests.
They have lots of pockets. And they’re happy to hold my omnipresent Good Trouble buttons! And blue or black denim goes with all the internalized rules I’m only beginning to be conscious of.
Here are a few…
- Don’t call attention to yourself. It isn’t safe.
- Don’t wear too many colors at once. You’ll look crazy.
- Everything should match your shoes.
- Blending in is more important than being comfortable.
- And, my personal fav, Preachers don’t…
You, clever soul, have already realized that I’ve been editing the rules for a while. And, in the context of this moment, I am making very conscious, intentional choices about nearly everything.
So, I went hunting for a statement denim vest/purse for this moment. (Tye dyed jacket from Etsy. And about an hour to cut the sleeves off and fray the edges.)
And, when you get right down to it, it kinda does go with everything!
It also starts conversations! Conversations which often conclude with me reaching into one of the handy pockets and giving away a spare Good Trouble button. I suspect John Lewis is smiling, too!
And, yes… my magical new vest goes great with Chucks and pearls!!!
I only get one vote. (Well, hopefully. That’s far from a sure thing in Georgia just now!)
I also have choices. And one of them, introverted as I truly am, is to wander around my ‘hood looking like an openminded, engaged Fiercely Compassionate Grandmother, often spattered with paint!
And, I’m planning for an actual guest in a couple weeks, which means that I’m going to need to find the bed that’s in there somewhere, under spare weighted blankets and things to give away. I’ll never be a minimalist, but I am trying on the notion of being an Intentionalist!
Don’t you just love words???
My relationship with a current #wip painting is a lot like this. Less deciding what I want to have appear on the canvas. More seeing what I see and allowing viewers to see, too! Here’s a peek…

Officially, this one is becoming my #CuraArchetype painting. Which feels a whole lot like noticing that…
I AM my medicine basket!!!
Which is a bit like walking through the door in the back of C. S. Lewis’s famous wardrobe! And this, my friend, feels like a really good time for that! (Chronicles of Narnia…. The Silver Chair )
If you decide to head out on a similar path, wave at Puddleglum for me! We really are living his story in this moment!
ps… don’t know Puddleglum yet? Click here for the punchline!
pps… ready to claim yourself as your medicine basket??? Let’s talk! Just click here and the calendar elves will hook you up with 45 minutes, as my gift. You’ll want a cuppa, paper and markers, if they’re handy. (Hell, eyebrow pencils will work!) Oh, and a bit of red thread… real or imaginary!
ppps… there’s a book launch coming up! Stay tuned!!!

I saw a vest (or maybe it was a sleek jacket today that has 32 pockets. Apparently it has one big enough for a laptop!
Wow!!! Thanks, Gina-Dianne. That’s fun to even imagine!!!
The artwork of the dog and heart is SOOOO you and so very excellent!
Thank you, dear Cherie, for reading and seeing! Stay tuned for more magic from this painting… And hugs, Sister!!!