‘municating! (Really!!!)

Dear Heart, have you ever had one of those stories you’re so excited about that you tell it 20 ways and think everybody will surely understand it just the way you do?

Well, I seem to have paid a visit to that place! And the story I’m trying to tell has enormous years of history behind it. For today, though, we’re going with the current events!

First, we’re putting the Com- back in -municating! As in information going both ways! Kind of old school journalism style, but updated!

You probably remember the list of questions, too… possibly from Yearbook staff, like I do! Now we know more, though, so we’re starting with WHY? This is the big one! I’ll let the book-baby speak…

Now for the rest of the details…

Who? You. Me. My right hand tech director. And a circle of awesome people who care about kids… and the future of the world!

What? A Zoom gathering. We’ll explore the book-baby and do a bit of our own growing with some of the best transformational magic I know… which you can put to use in your world, right away. (I’m guessing you have big hopes, too!) Each registration includes a hard-cover, hand autographed copy of the book!

When? Sunday, September 22 at 1pm PT/4pm ET. (Plan on about 90 minutes.)

Where? Well, Zoom… anywhere you happen to be. Preferably someplace that feels safe & comfy!

How? I’m so glad you asked!!! Just click the link, below, and sign yourself up!

ps… here’s what one preview reader had to say about A Creation Poem…

Sue had me at the bear on the cover! Rich, bold art illustrates this story as ancient as time. A Creation Poem… joins many origin stories taught to children around the world to help them make sense of their place. We know this story. But we haven’t heard it told this way, with inclusive language, progressive theology, and captivating images familiar to the Littles we love… Natalie Moyes, Interim Family Ministries Leader, Bedford United Church, Bedford, Nova Scotia, Canada.

pps… as I mentioned, I’m working hard to keep this circle feeling safe. You are welcome to bring a plus one kind of person as your guest and I’d be honored if you have a safe place – like a private facebook group – and would care to share this post there. You can also email the link to wise beloveds!

ppps I’ve promised my Great Aunts, and a whole lot of women before us – and after us! – that we’re really not going back!

When minor miracles lead to bigger ones…

Okay, sleeping in a bit doesn’t necessarily count as a miracle but it sure felt like one on Saturday! There’s a whole lot going on and The Muse is a very early riser!

Wonder of wonders, though, I made it clear to 9:00am, which was a perfect time for a cup of cacao. Then, on to checking all the various sorts of messages.

One that really called out to me was from Shiloh Sophia McCloud who is busy with a whole lot of newness in her world, too. And, like me, Shiloh has been known to switch from preachin’ to meddlin’ on occasion. That’s one of the things I love best about her!

The short version of her message was, Make one much needed change today.

And, yes… that particular message set off a cascade of ideas in my consciousness!

Kind of surprisingly, I’d done the first step Friday night, without even being aware of where it was headed.

Here’s the intention that insisted on being the beginning…

When I’d made enough progress Saturday morning for the thinking to kick in, I claimed my personal plan for much needed change. Before I tell you what it is, though, you need to know that I’m up to my eyebrows in the kind of tech challenges that go with new book-babies. And, my right hand is really grumpy which makes the tech stuff even harder.

So, kind of predictably, I started my much needed change by editing a filter!!! A strategy filter!

Here’s what it sounded like…

Me, to my Inner Critic: Oh! I just learned that Saturday is the new official Critic’s Day Off. That means you can go down by the lake and watch the swans. Or go window shopping at Kudzu. Or go to the library. Yay! Have fun! No need to hurry back!!!

Then, I enlisted The Muse’s best buddy, my Inner Fiercely Compassionate Grandmother, and put her in charge of getting the word out, in whatever ways it could be heard, as easily as possible, by the folks I want to reach. We weren’t going to worry about everything matching. We were just going to tell our Beloveds how excited we are about the book-baby! Because this world needs to hear what the book-baby has to say. Now! And, yes… the photo we began with is a big hint!!!

Just in case you’re new around here, or we accidentally missed you, just click here for all the details. We’ve saved a seat especially for you!

Now, even in the midst of this story, which might sound a bit woo-woo around the edges, I suspect I’m going to need some more practice with this new strategy of mine. Especially the part about enlisting my Inner Fiercely Compassionate Grandmother when things feel hard and I’m afraid of not getting it right enough.

The thing is that now I have a new strategy to choose. Consciously. Intentionally. Frequently!!! Some of which might just come up at the book-baby party! 😉 😉

For this moment, though, a new being is appearing on my canvas. I’m already learning new things!

ps… if you hurry really fast, you can still sign up for Abracadabra, Shiloh Sophia’s new year-long course. And, yes, much needed chosen changes will be involved… Click here… and hurry!!!

pps… there’s a pet portrait challenge going on at Dick Blick! Click here if you’re curious…

I almost changed my mind!

There’s a moment for many women, somewhere in the pushing phase of labor, when they declare that they’ve changed their minds and they’re not having the the damn baby, after all!

That was me, somewhere in the wee hours between Monday and Tuesday.

Blessedly, it doesn’t work!

The PUBLISH button has indeed been pushed on the book-baby!!!

And, the Intentional Creativity® Purple Passion virtual art show was a world full of wonder and em-power-ed intentions! (Even if you weren’t there live, you can still join the amazement with the link, below.)

Just between us, those are about the only things from Tuesday that feel accomplished. And, yes… I waved my magic wand and turned the “debate” into a re-run of The West Wing! Turns out there is a point where the context can get too crazy for even prayer dots to help!!!

Here’s the thing, though… there’s external context, like – well – news. And weather. And storms. And fires. And school shootings. And remembering. So much remembering. All of which feels like it’s trying very hard to out-shout new babies and bowls of homemade soup and the wonder of finding unexpected meaning in spilled paint.

New meaning in this moment.

For me, noticing has a whole lot to do with making meaning. What gets in, amidst the chaos. Here’s a thing I noticed…

Angela Davis…a notable woman I don’t recall from Social Studies – though she should have been there! And, a cousin! Really!!! Angela and I share a Mayflower ancestor… a story which seemed to be an even bigger surprise for her, as a guest on Finding Your Roots, than it was for me, watching!

And then the stories started re-arranging themselves in my mental library, as I slept.

Stories about my French Cathar aunts, uncles, cousins, and – quite probably – grandparents. Victims of an autocratic papal crusade against Christians, some 800 years ago. People of peace, and love, and learning… women and men teaching as partners.

I have no idea what the artist intended when they formed the statue, above, and placed her at Kudzu to find her home. To me, though, she is a courageous Cathar guardian of sacred stories and just community. And a powerful reminder that it is our job to carry on!

Somehow, in the context of this moment, all those stories live on in me. And they birthed the book-baby, because Creation goes on, even now, and the story is for all of us… especially our Littles!

I’m really glad I didn’t change my mind!!!

So… we’re going to need a baby shower of sorts. A book launch event! And it wouldn’t be the same without you! All the details, along with some new ones, are here, eager for you to click the big, bright link just below…

We’re not going back!!!

ps… don’t miss the amazing art show! (And the artists‘ stories about their work!) Just click here…

If ever there was a time for prayer dots… and hee-hee-ho!

Deep breath, please. And let it all go. Thank you! And, two more, if you care to join me…

The book-baby is in the final (fingers crossed!!!) formatting phase and I am avoiding the temptation to gnaw my nails. Mostly!

Blessedly, there’s plenty to do. Kind of like those old stories of major nesting events many women experience just before labor begins!

In this moment, though, it’s prayer dots. The utterly intentional kind, on the back of my #Celebratix canvas, who appeared Wednesday.

First, the Moon came forward. She wanted you to meet her! (We’re still negotiating the eyes!)

Then, there was a dream! I’d been looking at photos of the Northern Lights online. (I’ve never seen them with my very own actual eyes.) And I heard Grandmother Moon whispering as I slept…

Stars are Creator’s prayer dots!!!

And, frankly, it feels like there’s lots to pray about! All the news stuff, of course. The utterly tragic and needless… to the actually hopeful moments.

The more personal stuff, too. Loved ones healing. A major family birthday.

A wise artist-teacher-preacher friend helping me re-frame a filter. And writing me a note like this:

This beautifully illustrated adaptation of James Weldon Johnson’s Creation offers a fresh welcome to this treasured piece of black sacred literature to every child and every sort of family.

The Rev Wil Gafney, PhD+
The Rt Rev Sam B. Hulsey Professor of Hebrew Bible
Brite Divinity School

And, yes… I’m really excited! So much so that prayer dots are about what I can manage!

You see, this book is a really, really big deal for me. It’s like standing in the world, wrapped in hope and northern lights, trying to make a difference. Here’s Creation Moon, in the sky filled with prayer dots, straight from the book-baby!

For now, Lamaze class flashbacks… as a contraction begins, we inhale deeply through our noses, then exhale through our mouths – two short pants and one longer blow.


I’d love for you to be my birthing partner…

because we’re not going back & you’re invited!

Click here, please, for all the details for the launch and a couple new perspectives on the book…

ps… yes! Some of the book art will be available for adoption!

pps… more Intentional Creativity® art to ooohh… and ahhhhh… over! Just click the link, below, for details and free tickets! The wonder starts Tuesday!!!


I went to visit “my” tree, again!

She’s still there, on the campus of Columbia Theological Seminary. We “met” last Spring, though I’d no doubt passed by her hundreds of times!

And, yes… it’s a Filters thing! You see, I was working on a new painting and engaged in a conversation about living in Creation, as part of the miracles. And, there she was!

She actually showed up in my dream last night. Reminders were in order! Back to hippo spirit animals… yet another thing I didn’t learn in 5 college degrees!

Here’s the short version… The hippo is considered a spirit animal that symbolizes strength, power, fertility, and healing.

And, there are about 3 million reasons why The Muse might be sending me such messages in the context of this moment in time!

All the ones on MSNBC, of course. And a more personal one…

The Book Launch!!! (And a mockup of the cover…)

Here’s one of the things I’m most excited about…

Many friends and colleagues have been generous with book blurbs/reviews and I am hugely honored. Some of those dear souls are children!!! Kids, grandkids… joining in the journey! My Fiercely Compassionate [Rebel] Grandmother heart is overflowing! (And, yes, my tear ducts, too!)

Not simply because it feels good! It also gives those young people a chance to see their words matter and we’re all about that around here!!!

Here’s the thing, though. The virtual book launch is happening in the context of this moment in time! And we’re going to use that for a learning experience in the launch event! A big step in the direction of that place where YOU feel called…. where your deep joy and the world’s great longing meet. Just click here for all the juicy details…

Here’s what one of those book-reviewing Littles had to say…

I love this book! The lyrics (yes, it is songworthy!) are vivid and the paintings are fun and colorful. I know people of all ages will enjoy this.

Renae Sharpe, age 13 (Pen-name, used with Renae’s permission and the concurrence of their adults!)

And here’s a bit of what Renae’s Grandmother said:

What a gift! My youngest grandchildren explored the paintings, simply transfixed, while the teens delighted in the inclusive language. The use of the plural, “They” for Creator was not lost on them, embracing as it does a Creator who welcomes all genders…

For this moment, I’ll save Renae’s Grandmother’s name, and just include her initials! MD, MDiv, PhD

Here’s another peek… this photo is of a painting that was created intentionally for A Creation Poem… The Cardinal, toward your right in the dogwood tree, is a reminder of my Gramma Elsie who taught the 6 year-old me that Cardinals are our ancestors, coming back to check on us. (Just – you know – in case!)

ps.. here’s that link, again. We’re not goin’ back!!!

pps…tomorrow is Grandparents’ Day! Check out that link and get the coolest gift ever, for yourself or someone you love. Helping empowered women weave dreams into being! Love to have you at the launch, with comes with a hand-autographed book!

When really good hearing gets better!

Do you remember standing in a line in the school gym, with an index card over one eye, trying to read the chart with the big E on top?

I do! And I did pretty well on the test. What I had no way of knowing was that I wasn’t actually seeing the letters. I was memorizing what the kids in front of me said! And it helped that I could hear really, really well.

My 4th or 5th grade teacher ratted me out. And I discovered that, with a pair of sturdy (read that ugly) glasses, I could see individual leaves on trees! And I could still hear really, really well!

What I didn’t know back then was how much our brains have to do with what we think of as seeing and hearing. Also, feeling… as in touch and movement and emotion.

Now, as the old story goes, I know more!

It was pretty strange for me, at first, to begin to hear the paintings whispering in my sleep, but I’ve gotten really comfortable with that by now. (Which, as you’ve probably guessed, is just as well since the walls are covered with a whole choir of whispering images!)

Another thing just shifted for me, though. I realized that all those voices – each in their own way – are actually my voice, filtered through various experiences and wounds and dreams. And I wouldn’t blame you if you might be thinking that I sound a wee bit like I’m headed for the place known as round the bend.

Instead, I’m headed for more fully me! And, as I move my fingers to make these words appear in the land of WordPress, I keep glancing up at a sign hanging above the door to the hall, across the room from my chair.

And our stories – yours, mine, all of ours – do matter. They are some of the filters through which we experience the world. Through which we form questions and create things.

I had a really big experience of that today! The first pdf layout of my new book appeared in my email! And, even though I chose all the words and created all the art, it was still a surprise in its externalized form! A whole, if you will, instead of a bunch of individual pieces. (And, yes… there’s more work to do!)

My dear friend, and first reader, Natalie, put language on what I was feeling!

It feels like holding a newborn infant!

And, it does!!! A whole, separate, unique individual with multitudes of ancestors and traditions, complete with a whole batch of needs… and, frankly, what feels a lot like expectations!

Final choices on fonts, and re-sizing some art, and rounding up reviews and all the things that we book-parents do…

And, no… it’s not To Kill a Mockingbird. (Though it might grow up to be!)

What it is, in this moment, is the very most I have to offer to all the Metamodern Littles growing up in our world, now… and to the adults who love them.

Complete with some invitations to listen deep and imagine!

My dearest hope is that it will help us all travel the mountains and valleys of this world, and to make space for more and more of us to feel at home and to hear our own voices in the midst of the din!

ps… the painting at the top is a glimpse of the cover art for the book-baby!

pps… this glimpse of a painting is shorthand for the absolute best thing I know. I’m ready to shareand we have to start with ourselves!!! Just ask the calendar elves to hook you up!

When the Muse speaks in another voice…

Yep! You guessed it… she’s doing her Critic imitation, just to see if I’m listening! And, frankly, it took me a bit to remember that, when it really matters, the Muse will use all the medicine in her basket to help! Now seems to be one of those times!

This glimpse of the painting on my easel will give us a place to start.

My heart is over the moon thrilled.

The Muse, who always has my back, knows that there is more thrilled to come, if I just keep going… and do the scary things.

Which, frankly, feels a whole lot like life!

I woke, this morning, resolved. And quaking! All the puzzle pieces are there. And, more truth than I’ve been able to claim before. And, still, we need more paint.

Not different. Just deeper. You see, she and I want others to hear the message of the Cura Archetype and claim their own inner healing healer! And that, dear heart, seems to mean my picking up the brush again and taking the risk of more paint. More clarity.

The thing you glimpse just a wee bit of, off to your right, that looks something like a rainbow, was the game-changer! It’s her stole. A symbol, in the land where I was raised right, of being willing to show up, intentionally, with stories of healing and hope. And, it’s a familiar symbol around here, borrowed from an old quilt pattern.

The triangles form what’s known as the Flying Geese blocks. These are Liberated Flying Geese, in the worldview of Gwen Marston, whose Liberated Quiltmaking convinced me I could be a quilter! And, just in case you haven’t heard, wild geese are a Celtic symbol for the Holy Spirit who, in my heart, is utterly liberated!!!

There are lots of other symbols on this canvas. Things that my heart-eye discovered in the intentionally swirly, messy, random space of the under-layers. Symbols for the most cherished things I’ve learned – and use – on my own intentional path of helping hearts, and families, and the world in which my grand-teens are growing up, to heal.

Much of that healing work involves three things…

Choice. Voice. Sovereignty.

Owning our ability to choose.

Using our voices in service of our choices.

Claiming our sovereignty in our lives. Sovereignty over our chosen journeys.

And – fair warning – sometimes that means doing new things. Some not-the-way-we’ve-always-done-it things! This, for me, is a moment like that! You see, this is where my painting is at right now. A place that could reasonably be labeled farther from done than before! And, frankly, my inner good student is a bit anxious about it!

Here’s why… there’s a thing, Friday. A big event kind of thing. And in an ideal world, my painting would be finished before it begins. Frankly, that’s somewhere between really optimistic and not very likely!

What is true, though, is that I’m claiming what this painting was meant to teach me. I’m more ready than ever to share that learning in the world! And, it isn’t just my head that’s learned. It’s my heart and soul and my inner Fiercely Compassionate Grandmother. (She, by the way, is the one who has tears rolling down her cheeks, even as we’re typing!)

And the Muse just gave me a high-five!

For now, though, rest. Then, food. And Joan Baez, because freedom helps get the Good Trouble done!

ps… ready to claim yourself as your medicine basket??? Let’s talk! Just click here and the calendar elves will hook you up with 45 minutes, as my gift. You’ll want a cuppa, paper and markers, if they’re handy. (Hell, eyebrow pencils will work!) Oh, and a bit of red thread… real or imaginary!

pps… the book launch is even closer! Stay tuned!!!