Oddly, paintbrushes help!!!
I’m grateful that they do help, because I’m living, breathing, sleeping… practically eating… paintbrushes just now. (You – wise soul – would not, of course, even attempt eating them!)
I really don’t remember much about my son’s actual birth. Let’s just say that seizures and miracles were involved. What I do know is that, a couple days later, I began to get conscious of the very big truth that everything had changed.
Also that there was this amazing new being who needed – and utterly deserved – massive amounts of my awareness!
If you’ve been reading along, you already know that there are several of the more mythical kind of beings clamoring for my awareness in this moment.
The painted kind, most of them. Also the word kind, quilting themselves together into things I never claimed out loud before.
And then there’s the actual me… breathing in and out. Feeling my heart beat. Curating my calendar. Choosing nourishment. And something that resembles sleep.
As I’m causing these words to appear, it 2:30pm EDT, in my world. And I have spent all of my waking day, thus far, creating and framing my world. My future.
Some of that bustling about has been ordinary. Brush the teeth. Fix the organic ginger tea. Order some extra compression gloves which help my wrists, while freaking my inner scrub nurse out about the whole clean thing. (They’re machine washable!)
Lots of other moments, though, have been about literally gazing at what I’m creating and listening deep for what still wants to appear. And singing along with Joan Baez, only to realize that we were singing thank you for this life, in Spanish! And realizing that the familiar words I read in the wee small hours before the event commonly called bed time, need to appear on the back of the painting known as Inspired.

It is, in terms of canvas size, tiny. Just 24 inches, square. Something like 576 square inches. (Math is so not my thing!) And yet this wee space, officially known as Answering Ashera’s Call, has claimed the subtitle of …a map to my future!
And these words, ready to add to the back, with some help from the amazing author, Kathleen McGowan…
They must awaken in this life, in these bodies where everything they are on earth exists. Their bodies are their own sacred temple spaces…
I’m pretty sure they means us! You and me and the Littles we love!
She’s already claimed her real estate on the wall. A place just above my girls, where she can keep an eye on me. And I on her.
Here’s the weird thing…
I have no idea what is ahead. And I’m totally okay with that!
I’m totally okay with it because I have claimed my place as a magical editor of beliefs. I’ve tossed a few completely… like the whole camera-phobe thing! And a bunch of the ones that start with WE always… or WE never…
I’ve claimed the wild notion that Mom was doing the best she could, and I CAN be smart and artistic, both!
And, I’m experimenting with the radical notion that tending my art might actually be tending me!
Tending my space, too. And my body. And the ones I love. And the future I dream for all our Littles.
So, the one known as #ConstellationofBeing agreed to help me practice. And I channeled some of the been there – done that stories in my memory to do some adjusting. She’s had two shoulder replacements, a nose job (trust me!) and a heart transplant since you saw her last!

And, she’s becoming MY #ConstellationofBeing, with a story that’s more about our chosen future than where she’s been since we began in September. So much so that we’re both okay with the on-easel view, here. It’s how we’re relating and saving my shoulder!
All of which feels way past thrilling!!!
It’s taken me 66 years to get here and to be able to say, with damp eyes, a full heart, and a completely straight face… I’ve got this!
So… brief nap before cool meeting with the amazing Julie Steelman and a whole bunch of inspiring women.
I’m pretty sure more paint will be involved after that. This crowd seems committed to inspiring you, too! And I’m way okay with that!!!
ps… have beliefs, strategies, maps, etc. that could use some editing? Let’s talk! 45 min. My gift!
pps… need some instant inspiration? Or know someone who does? Check out these options – from mugs to “able to choose” tank tops to original art… available for adoption! (Many, specially priced!)
I am not even sure my belief system has edges anymore. It just is.
Very strange the place where the (in)justice system has left me.
Blessings of peace to you.
Oh, dear Frances… I so hear this! And I suspect “no edges” is a good start at coping with so many things we never dreamed of being faced with! Maybe having a center is where it’s really at! You’ve heard mine… I have 2 granddaughters trying very hard to grow up in this looney bin world. And then the question, “What, then, shall I do?” It helps to have you on the road, too!!! <3