’tis the season… for strategies!

I woke, early this morning, with Little Cindy Lou Who whispering in my ear! (And, yes… I’ve been watching the Grinch!)

Cindy Lou’s voice was not the only one I heard. There was also a voice proclaiming, Fear not! Which is, admittedly, a bit ahead of where we are in the season, but hang with me, please.

Let’s begin with our friends in the photo.

Imagine being out on a hill in the dark someplace, making your living guarding sheep, with not much more help than an eager herding dog from a place far, far away. And the sky splits open and a voice booms – or even whispers – Fear not!

Then, imagine that again, from the perspective of one who has not heard this story their whole life long. One who likely can’t read or write. One who has no idea what will happen next.

And, yes… I’m identifying with that shepherd. Possibly for the first time in all my years of hearing and telling this story! And what I’m realizing is that I am, indeed, afraid, for there are more voices than ever before in my experience who want us to be afraid!

I’m also guessing that I’m not the only one who’s noticed that we really can’t just decide what we want to feel – or not feel – and make it so.

What we can do is to choose strategies. Like the Whos down in Who-ville, we can choose to claim the truth behind that old, old story.

We can do un-fear!

We can use our time and our resources, intentionally, to make the world a bit less scary for some of our neighbors.

We can externalize a whole lot of the chaos we may well be feeling… put it on a really big canvas… and paint hope over it. #abracadabra!

And we can use these strategies for good… no matter what particular version of the story we learned as children – no matter what version we may claim now – if we’re willing to claim that, in the very beginning, it was intended to be good news for all.

We can be the meaning!

It’s not going to solve all the problems right away. It hasn’t solved all the problems, yet! But, that, dear heart, is not our job. Our job is to be good news wherever we can, even when it’s scary.

ps… here’s a great way for you to be good news! The shop elves will be delighted to hook you up with a copy of A Creation Poem… OR, put 3 in your basket and 1 of them will magically be free! Then, choose anything from Original Paintings, Archival Prints, or the Special Collection by my dear friend, August Venuh, and get 25 % off your choicesYou just click here to fill up your basket and the elves will do the math! (No codes needed! )They’re really excited to help you, so fix yourself a cuppa and wander in the wonder! It’s time to deck the walls!!!

pps… I’d really love to know what’s calling you! 45 minutes. My gift. You & your big dreams. Me & my medicine basket. A cuppa. Paper and markers… or eyebrow pencils if that’s what you have! Some red thread if it’s handy… to get one step clearer!!!  Just click here and ask the calendar elves to hook you up!


Okay… word junkie that I am, I looked it up! Latin. French.

To form a mental image of. To represent to oneself. There are also, according to the elves in my phone, connections, in Hebrew… to form and fashion… to squeeze into shape as a potter does with clay!

And, yes! I’ll bet you can guess where this is going!!!

Straight to the place where the season of Advent begins, slightly belatedly this year, in my heart and our home!

There I sat, a stranger in a strange (cold!) land called Hungary, on the floor of a local artisans shop, digging ever so gently through baskets of kings and shepherds and angels… choosing my hand made, clay, nativity figures.

It was January of 1989, months before the Eastern Block fell. And my tears flowed as I tried to grasp the courage of those artists, making nativity figures in a time and place when Religious Education was against the law! (Though making money off the stories was, apparently, permitted by the autocracy.)

And, yes… I’ve told this story time after time, since then.

And, yes… this year it feels different. And I am listening, deep.

The literal path my three kings have set out on is in a different location this year. Somehow, I need them to be where I can see them from the magic chair, for it feels as though I’m going to be there a good bit.

In Feng Shui land, their new place would be associated with abundance which feels both ironic and hopeful, just now, in this time where it seems like an abundance of courage is just what we need!

The Wise Ones came from people who had been watching the stars for generations. Astronomers. Hoping. Waiting.

And, it seems to me that we, too, have a road of hoping and waiting ahead of us.

The question seems to be…

What will we follow, along the way?

Frankly, I don’t know squat about astronomy or astrology, though I have noticed that I’m curious!

I’m not much good with compass directions, either.

I am good at noticing and wondering!!! And, more and more, I’m getting good at learning from my dreams.

I even have a name for where I’m headed, however rocky and twisted the path may seem.

Fred’s place! The place where I am called!!!

And, here’s my symbolic map. Really!

For now, though, I can hear the paintbrushes calling my name. What is calling you???

ps… I’d really love to know what’s calling you! 45 minutes. My gift. You & your big dreams. Me & my medicine basket. A cuppa. Paper and markers… or eyebrow pencils if that’s what you have! Some red thread if it’s handy… to get one step clearer!!!  Just click here and ask the calendar elves to hook you up!

pps… today, I mailed copies of A Creation Poem… to 3 different states! Huge fun!!! And, I’d love to mail some to you, or the Littles you love! I have art I’d love to mail you, too! So… the elves have automatic discounts set up just for you. Buy 2 copies of my new children’s book and get a third one free! And/or choose anything from Original Paintings, Archival Prints, or the Special Collection by my dear friend, August Venuh, and get 25 % off your choices. You just click here to fill up your basket and the elves will do the math! They’re really excited to help you, so fix yourself a cuppa and wander in the wonder! It’s time to deck the walls!!!

My Map of Reality has been busy!

We are going on one of those Squeegie Hunts! I’m not afraid!

You don’t need to be, either. Really! At the moment, we’re just talking dreams. Early Saturday morning…

… I heard Ben Kline’s voice. Ben was one of my heroes at Columbia Theological Seminary. Theology professor. Occasional President and perpetual do-er of things that needed doing. King of the Listening Ears! And former Dean from Agnes Scott College, just down the road.

One day Ben was telling us of the night he had Robert Frost as a guest at Agnes Scott. Frost was, by request, reciting his poem, The Road Not Taken… which I’ve taken the liberty of re-arranging just a bit for space:

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and, sorry I could not travel both, and be one traveler, long I stood… And looked down one as far as I could, to where it bent in the undergrowth; then took the other, as just as fair, and having perhaps the better claim, because it was grassy and wanted wear… Though as for that the passing there, had worn them really about the same, and both that morning equally lay, In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh, Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference!

I had chills all those years ago, as I listened to Ben’s recollections… long before I had come to understand that they were signs of something that mattered deep inside me. You see, I – single mom seminary student – was very much on the road not taken – at least in my experience and time!

When I heard it again, in this moment of dreaming, 30-some years later, it was even more clear, and there were, indeed, more chills.

There was another voice, as well. One you’ve heard me quote many times… Theologian & fabulous author, Frederick Buechner:

The place where we are called is where our deep longing and the world’s deep need meet.

I’m betting you can guess why that might sound different in the context of now, than it ever has before! In many ways, there isn’t a road for now. Not an existing one, at least. But there is, if we will see it, a map!

For me, it’s a choice, in the place where the road diverges, between the way we’ve always done it and the way my heart and soul are called, which feels like both the road less traveled by and the place where my deep longing and the world’s deep need meet.

My inner librarian, though, was not finished! We needed tools for the road!!!

#Filters, for sure! My Map of Reality. Some red ink, for editing, which often sounds scary but is, actually the best part!

And my Medicine Basket, ready for experimenting with new strategies! As you may have guessed, it was quite the Red Thread circle! And there was space, too, for Emmi, the grand-puppy, who laid next to me, where I could feel her ribs moving as she breathed in and out. Literal – and mystical – INSPIRATION!

Mostly, in this moment, I have questions! And that’s totally okay with me because they’re my consciously chosen questions, which experience suggests work way better for this kind of journey than the external kind which generally come with tons of vested interest and someone else’s desired outcomes!

One of those questions is, obviously, Why? That one’s easy… Because my Littles and all our Littles need a world where they know they matter, each in their own way, and we Bigs have a whole lot of work to do on that!

Another question is, How long will it take?

That one’s more complicated! As long as I have breath is one answer, but it may not be enough, so I’m going with helping folks just like you set out on your version of the same journey… the road less takento the place where your deep longing and the world’s deep need meet.

We’ll probably need to set down some of the things from our pre-conscious medicine baskets, and make space for new tools and perceptions for the roads we’re choosing, which is totally okay! Old, ineffective medicine makes great compost, which helps the new world grow!

ps… there’s still time! It’s Giving Thanks Weekend! And, there are great deals for you at FierceArtWithHeart.com Use code Giving Thanks Weekend to save 25% on items in the Original Paintings & Hat Heaven collections – even those already discounted! And/or… purchase 2 copies of my new children’s book, A Creation Poem… and get a 3rd copy FREE! Just put 3 in your basket and the elves will make the magic! Hurry, though… the discounts expire on Dec 2 at 11:59pm ET.

pps… there’s still more time! 45 minutes. My gift. You & your big dreams. Me & my medicine basket. A cuppa. Paper and markers… or eyebrow pencils if that’s what you have! Some red thread if it’s handy. Just click here and ask the calendar elves to hook you up!

I was raised by pie people!

And I am declaring that today is National Pie Day… at least in my family. You and yours are totally invited!!!

Granny Elizabeth made fabulous pie crust. Gramma Elsie was so dedicated that she rode through the cornfields on the back of my uncle’s motorcycle, an apple pie in each hand, lest the Wednesday night dinner folks be deprived of pie when the farm truck broke down.

The menu for this year includes apple, pecan, pumpkin, and key lime… really! Fortunately, we have many hands! (And no motorcycles!)

The grand-dog, Emmi, seems content with a basket of stuffed toys and frozen things to be gnawed on!

I did take a bit of time, earlier, to hang in Zoom land with my friend – sister – teacher, Shiloh Sophia McCloud, for a bit of reflecting that used to feel outside my tradition.

Yep! Mother Mary Oracle Cards! (The Pilgrims and the folks who, as we say in the South, raised me right will get over it!) It’s actually another way of thinking about Filters! and you know how big a deal that is around here!

You’re probably busy so I won’t line it all out, though it was great! Let’s just say lots of questions were involved and you know how I love that!

I will share my biggest inner take-away…

You, I suspect, get how big an affirmation that might feel like in the context of this moment! (See, it really is a Filters! thing!!!) The best word I know for what I’m feeling is #QUICKENING!!! (Stay tuned!)

For now, though… pie! Just think of the days before super-markets! Days when food needed to be gathered and preserved, lest loved ones be hungry before there was more. What a perfect job for pie! And a way to value and include people with special favorites!

It’s also a fabulous way to get everybody involved in creation! Too young for stoves? Toss apple slices with cinnamon & sugar. Crimp the edges of the crust. You hear me… ways for our Littles to really contribute!

And, when they get a bit older, as ours seem to be doing rapidly, ways for them to express themselves!

Somewhere in time, I suspect the ancestors are smiling, even though there are some things we’re sharing that aren’t the way we’ve always done it!

Sending much love and hope to you and yours! And, the possibility of something new, in just the way you’d welcome!

ps… curious? There may be some new openings for #Quickening after the holiday! I’ll gladly keep you posted!

pps… what if you could help your Littles claim their place in beginnings & belonging, stay warm this winter, support an independent artist, and save money??? You can! Click here to be magically transported to FierceArtWithHeart! Then, choose an utterly unique hat or hats and add them to your basket. Then, choose the same number of copies of A Creation Poem… as you chose hats and add those to your basket. The elves will automatically make the books free. (One hat/one book… two hats/two books…) And, hurry! This offer is only good as long as their are hats available! And browse a bit… awesome gifts for everybody, from art mugs to art leggings and original paintings!

We’ve saved you a place in the land of mixed metaphors!

You know how it goes… checking recipes, probably some laundry, several verses of the way we’ve always done it…

Not to mention a knee cap feeling way more mobile than one might hope. And lists of things that don’t take time off for the holiday we, in the USA, think of as Thanksgiving. Or, what some of my friends are referring to as Day of Gratitude!

I’ll admit that there seem to be more challenges this year than my Mayflower ancestors probably imagined. It’s a context thing. And, at least for me, The National Dog Show – as much fun as that is – isn’t going to filter out all the chaos coming at us.

All of which brings me to one of my favorite filtersSTRATEGIES!

The face you see, above, is one of my strategies! She’s known as The #Muse and, if you squint a bit, you’ll see some white marks near her eyes and beside her nose. Those are three different words having to do with seeing, in Greek.

Under her left eye – to your right – is Blepo… the first word I actually understood in Greek School. It means I see and I recognized it from the names of things I helped eye surgeons to do.

Above her right eye is Horao, which means to see with the mind… to perceive or know.

The one along her nose is Ginosko or – as you’ve no doubt guessed – gnosis… which has more to do with experiential knowledge or sensory perception… to learn to know!!!

All of which boils down, for me, to remembering to see in as many ways as we are able.

And, if you’re anything like me, it may also mean being intentionally conscious about what we’re choosing to let in, in this moment.

So, while I’ll gladly set some places for the Mayflower crowd at our table, I’ll also remember – intentionally – that they weren’t the only important ones there and they, likely, weren’t the ones bringing most of the food!

And then there are more ancestors. The ones before the ones before the whole Mayflower bit. Way before! And, right now, I’m extremely thankful for my latest paint journey! Officially, she is/they are #Legend Time-Traveler.

In my heart, they are Elsie. My story Gramma, and the connection I know best to all the way-back folks. Officially, they have been christened The Time Returns.

I never dreamed, when I began this #Legend adventure, that there would be images of three beings where I meant there to be one. (Well, four beings, really. We’ll get to that in a minute!) All I know is that they represent generations of living, breathing, dreaming humans who came before me.

When I was a little girl, Elsie told me that, when I saw Cardinals in the garden, they were ancestors coming back to check on me. And, now, I tell that same story to my grands!

Which brings us to the fourth being, near the bottom. That one I put there, intentionally, out of huge hope for the ones who are here now and those who will come after us… finding knowing out of the questions we are asking now, and encouraging them to ask!

And, yes, there’s a big reason for the Red Book in their medicine basket, but we’ll get to that another day.

For this moment, I am grateful for those who came before me. For the lessons I am learning from their stories. Some tragic. Some infuriating. Some em-power-ing. All knowledge to be put to work or intentionally placed in the archives, depending on what I’m trying to accomplish.

What are you trying to accomplish???

Claiming IT is the next right thing!

ps… want a witness for what you’re claiming? Some help on the next next right thing? Let’s talk! 45 min. My gift. Just click here and the calendar elves will be delighted to hook you up! I’ll bring all the gnosis in my Medicine Basket. You bring a cuppa, some paper and a pen or marker, and a bit of Red Thread if it’s handy! We’ve got this!!!

pps… the shop elves would love to meet you, too! And the buy a hat – get a book free deal is still on… but hurry! It only lasts until the last hat is adopted! Just click here to be magically transported… then, add one hat, from the Hat Heaven category, and one copy of A Creation Poem… to the goodies in your basket and the elves will do the rest! Buy 2 hats… get 2 books free, etc.

“We Shall Not Be Moved!”

There’s a story in this post… one of those that insists on making its way through all the chaos and filters to be heard again, in a dream, at this moment in time. Considerable hunting through the archives was involved!

The last time this particular story wanted to be heard – and shared – was on September 11, 2016. If you’re doing the history thing, that was the observance of 9/11 day, just before the upcoming election in the US. And, yes, I mean that election!

It was written by Sharon Mehdi and published in a children’s book entitled The Great Silent Grandmother Gathering: A Story for Anyone Who Thinks She Can’t Save the World.

You, wise soul, see where this is going…

The Great Silent Grandmother Gathering

A busboy, who worked in a café whose window faced the public park, noticed that two grandmotherly looking women had been standing in the park all day without moving at all and without talking.
They were dressed up in their Sunday best and were just staring at the town hall.
He asked the other patrons in the café what they thought the women were up to. They speculated on a variety of things.
Then, a five-year old year who was in the café spoke up and said “One of them is my grandmother and I know what they are doing. They are standing there to save the world.”
All of the men in the café hooted and howled and laughed.
On his way home, the busboy decided to ask the women what they were doing and sure enough their answer was “We are saving the world.”
Over dinner that evening the busboy told his parents and he and his father hooted and howled, but his mother was totally silent.
After dinner, the mother called her best friends to tell them. The next morning the busboy looked out the café window and the two women were back, along with his mother, her friends, and the women who had been in the café the day before.
All were standing in silence staring at the town hall. Again, the men hooted and howled and said things like “You can’t save the world by standing in the park. That is what we have armies for,” and “everyone knows you have to have banners and slogans to save the world – you can’t do it by just standing in the park.”
The next day the women were joined by the women who were in the café the day before and a number of their friends. This brought the local newspaper reporter to the scene. He wrote a derisive article about the women.
The day after it appeared, hundreds of women showed up to stand in the park in silence.
The mayor then told the police chief to make the women leave because they were making the town appear to be foolish.
When the police chief told them they would have to disperse because they didn’t have a permit, one of them responded that “we are just individuals standing in our public park and we are not giving speeches or having a demonstration so why would we need a permit?”
The police chief thought about this and agreed with them and left the park.
At this point 2,223 women including the mayor’s wife, the police chief’s wife, and one five-year old girl were standing in the park to save the world.
The news quickly spread and soon women were standing all over the country. Even women standing in every country throughout the globe… standing to save the world!

The mixed media piece, at the top, is my image of standing to save the world. In fact, it’s my #Legend painting from 2023, just after I stood in exactly that place, under that Laurel tree, with a whole other group of women standing to save the world. My current #Legend painting seems to have learned a lot at the base of Montsegur, and I am learning, still!

ps… just in case you’d like your very own copy of Mehdi’s book – with fabulous illustrations – click here! Clearly, I need another copy, as I gave mine to the (now) grand-teens!

pps… it’s a very special day at FierceArtWithHeart! Fix yourself a cuppa, click the colored link, and come shop a bit, especially if you need a hat for – you know – standing in the park! From casual to fab-dressy, one-of-a-kind, hand knitted and felted, glorious hats waiting for you in the Hat Heaven collection! AND, if you purchase a hat, at the special reduced price, I’d be thrilled to include a free copy of my new children’s book, A Creation Poem… All you do is add one hat AND one book to your basket and the elves will make the free book magic. NOTE: there are ONLY 8 hats available and this offer is ONLY good until the last one is adopted! (And, yes… if you buy more than one hat, you get an equal number of free books!)

They didn’t cover moose in nursing school!

This week I’ve been having flashbacks to my graduation from nursing school, in 1982. Mostly the bright, shiny pin and the extremely impractical, awkward, uncomfortable hat!

If you asked me what I missed most about being a nurse, I’d tell you two things. Summer Camp! And, advocating for my patients which – in a several instances – led to lives being saved. And, yes. I’m utterly aware of the magnitude of that statement, especially since those particular instances sometimes included being told I didn’t get paid to think!

It would be totally reasonable to wonder what brought up nursing school in the midst of the chaos of this moment. The answer is simple. I graduated, again, and there were no extremely uncomfortable hats involved!

At some point, an official certificate will arrive in the mail. For this moment, the moose in the painting is handing out flowers and congratulations, for I am now, officially, an Intentional Creativity® Cura, which means care, concern, or attention. Or, healing. Specifically, it means that there is another huge notion of medicine painting in my basket!

I think that’s probably why the moose appeared, magically, along the way. Not by intentional placement, but by noticing, which is one of my favorite medicines.

Curious? Let’s look up moose spirit animal…

Here’s what I found… strength, resilience, and adaptability. It is often associated with wisdom, nobility, and the ability to navigate through life’s challenges with grace.

I’ll totally grant you that those words feel extremely optimistic at this moment in time. Also, really helpful!!! In fact, I might go as far as saying that the moose may have begun to appear, all those months ago, to help us be ready for these days! And, just between us, I’m pretty psyched!

You see… there’s more school on my list! (The sound you hear is the Legendary Husband laughing himself silly in utter lack of surprise!)

This adventure, though, has a bit of a way-back machine thing going for it. You see, just after 9/11, I spent a year at Pacifica Graduate Institute. Well, literally, I spent much of it getting back & forth from here to there and trying to learn to live in a dorm again. I also encountered Carl Jung!

Just between us, I don’t think I had adequate filters for that particular Red Book in those days. And I’ve learned a whole lot, since then, about another Red Book. Much to my amazement – they have some connections!

I’m beginning to have a sense, though, of why Red Books have been “following me around” as my filters open to new truths. And relatives!

For this moment, though, I’m counting, with all my heart, on the symbol in the top right of the Moose’s world… It means:

That, however, is a story for another day. For this moment, homemade soup and some rest for my hand. There’s more painting to do!

ps… just in case you’re hoping to raise the next generation of Good Trouble folks, this book is a great way to start! Let’s help all our Littles know they belong!!! And, if you’re in the mood to shop unique arts, there’s lots more cool stuff waiting for you, along with the books, at FierceArtWithHeart! (Also, some warm stuff!)