Yes. You guessed it.
I’m coming down with what appears to be a nasty cold.
Of the many things on my list for today, this was not one!
I stayed curled under my favorite quilts, soaking up the morning sun streaming through my window for as long as the dogs could be cajoled into the bizarre notion of quiet time.
Then, having herded everybody out back, I went on to my morning ritual of hot water with lemon.
Complicated by the fact that the water pressure was oddly low.
A moment for email later, I was in the know.
There’s been a large water main break in our county and it seems that “low” water pressure is the best we can hope for until further notice.
This resulted in a whole lot of gathering bottled water from all the places I stash it lest the water actually go out and I have to explain to the beasties that their bowl is, indeed, empty.
Consulting my calendar, I’ve made appropriate adjustments, delighted that none of my online events for today involve video calls!
The dog food is thawing which will be a relief to all concerned.
Clad in my favorite sick/paint clothes, I’ve started my ritual of wholistic plague avoidance techniques and am curled in my chair, red-nosed and snuffly, with a thermos of just boiled water and my tea cup at my side.
I’m kind of surprised to realize that I’m longing for cinnamon toast and a soft-boiled egg. My mother’s version of make-it-better food.
We have no bread. Or, for that matter, sugar.
And boiling eggs is more complicated than usual today.
Fortunately, there is soup in the fridge, which will actually make things better, sooner. Especially if I add a bit more garlic and onions!
Fortunately, Bill bought tissues last week!
For now, I’m reminding myself that, as global water problems go, this is a very minor one.
I’m about ready for prayer dots on my current painting in progress. Seems like a good day to remember the Earth and all those who struggle without clean water. We could probably also use a few (ok-many!) dots for wisdom and a perspective of world community.
Comfort and blessings to you and yours,
Sue, Sarah, Phoebe, and Luther
PS – I could make egg drop soup!