A week or so ago, I started a new painting class called The Gospel According to Her. This was a great opportunity for me, made possible by the miracle of livestream and Shiloh Sophia McCloud’s passion for the material.
The teaching focused on the women in the life and ministry of Jesus. Women who have been largely left out of the stories of many faith traditions.
The photo at the top of the page was the beginning layers of my work as they greeted me when I woke up this morning. I sat down with my favorite sunny yellow mug of hot water and lemon and asked her to tell me what she needed.
You see, my image felt like it was having a bit of an identity crisis. I wasn’t really sure about who she wanted to be or how to portray her.
This isn’t really all that surprising. I come from one of those faith traditions that is not overrun with stories of women. And so, I listened.
And I have more listening to do.
Here’s where we are now.
Along with hungry big dogs to feed and last minute touches happening on my neighbor’s painting which is headed to a middle school art show.
There’s a voice in my head that might well be labeled my inner critic jabbering on to the effect of, What were you thinking? All that work is wasted!
I, however, have thanked her for her concern and assured her that nothing in this journey is wasted.
Sometimes a whole lot of white paint over what was there helps us see what wants to be. (And the whole palette knife thing is hugely freeing!)
Then there’s the fact that all the energy of the under layers is still there, adding depth and meaning to the art.
And the vivid reminder of one of the things I most want my girls to learn. There’s no failure involved in learning along the way and adjusting when it feels right!
So, what comes next?
I’m not sure. First, the paint has to dry. Then, I suspect there’s a dusky, sunset sky is waiting in the wings. I’m planning to watch the sunset tonight to see what I learn!
And, I suppose, when it all comes down to it, this really is all about learning. Learning about the questions tugging at me. Learning to be open to new stories of faith. New stories of the Divine at work in the world.
Where might newness be calling to you???