Well, several things, really.
First, not much sleep. And a whole lot of prayers that the new pillow will show up soon and actually – you know – help! (My neck’s notion of comfort seems to have shifted.)
Then, a whole lot of drippy paint. I love drips! My favorite part is the way they’ll suddenly hang a left or a right on their way down the canvas and claim a new path. Talk about helpful meditation!!!
As a bonus, watching drips goes really well with mental prep for a podcast interview, which happened this afternoon. The Grandma Magic podcast. Huge fun!!! Can’t say much just yet, but I’ll keep you posted. Let’s just say that kids’ books and Filters “might” have come up!
This morning’s drips, by the way, will wind up on the cover of the new kids’ book!
All of which is to say that I’m a wee bit behind on my usual Wednesday list. Or, I would be behind if I believed in such things!
For this moment, though, a new mental puzzle picture out of some treasured old pieces!
We were chatting about Fierce Compassion in podcast land and I had an amazing new thought… which, sadly, didn’t make the recording. The good news is that I can go ahead and share it with you, now!
Fierce Compassion is Good Trouble!!!
Good Trouble is Fierce Compassion!!!
And we need all of that we can get!
So, I’m curious… what might YOU do with that notion???
Really!!! You know – like two of our favorite things… voice and choice!
Here’s mine… fresh and timeless from the archives…
What would it take for me to give myself permission to take a whole day for what I need??? No shame. No blame. No guilt. Just love.
Blessedly, tomorrow is an option for such a day! And, by the time you read this, I will have begun! It’s that thing my old friend, Steve Glenn, called modeling!

I’d love to know what you discover!!! Leave a comment, below, or email me. sueboardman@gmail.com
Or, we could talk! 45 minutes. My gift. Topic: Reverse Engineering! ie… the place where you feel called and the next right thing on the road from here to there! The calendar elves will be delighted to hook you up!
ps… This world needs a whole lot of us, and that means being Fierce Compassion for ourselves, too!
pps… painting counts!!!