Our kids are coming to visit!!! Like, soon! This news was a wonder-full, welcome surprise. And, it created some questions! Like, now that we’ve re-arranged the house again, and given most of the rooms new jobs, where will everybody sleep?
I’m not worried about it, mind you. We’re flexible, capable people who love each other. (Well, some of us are way more flexible than others, but that’s an orthopedic comment, not a practical one.)
So, last night, while I thought I was making progress on my #Quickening painting, I was – apparently – also pondering more practical things, too.
And, in the midst of the painting and pondering, a conversation with a dear friend, paint sister, and fellow grandmother musing on big questions. (It feels like there are lots of those, these days!)
Blessedly, the Dream paintings decided to get in the game! You know… the ones that hang on the wall near the bed and whisper wise things in the night!
Last night began with a vision from the way-back machine.
My Dave must have been late pre-school/early Kindergarten at the time. The house we lived in – the first one I ever owned – had literally been built on the back lot at my high school by a bunch of sports coaches and athletes as a learning/money-making project, then moved down the road a bit and sold. They planned to do one every year.
World War II intervened, though, and mine was the only one that ever got done.
It was a sturdy little house. The original owners lived there for decades. Then, they needed to sell it and decided it needed a bit of “fluffing” to be ready. And someone decided carpet was a good idea for the kitchen. Clearly they did not live with a small child!
So, one morning while I was brushing my teeth, I heard a funny noise in the kitchen and went investigating. There was my intrepid child, trying to pour orange juice from a practically full gallon jug into a plastic cup he’d placed on the floor, as he couldn’t reach the counters. And, yes… there was approximately a teaspoon of juice in the cup and the rest on the very squishy floor!
Blessedly, I’d already spent enough time hanging out with my Developing Capable People buddy, Steve Glenn, to swallow the temptation to yell, and set about – you know – stomping on towels to get the juice out of the carpet. Dave thought that part was big fun!
And, here’s the thing. He made a huge, inconvenient mess, for sure. But, he was reaching… trying to help himself and that’s worth celebrating!
Now you, dear soul, may well be wondering why the walls were whispering this story just now, and I have a pretty good idea! You see, there’s quite a bit of reaching going on in me.
I’m writing. A lot! And painting. A lot! And creating a deck of wisdom cards. And getting ready to teach my heart and soul – the biggest stuff I know – even more than I’ve done before. And, while much of this is happening in community, it’s coming from me, reaching!

Which brings us to our #inquiry, if you will. Our question for this moment…
What are YOU reaching for???
Really!!! I’d love to hear! You can leave a comment, below, or email me at suesvoice@gmail.com
And, I’d love to help you claim the next thing on your path! 45 minutes. My gift. You show up ready to reach a bit, with a cuppa, and something to write on & with. A bit of Red Thread if it’s handy. We can get a lot done, even with all the OJ still in the jug! Just click here and the calendar elves will be delighted to hook you up!
ps… Daphne wants you to know that a copy of A Creation Poem… would make a great gift for the Littles you love, in this season of blossoming and holy days! She wants them ALL to know they belong! And, she’s got a special offer! Buy 2 copies, and get a third for free, shipped to the same address. Offer expires Tuesday Mar 25 at 11:59pm EDT and is strictly limited to quantity in stock, so hurry! Just click here! No special code needed… just put 3 books in your cart, along with whatever other goodies are calling your name. The shop elves will do the math!

pps… there’s an old story about a monk named Brother Lawrence who said cleaning floors is praying, too!