Just tell the story!

The first thing I learned, in the first preaching class I took, was to always have tissues in the pocket of my robe! (Fortunately, my first practice “congregation” was three good friends at my dining room table!)

That was followed by a lot of academic, traditional stuff to learn. Much of it terrifying. Like the day one of my professors commented that they, “didn’t know where you were going.” In a moment of temporary clarity/insanity, I responded that I didn’t want them to know where I was going. I wanted them to to with me. Gulp!!!

Eventually, though, I got the piece of the puzzle that was missing for me.

Walter Brueggemann thundering, “Just tell the story!”

Not footnotes and debates and endless explanations. Stories!

I was found!!!

Turns out that sometimes painting has a lot to do with preaching, and this has been one of those weeks. You see, I’ve been spending a lot of time back in the land of MSNBC, crying and remembering. And being grateful that we are intentionally able to learn!

The painting at the top is one of the layers of an on-going adventure known as #Abracadabra, which can be translated I create as I speak. (I love that so much!!!)

Frankly, I wasn’t thrilled with where it was at that point, but I was willing to stay on the road. Then, President Jimmy Carter walked into his future. And my painting volunteered to help with my processing by holding space for Jimmy’s own words…

Time out for a bit of history!

I didn’t vote for Jimmy. I was too busy wandering in the wilderness and trying to figure out who I would be and how I would get there when a whole lot of the way we’ve always done it wasn’t working even a little.

Life IS for learning, though, and I have! And so I cried at the replay of Jimmy’s birthday concert. And then the tears really began to fall as I watched Saturday’s Medal of Freedom Ceremony at the White House, live. President Biden and Dr. Biden being gracious hosts for a real cross section of people who had done amazing things in this world.

Eighteen medals awarded. Several of them posthumously.

Hugs and tears and gratitude abounding. Joy at hearing our President, with a huge grin on his face, claim “Kids rule in this house!”

Some of the honorees were, obviously, easier for me to relate to than others. Michael J. Fox. The real RFK. Bill Nye, The Science Guy. Fannie Lou Hamer. And, as Jose Andres, of World Central Kitchen, said… a seat for everyone at the table.

And, then, the ceremony concluded and MSNBC went on to the complications involved in next week’s sentencing of the next President of the United States to 34 felony counts of “illegally influencing the 2016 election through a hush money payment to a porn actor…” (AP).

I don’t know how we’re going to get through the next chapter in America’s story, but I do know it’s going to take a whole bunch of Fiercely Compassionate Rebel Grandmothers, and other wise folks, along the Red Thread!

ps… I suspect Good Trouble will be involved in whatever comes next! Do YOU have some Good Trouble you feel called to make??? Let’s talk! 45 min. My gift. Your next right thing! Just ask the Calendar Elves to hook you up! And, of course, you’ll want a cuppa, something to write on & with, and a bit of red thread if it’s handy. Now is the time!!!

pps… there are changes coming soon at FierceArtWithHeart! And some really good deals now!!! Daphne and the shop elves have insisted on continuing the very special deal on my new kids’ book, A Creation Poem… through Monday, Jan 20. Buy 2 /get a 3rd free… no special codes. Just put 3 copies in your basket and one will be free!

Let’s light more lights!!!

If you’ve been reading along, dear heart, you’ll be pleased to know that “everyone” did, indeed, make it to the mythic stable for Christmas! (Along with a few other sentimental items which make my heart happy!)

The backdrop for our creche is volunteer art from A Creation Poem… “blacker than 100 midnights, down in a cypress swamp” (slb with thanks to James Weldon Johnson!)

I’ve thought about that a lot. Imagine being one of the folks in that rather rag-tag original gathering. No notion of what was coming next… only certain that, somehow, you belonged there in that moment.

And, yes! I – in a very small way – am relating just now.

There are other things in my awareness, as well.

News, though I’m still rationing that!

Dizziness off and on… with the need for new glasses. A very cranky right wrist and hand which makes painting more complicated. You get the drift…

Along with a crazy plan to re-arrange all the rooms in our house. Again! And, no, it’s not avoidance. It’s commitment to meeting new needs!!!

Here’s the real-deal room view from my favorite chair just now! And, no… I haven’t taken leave of my senses! There’s just a whole lot going on inside that needs externalizing. And that means words and paint. (And, bears!)

It also means space! The designated kind! So, the current bedroom is becoming the library. The studio is becoming the bedroom. The living room is becoming the studio. We’re even going to get rid of a few things!!! And, yes – blessedly – the Legendary Husband is on board!

Fortunately, painting and pondering go well together! You see, in several places where I hang out, the notion of intention or words or vision for 2025 has come up.

I like words and intentions way better than resolutions! And, I know it’s a bit early yet, but I’ve also heard The Muse whispering our answers!

I am declaring 2025 to be the year of Fiercely Compassionate Rebel Grandmothers… literal, or volunteer!

(I’m guessing you’ll agree that there’s more hope in this notion than in the “project” some of the folks in the news are planning for 2025…)

The words that chose me are Promise and Persist. (As many times as it takes!) And I’d love for you to join in!!!

What might YOU promise for the coming year?

What matters enough to YOU to empower you to persist?

And, yes… I really would love to know! You can leave a comment if you scroll down a ways, or email me at suesvoice@gmail.com

Here’s another thing I’m thrilled about… the studio revision will give me enough room to actually invite people to paint!!!

For this moment, though, the edges on my #Legend painting, The Time Returns, are dry enough for another coat of paint! She/they are counting on me… and on you! Counting on us to live in a world where promises matter and keep showing up for new knowing.

ps… rest in peace, Jimmy Carter. And rise in power. With huge thanks… he is teaching me, still!

pps… can you feel the intentions rumbling??? The dreams whispering??? Let’s talk! The world needs as many of us as possible on the path to the place where our great joy and the world’s deep longing meet, and my Filters model is going deep and wide! Just ask the calendar elves to hook you up with 45 min. My gift. You bring your notions of joy and longing, along with a cuppa, some paper and markers, or whatever’s handy. A scrap of Red Thread would be welcome. I’ll bring my very excited Medicine Basket! We’ll name a next right step!

ppps… help the Littles you love to start their new year with an inclusive new sense of belonging and wonder! January 6th is the feast day of Epiphany and the word, epiphany, comes from the Greek word which means manifestation!!! The very obliging shop elves insisted on extending the buy 2 – get one free – offer on my first picture book, A Creation Poem… until then. No fancy codes needed. Just put 3 copies in your basket and one will be free! As my old friend, Dr. H. Stephen Glenn helped me learn, “if a teenaged child has 5 adults who will listen to them, take them seriously, and not shame or blame them for their questions, that child is practically immune from ever attempting suicide.” A Creation Poem… is INTENTIONALLY written exactly that way for Littles of many traditions and families! Mattering matters!!!

My painting is pregnant!

Last night, the Muse and I worked on the dove. And added another person toward the bottom. And touched up some colors. Progress… and I knew there was more!

Then, I knew. She is here, becoming… to bring something new into my awareness.

I’m not clear about all of it yet, but it has a lot to do with growth and hope. And, if my own experience with the pregnant thing is any indication, there will be some challenges, along the way! (This is both true and, likely, the voice of the Critic, as well!)

And, regardless of the challenges – and the fear – I’m all in, whatever we’re birthing!

In fact, after the chaos dreams last night, the Muse sent me in search of some comfort. I found it in my box of Mother Mary Oracle Cards… or, more likely, it found me!

Card #1… Our Lady of the Sacred Hearth. There are times, it begins, when we have outgrown our old safety nets. Like a hermit crab that outgrows the little shell and needs to search for a larger home, we must endure a transition that can feel frightening, giving rise to many insecurities.

And, then, this… there are times when growth simply must happen. You are at one of those times in your life…

Just between us, I really, really hope so!!! In fact, I hope that much of the world is at one of those times!!!

Our Littles need for us to be at one of those times!

I don’t expect such a time will be easy. Growth rarely is.

When you get right down to it, though, why else would we be here???

This is a glimpse of another one of my growth-paintings…

The raised hand is mine. And the Hebrew word means, Here I am.

A reminder of my promise… even on a day when it’s way colder than it needs to be and my knee is doing a new painful thing which means my planned pot of soup is on hold.

Sometimes, apparently, growth decides we are ready, even when we don’t feel ready.

And the surprising thing, in this moment, is that, deep in my heart, I can just barely hear a whole huge circle of ancestors – of those who came before us – whispering yes… yes… yes!

Because there is, indeed, more growing to do!

For just a bit longer, though, I think I’ll stare at her and wonder what wonder has quickened her!

ps… right after I remind you that there’s still time to do some deep growth holiday gift shopping at FierceArtWithHeart! The shop elves will be delighted to hook you up with a copy of A Creation Poem… OR, put 3 in your basket and 1 of them will magically be free! Then, choose anything from Original Paintings, Archival Prints, or the Special Collection by my dear friend, August Venuh, and get 25 % off your choicesYou just click here to fill up your basket and the elves will do the math! (No codes needed! )They’re really excited to help you, so fix yourself a cuppa and wander in the wonder! It’s time to deck the walls!!!

pps… I’d really love to know what’s calling you! 45 minutes. My gift. You & your big dreams. Me & my medicine basket. A cuppa. Paper and markers… or eyebrow pencils if that’s what you have! Some red thread if it’s handy… to get one step clearer!!!  Just click here and ask the calendar elves to hook you up!

“We Shall Not Be Moved!”

There’s a story in this post… one of those that insists on making its way through all the chaos and filters to be heard again, in a dream, at this moment in time. Considerable hunting through the archives was involved!

The last time this particular story wanted to be heard – and shared – was on September 11, 2016. If you’re doing the history thing, that was the observance of 9/11 day, just before the upcoming election in the US. And, yes, I mean that election!

It was written by Sharon Mehdi and published in a children’s book entitled The Great Silent Grandmother Gathering: A Story for Anyone Who Thinks She Can’t Save the World.

You, wise soul, see where this is going…

The Great Silent Grandmother Gathering

A busboy, who worked in a café whose window faced the public park, noticed that two grandmotherly looking women had been standing in the park all day without moving at all and without talking.
They were dressed up in their Sunday best and were just staring at the town hall.
He asked the other patrons in the café what they thought the women were up to. They speculated on a variety of things.
Then, a five-year old year who was in the café spoke up and said “One of them is my grandmother and I know what they are doing. They are standing there to save the world.”
All of the men in the café hooted and howled and laughed.
On his way home, the busboy decided to ask the women what they were doing and sure enough their answer was “We are saving the world.”
Over dinner that evening the busboy told his parents and he and his father hooted and howled, but his mother was totally silent.
After dinner, the mother called her best friends to tell them. The next morning the busboy looked out the café window and the two women were back, along with his mother, her friends, and the women who had been in the café the day before.
All were standing in silence staring at the town hall. Again, the men hooted and howled and said things like “You can’t save the world by standing in the park. That is what we have armies for,” and “everyone knows you have to have banners and slogans to save the world – you can’t do it by just standing in the park.”
The next day the women were joined by the women who were in the café the day before and a number of their friends. This brought the local newspaper reporter to the scene. He wrote a derisive article about the women.
The day after it appeared, hundreds of women showed up to stand in the park in silence.
The mayor then told the police chief to make the women leave because they were making the town appear to be foolish.
When the police chief told them they would have to disperse because they didn’t have a permit, one of them responded that “we are just individuals standing in our public park and we are not giving speeches or having a demonstration so why would we need a permit?”
The police chief thought about this and agreed with them and left the park.
At this point 2,223 women including the mayor’s wife, the police chief’s wife, and one five-year old girl were standing in the park to save the world.
The news quickly spread and soon women were standing all over the country. Even women standing in every country throughout the globe… standing to save the world!

The mixed media piece, at the top, is my image of standing to save the world. In fact, it’s my #Legend painting from 2023, just after I stood in exactly that place, under that Laurel tree, with a whole other group of women standing to save the world. My current #Legend painting seems to have learned a lot at the base of Montsegur, and I am learning, still!

ps… just in case you’d like your very own copy of Mehdi’s book – with fabulous illustrations – click here! Clearly, I need another copy, as I gave mine to the (now) grand-teens!

pps… it’s a very special day at FierceArtWithHeart! Fix yourself a cuppa, click the colored link, and come shop a bit, especially if you need a hat for – you know – standing in the park! From casual to fab-dressy, one-of-a-kind, hand knitted and felted, glorious hats waiting for you in the Hat Heaven collection! AND, if you purchase a hat, at the special reduced price, I’d be thrilled to include a free copy of my new children’s book, A Creation Poem… All you do is add one hat AND one book to your basket and the elves will make the free book magic. NOTE: there are ONLY 8 hats available and this offer is ONLY good until the last one is adopted! (And, yes… if you buy more than one hat, you get an equal number of free books!)

What if WE are the soup pot???

Yep… I have a bit of a soup pot fetish going on! Not the creepy kind!

The kind where an inanimate object is honored for its supposed magical powers. And it’s been with me for for quite a long time, in ways both literal and legendary.

Let’s start with the literal kind. The kind where bones and water and heat and time make healing magic. I think it began for me when my son, who was about two at the time, had repeated cases of strep throat-tonsillitis and was allergic to lots of the standard meds.

One of his docs – the enlightened kind – suggested soup. Not the kind in the red & white can. Bone broth. This was great for so many reasons… including the fact that it was cheap!

I loved my soup pot even more in the years when I had pneumonia way too many times. It felt good and helped me breathe.

Fast forward to my first #Legend painting, early in 2018. Much to my surprise, a soup pot appeared on my canvas and – a couple of days later – a phoenix appeared in my dreams, rising from that soup pot!

Perhaps because it’s about to be #Legend time again, or because fall is great weather for soup, the phoenix has appeared in my dreams again.

It’s likely, though, that the phoenix and the soup pot also have to do with what’s going on in the world around us, what’s becoming inside of me, and the presence of anxiety on my path.

Typically, for me, I noticed the words in my dream, first.

Anxiety is not a character fault. It’s not a diagnosis of doing “it” wrong. Instead, it’s a sign that something matters! What???

And that, dear friend, seems like a really, really good question in this moment!

I’d love to hear what this brings up for you… You can scroll down and leave a comment, or email me. suesvoice@gmail.com

Here’s one of the things that happened since I dreamed that dream…

And, no… it’s really not supposed to look like much, just yet. It did get me pretty close to something that might be called dancing with the brush… which could be something that matters to my currently cranky body.

My physical therapist might even call it exercise! (It’s a 48 inch square canvas…)

What I can tell you for sure is that the process is something that matters. Curious about #Legend??? Click here for all the info!

pps… here’s something else that matters! A way to help our Littles feel included in the story of being. Complete with original art, some tips for the Bigs who are reading aloud, and the very most treasured thing I know! The holidays are coming… just click here to get your copies!

Between was and will be…

Yep! That’s where it feels like I’m standing. And that’s a picture of what it felt like a couple hours ago!

For now, a bit of musing… sitting with my feet up, hoping the power doesn’t go out!

Sunday’s book launch was huge fun! Monday’s doc’s appointment… let’s call it progress. Tuesday – moving. (Joints and muscles!) And, today, hearth tending in the Red Thread Cafe Classroom!

I love hearth tending. It’s a lot like summer camp but without poison ivy and water moccasins! On this day, though, I seem to be channeling the suspended bridge over the Santa Fe River in Florida’s O’Leno State Park.

Exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time. And, according to the elves in my cell phone, closed today because of Hurricane Helene. It kind of sounds like my back yard should be closed today, too, as the early bands of Helene make their way north and it’s full dusk at 3:30pm!

Here’s the “betwixt and between” bit…

A Creation Poem… exists. There are copies upon copies headed here – which is another storm concern! I’m waiting to hear whether I’ll have an exhibitor’s booth at the Decatur Book Festival, on October 5. Not a whole lot of time to plan for something I’m not even sure I need to be ready for!

Just between us… I’m really hoping it works!

For today, though… Medicine Painting. (Which sounds like way more fun than homework!)

There are many notions of how Medicine Painting works and even more about what it looks like.

And, here’s the thing… you don’t really know until you do it! A notion that makes some of us anxious… or, used to!!!

Here’s my favorite part – instead of deciding what to put on the canvas, I get to sit with the canvas and discover what I see as it comes forth! It’s a lot like claiming that I do, indeed, have influence, while choosing to set aside control. Here’s what’s happened since this morning…

It’s been a long road! And the first step was setting aside the notion I learned early on that I was not the artistic kid. Which was a whole lot like realizing that Mom was right about a lot of things, but that wasn’t one of them!

The world feels a lot like that in this moment! And all I know to do is to show up being the me I am now.

So… I told the guy named Steve that I wanted a booth at the book festival if it works out. And then I asked what I needed to know! His advice had a lot to do with where to park and having as many ways as possible for people to pay for books. And art. And then he said the coolest thing…

Give people a way to engage!

You guessed it… dots!!!

So, non-toxic, washable dot markers. They’re round, like finger tips!!! Because if you’re going to write a book about including kids, you need a way to INCLUDE them! Probably a few extra paint shirts, too. And baby wipes.

And, if this whole thing actually happens, I’m going to have two choices about where to make the dots. On a spare round canvas which makes a great home for a peace sign. And, as the next layer of the medicine painting I’m deep in today!

Because more people making dots for Peace and Hope gets the world that much closer to – well – Peace and Hope. To believing that WE can do something to create and claim what matters!

And, you know what???

Even if this book festival doesn’t work this time, I’m already clearer on my Promise. And I’ll have two more books done for next year! (Really!!!)

Here’s the cover for the next one…

ps… just in case you have something you’re longing to manifest in the world, there’s still time – but not much! – to check out Shiloh Sophia’s new, year-long painting adventure called Abracadabra! (I’m so excited!!!) Just click here for all the info…

I used to think I was supposed to be perfect!

Blessedly, I’m (mostly) over it! Trust me when I tell you that it’s really not sustainable!

For me, this perfection hang-up has always had a lot to do with words. And I began to understand more about that when I was failing (literally) my first semester of Hebrew in Seminary. Let’s just say my brain doesn’t quite work that way. Nothing I saw made any sense. I didn’t understand anything I heard. And I felt doomed.

Somewhere along the line, about 3 million flash cards later, the magic happened. Almost literally! Somebody explained that a word my ear recognized – abracadabra – could be translated as, for I create from the word. Or, even better, I will create as I speak!

How utterly cool is that???

I’d been writing for a long time before that. In that moment, though, I think I became a writer!

I’ve written a whole lot since then. Sermons. Magazine & news articles. A dissertation. Editorials. Books. Blogs. And, now… another book!

In fact, the first actual hold-in-your-hand copy arrived Saturday. (And, yes, that was a bit close for comfort!)

It feels good. It smells good. It looks great!

And then the old anxiety kicked in! As in, what if it’s not perfect???

I’ve been here before. There’s a typo in my 269 page long doctoral dissertation. One.

It was around that time that I learned a helpful old story. Legend tell us that the people who hand-tied Persian rugs in days gone by always included an intentionally mis-tied knot because they believed that only Allah is perfect and they should not attempt perfection.

I’ve always found that comforting! Comforting enough, at least, to put my work out there in the world. Now, more than ever!

First, there’s me modeling the notion of showing up and doing my best for my grand-teens! (Who helped, by the way, with the new book-baby!)

Then there’s the even more important – and also urgent – notion that all our voices matter. That it’s okay if not everybody hears what we meant to say in the way that we hoped they would. That a big part of life is learning to make our choices even though some people think their way is the only way.

So… A book launch party!!!

Today. (Sunday) In honor of all the women who came before us and risked their safety – their lives, many of them – to choose. To use their voices. To claim that they mattered. All wrapped in an ancient story of beginnings and belonging. An ancient story told, intentionally, so that all our Littles might learn that they, too, are part of the story of love and hope and inclusion.

And some new ways to think about setting ourselves free from limiting beliefs!!!

I’d love for you to join us! The adventure begins at 1pm PT/ 4pm ET. Just click here for all the info.

ps… It’s also possible to pre-order copies of the book at the same link!

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