It’s soundtrack time again.
This morning, I turned on music to paint by but these words insisted on appearing, first!
You know the song!
We’ve all had Hard Times, I suppose.
And, as Joan Baez said, in her 75th birthday concert, may they come again no more...
It’s a beautiful song. And, if it’s actually going to come to life, it needs intention! It needs action.
As I typed, Joan had another song to sing… Swing Low, Sweet Chariot… “This song has a lot of stories that go with it,” said Joan. Like the one where she sang it at Woodstock. And the time she sang it for Dr. King!
Just ponder, for a moment, the context implications! And feel free to hum if you know it!
And wrap your head, if you would, around this wild question…
What if VOICE is a power-full path through, and even out of, hard times!
I has been for me!
It began as I was leaving an early, abusive marriage… learning that it was okay to need help & say so. To get on the path to a better life, for me and for my tiny son.
And it grew as I realized that, You don’t get paid to think! wasn’t just about surgeons & nurses… it was much deeper. Men & women. Powerful & not. Rich & not. And I left, again.
And learned other ways to speak…
Amazingly, to preach. And write. Not for power, but for truth, as near as I can understand it.
And also to guide. My piece of the Red Thread. With voice as the first tool in my Medicine Basket!
For this moment, though, back to the notion of context!
NOW is a time for speaking out. For some of us… walking out… of violence and oppression and power over, rather than power for.
It’s “ironic” that it’s gospel and folk music which feels so needed just now. Imagine… Love, hope, determination, for all the folks!
Roll around in the music if you can… it is the timeless, urgent message for this moment!
Then, go vote, if you haven’t.
And use your voice. Talk with your family and friends about why this matters… and what happens when we let ourselves be coerced into thinking that it doesn’t! Or that we don’t!
It might be scary… and we’re counting on you! Wear a t-shirt. Put up a sign. Make a donation. Do what you can, even though you can’t do it all. And be okay with staying safe!
You matter!
These words, by the way, are me following my own inner direction and voice.
Showing up with a soup pot, if you will… a container for transformation.
My job is to offer the space and the energy… the tools and the recipes… for magic longing to happen.
Your job is to bring where you’ve been, and what you hope for, and even the tiniest sprinkle of willingness to grow. To receive more.
Still wavering??? Here’s the link for the whole concert. Watch. Listen. Feel. (If you’re like me, you’ll need tissues!) And, by all means, sing along! It will help you process the message with all of your being!
Then, go and do as you are led by all that is holy within you!
ps.. want to explore the path with someone who’s been there before? The soup pot is polished and I’ve made room in my coaching calendar for a few new individual clients! Let’s talk… 45 minutes. My gift to you. Just CLICK HERE and the calendar elves will set you up! (A cuppa and a scrap of Red Thread would be handy!)
pps… need a fabulous t-shirt to put on? The Legendary Husband’s got you covered! FierceArtWithHeart.