There’s an old debate among religious scholars… was the world created out of nothing? Or, out of chaos?
I got tired of the fight decades ago and decided to go with chaos as my operating theory. And, right about now, I’m glad I’ve been practicing for a while!
I can’t solve Washington D.C. I can’t solve the Middle East. I can’t solve climate change. At least not all by myself. I can’t even solve all the things in my own body that are – well – grumbling in the moment. And it still feels a whole lot like ass over applecart time.
That doesn’t mean, however, that there’s nothing I can do!!! (Which is good, because I think that would just push me right over the edge!)
And, yes… we’re still re-creating the house. AND we’re making big progress!!! We have two rooms that are far enough along to feel welcoming. Not done, quite yet, but a whole lot better than they were. (Honestly, I’m not sure “done” is a goal for me!)
Here’s the thing… I am creating a microcosm of the world I want for all those we love!
Safety. Choice. Space for expression. An acceptance that change happens and we are capable of adapting. (Indeed, we were created to adapt!) Beauty. Determination. Welcome. Space for grief. And celebration.
It’s a challenge, you know, for a word person like me, to be intentionally externalizing all those things and making space for them in ways that can be seen and touched.
The photo we began with is an updated glimpse at the view from my chair. Precious art. Favorite books. My alter-ego, Daphne, in her rocking chair. Every inch of it… HOPE! (And, yes… there’s a whole lot more space that still needs work!)
Maybe, though, it’s the making space that feels so helpful in this moment. Intentionally making space for things that matter hugely to my spirit, even in the midst of so much battling over who gets to decide who gets to decide who and what matters.
Then, there’s this small piece that insisted on being freed from the closet and put to work.

This piece is titled Reflections! The under-layer holds a quote from Anne Lamott:
So… I decided that the most subversive, revolutionary thing I could do was to…
I’m guessing you understand why it wanted out, just now!
And, when I get right down to it, all this space-tending has a whole lot to do with showing up for my life!
You see, last night I dreamed about half of my next children’s book! It has to do with having choices about what we believe!
For now, though, there is a diffuser to set up with one of my favorite essential oils. Vision. And some more Good Trouble to make!

ps… you can find Reflections! and some of its dear friends available for adoption at FierceArtWithHeart. Fix yourself a cuppa and wander! (And, yes… there’s more to the quote!!!)
pps… stay tuned! Big edit bubbling for one of my most treasured paintings! She’s insisting! And I have to find a flat surface!!!
ppps… ready for some help with what’s bubbling in your world??? My #Medicine Basket is full of tools like guided imagery, hypnotherapy, NLP, Enneagram types, meta-cognitive drawing, huge HOPE and a whole lot of of Medicine Painting! Also, open-minded couples work and marriage prep!!! I have space for just a few new clients AND a very special offer! 6 sessions (90 min each) – Zoom or local – for the usual price of 4… scheduling at your discretion! NOW is the best time for Unsticking Stuck Stuff!!! The next right thing is clicking the link, below…