I had a dream!

And, yes, dear heart, I’ve been remembering Dr. King, and the calendar isn’t the only reason!

As you may have heard me say, I remember being a 10 year old kid, out shopping with my dad and hearing, on the radio, that he had been killed. We lived in a Chicago suburb. And, at least in my little white girl eyes, the world exploded.

In this moment, though, I’m choosing to focus on what I – and many, many of us – learned from him. There’s a bit of information, though, that will help you follow along…

One of my contributions to the amazing group of women on the road known as Red Madonna is to share a writing prompt each Monday. So much my thing!!! In the context of our world, this past Monday’s prompt was an invitation to write about talking with kids about change.

And, yes… that sort of question is likely to prompt us to get more conscious of how we, ourselves, deal with change! I’ve been working on it all week!

Here’s the challenge… it helps a whole lot if we start helping them get used to the notion of change long before the magical powers of abstract thought kick in. For girls, that begins to happen around 12 or 13 years. For boys, closer to 16 or so. And it takes quite a while to get the hang of it.

In science-talk, the pre-frontal cortex, which is responsible for reasoning, planning, decision-making, and impulse control, isn’t fully developed until around age 25. Change, however, happens a whole lot sooner for most of us!

So… a week of intensely pondering – and dreaming about – talking with kids about change from the perspective of a Fiercely Compassionate Rebel Grandmother!

Kind of ironically, last night’s dream began with weather as an example. Wind. Rain. Ice. Snow. Seasons. Then, Grandmother Moon moved on to food! From tree to bud to apple to pie! And then, on to growing. The fun part and the awkward part! You get the drift…

There was another surprise in this adventure! Just before I fell asleep, I was reading a book called The Poet Prince, by Kathleen McGowan. There’s a quote of hers that I love:

History is not what happened. It’s what got written down.

There’s also a story, near the end of The Poet Prince, about the historical event I learned as the Protestant Reformation. Martin Luther. A big door. And some notions of how the church might change and why lots of people thought that was a bad idea. Turns out this version of the story was written down by some people who knew a few more things than I learned along the way! Let’s just say things were a lot more complicated than good guys and bad guys and who got to tell the “real” stories about the Bible. And, yes, there was more than a bit of money and power going on behind the scenes… but that’s a story for another day.

For this day I’m sticking with change happens. We get to choose what to do with it… what it’s going to mean about who we are and what we cherish.

The photo at the top is a glimpse into my choosing. That room, generally known as “the breakfast room,” stuffed with most of the things in my studio, on their way to other rooms where they can work better together and help get more things that matter done.

The moving won’t solve all the challenges of our world. It will make it easier to be who we are becoming… The Legendary Husband and me. And that beats giving in!

Here’s one last thought for this moment…

Let no man pull you so low as to hate him! (The Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. 1956)

Thank you for being you!!!

ps… we Fiercely Compassionate Rebel Grandmothers are in charge of Hope!


Nope, not the kind with high heels and diet pills! The kind where you do a thing, or I do, and somebody else sees or hears or experiences it and – possibly for the first time ever – believes they might be able to do it, too. Or something else which seems equally unlikely!

I dreamed about exactly this, last night. And, yes… Grandmother Moon was on the job, again!

Just between us, I think she’s worried about all the room plans I’m drawing and the things that are beginning to be shifted around here and the rumors that the paintings will have new places to hang.

Before we go on, let’s you and I agree that, compared to a lot of what’s in the news, our swapping the purposes of the four main rooms in our house, and moving all the stuff accordingly, is a pretty little thing.

Here’s the thing, though. I can’t change much of what’s going on in the news. And neither can you.

Oh, there are things we can do… and likely have done/are doing! Things like voting. And giving. And praying. Like recycling. Or putting solar panels on the roof. (They’ve come in really handy during recent big storms!) Like loving our Littles for who they are!

And, when you get right down to it, I don’t really want to be in charge of the world.

I DO want to frame how I experience it, and the choices I make in the midst of it. Which brings us to the next book that’s hatching inside me.

Soul Dancing with Grandmother Moon!

The photo at the top is a glimpse of the cover. And it’s going to be a children’s book, like A Creation Poem… though this one wants to be a collection of stories.

One of those stories will be about change.

Another will grow – in ways I’m still working on! – out of an old quote about history. A quote from author/cousin Kathleen McGowan, who knows a whole lot about history. (I was reading one of her books in bed last night!)

And, yes… with help from Grandmother Moon, I am literally dreaming these stories in the – wait for it! – CONTEXT of this moment.

This moment when I am praying for rain in California and giving thanks for all those who have shown up to help. And for the ceasefire to hold. And – against all odds – for at least some of our incoming political leaders to mean the promises they’re making to real people like us.

Once upon a time, pre-abstract-thought-me learned, probably from my mom, that change was terrifying and that the way to cope was to do everything as if it wasn’t happening.

Much of the news these days seems to be about people who think they can create change just by telling people to follow their whims and fantasies. I’m not falling for that, either.

Grandmother Moon has a different message. Change happens. Tides change. Cycles change. Some times are darker than others, and some times are lighter. And it’s all about life.

So, there’s a pot of soup on the stove. And paint drying everywhere. Some of it, paintings of soup! Here’s a peek…

And, yes… that’s a bay leaf in that pot of soup! There’s a whole lot of symbolism that goes along with with bay leaves. This one is about love, strength, and courage.

So, by the way, is the one in the actual soup pot on the stove! When you get right down to it, that’s about what there is!!!

With love and blessings,

ps… not sure about the whole broth thing??? Check pinestreetmarket.com Chef Rusty will hook you right up, locally in the Atlanta area. And he ships in the continental US! Tell him Sue sent you! (You might want to plan ahead, just a bit!)

pps… from now ’til Jan. 20, you purchase my new children’s book, A Creation Poem… sold in FierceArtWithHeart and I’ll donate the full amount of the proceeds, after shipping, to World Central Kitchen – trustworthy folks already on the ground in LA. AND the books are still buy 2, get one free. Translation – you buy 2 copies. I send you 3 copies. (Of course, you can always buy just one copy and I’ll donate the proceeds from that, too. Gladly.) World Central Kitchen gets to feed more people who need it! This is a great way for us to be love & strength & courage! Just click here. No special code needed – just put 3 copies in your basket and the elves will make the magic. This offer is limited to quantity of books on hand. (Questions…. email me! suesvoice@gmail.com)

Turns out I need a couple more words!

In the fashion of Stephen Covey, Let us begin, this day, with urgent!

I hope, dear heart, that you and yours are safe, wherever you may be. Actually, I hope that all the time. It’s just that enough snow fell here to mess up my tiny corner of the world and the news from the California wild fires feels very close to home for lots of people in my heart.

So, huddled under my weighted blanket, I returned to my words for 2025.

Promise and Persist… in Good Trouble!

And I discovered that I needed some more words.

Process and Progress… also, of course, in Good Trouble!

And, yes… I’m an alliteration fan! And, also yes… there’s lots to Practice on!!!

All of which feels important to me, globally and in my tiny corner of the the planet where there seem to be more than the ideal number of time and mobility challenges. Thus, Progress and Persist have moved to the top of the list!

Perfect really doesn’t seem like an option. And, I suspect you may be feeling some of that, too!

So, the Legendary Husband and I have started moving some things hither and yon. (The bookcases are a big challenge, especially when they’re not going to have the same books in them that they had before!!!) And, yes… there’s a donation heap!

Then, there’s the place where all my words come together!

An Intentional Creativity® sister asked for paintings for an art show in a part of North Carolina hit hard by Hurricane Helene. Money raised will go toward supporting struggling victims of Domestic Violence which, sadly, often becomes more acute in a crisis.

This is an issue that hits close to home for me, for I am a survivor. A very fortunate one. So… a few not quite finished paintings eager to hold prayer dots of hope and intention! And symbols, like the slightly wonky triangles in this one.

Those are painted quilt blocks, known around here as Liberated Wild Geese blocks. They’re soothing to make and, in Celtic cultures, flying geese are symbols of the Holy Spirit!

When you boil it all down, I am persisting in practicing processes which support, and grow out of, my promise to make progress in the direction of Good Trouble!

Five words, which it looks like 2025 is going to need desperately!

And, a Phoenix rising!!!

ps… I’m awed by the courage and generosity and commitment of First Responders and, is often the case around here, that brings me to a new question. How can I respond??? Here’s one way – from now ’til Jan. 20, you purchase my new children’s book, A Creation Poem… sold in FierceArtWithHeart and I’ll donate the full amount of the proceeds, after shipping, to World Central Kitchen – trustworthy folks already on the ground in LA. AND the books are still buy 2, get one free. Translation – you buy 2 copies. I send you 3 copies. (Of course, you can always buy just one copy and I’ll donate the proceeds from that, too. Gladly.) World Central Kitchen gets to feed more people who need it! This is how WE can respond! Just click here. No special code needed – just put 3 copies in your basket and the elves will make the magic. This offer is limited to quantity of books on hand. (Questions…. email me! suesvoice@gmail.com)

An enormous lesson in context!

I wrote a post for today. Ahead of time, even! It was a useful story, and we’ll get to it one of these days. Then, context happened!

Actually, context is always happening. It’s just that some days it’s harder to ignore. The Pacific Palisades fires are a huge example!

Like many, many of you, I have people I love in that place. And memories I still relate to. And I’m not sure I have words big enough for the tragedy that is happening there. What I do have is a story. A story from a meeting this afternoon. A meeting that blew my mind – in the best kind of way. In this moment, fix yourself a cuppa. You’re invited, too.

Twelve women from scattered parts of the world, in a Zoom room. All of us artists. Old friends. New friends. I was in charge of planning ahead. And I had a list! There were, however, technical difficulties. Blessedly, we’re a determined bunch and we stayed on our path. I think, perhaps, we all needed the company and the wisdom and the comfort.

We shared a profoundly deep meditation. We checked in with each other. We quilted together bits of prayers and wisdom in a space of trust.

One of our sisters had suggested to me, last night, that I bring my deck of Alana Fairchild’s Sacred Rebels oracle cards so we could pull a card, together. And, yes… this is another of those things they didn’t cover in nursing school or seminary! It felt right, though, so I agreed. Here’s what happened…

I shuffled. A lot. And then I asked another of our sisters for help. As I passed the cards through my hands, it was her job to tell me when to stop.

(This, by the way, is much scarier than – you know – picking a card ahead of time and knowing what was coming!)

This was the card in my hand when Cheryl asked me to stop…

I’m hoping you’ll take a moment to listen in…

No matter how powerful we are, how much courage and strength we have, there are times when we can’t quite move ourselves along to the next phase of life or creative exploration. At such times we need some divine intervention — a little help in pulling our trolley along, so to speak. When we are at the edge of our own limits and have no more personal resources, we might be left with only one spiritual power, that of faith. Fortunately that is enough.

As unlikely as it may seem, the invisible help from the universe is often more powerful than the physical efforts of a thousand men. That is because the invisible help is not limited by physical laws. It can shift, bend and move in ways that defy limitation. It can affect, evoke and influence situations through invisible, but undeniably persuasive means.

You are in a situation where you cannot ‘set right’ the course of events all by yourself. This is not an indication that you have done something wrong, not does this suggest that you are not strong enough. It is a sign that there is something bigger unfolding in your life, and your willpower will be supplemented by the power of life itself. Sometimes a bigger plan needs to manifest for the benefit of humanity and the earth. You need to shift your perspective to realize that you are part of the greater unfoldment of life, that your individual life serves the greater plan and that you are not separate from its genius. This is what is happening now…. the voice of life is now coming straight to your heart with this message:

“I have resources you know not of. It is safe to trust in my ways and in my wisdom, for I love you and I am guiding you into all that is rightfully yours. Know that what is rightfully yours is what your heart truly desires and you need not fear loss. Nothing that is meant to come to you will be denied and it is safe for you to let go and allow me to move you.”

The healing process which follows says this:

Say aloud: “I now ask that all disappointing experiences of the past that have led me to believe that life is not trustworthy or that faith is a sillly or immature way to deal with life, be released from my mind, body and heart. I ask for help to accept that I can and will attract all that is needed into my life, at the perfect time and in the perfect way I aske to be empowered to absolutely receive all that can assist me with gratitude and without shame or guilt. In doing so, I dedicate myself to be a clear, loving, open channel for the flow of life. I know the benefit in doing so is not limited to me, but will flow so that life can benefit others through me. I trust in this now, through unconditional love, so be it.”

It’s a lot, I know. And it may feel strange. And this world needs as many of us open to receiving and sharing as we can get.

So be me. And so be we who are willing.

ps… even though this is an increasingly complicated statement, the Sacred Rebels oracle cards are available on Amazon.

pps… the photo at the top is a glimpse of my Celebratrix #wip

ppps… the next Intentional Creativity® Red Madonna journey is planned to begin in April or May. Stay tuned!

Just tell the story!

The first thing I learned, in the first preaching class I took, was to always have tissues in the pocket of my robe! (Fortunately, my first practice “congregation” was three good friends at my dining room table!)

That was followed by a lot of academic, traditional stuff to learn. Much of it terrifying. Like the day one of my professors commented that they, “didn’t know where you were going.” In a moment of temporary clarity/insanity, I responded that I didn’t want them to know where I was going. I wanted them to to with me. Gulp!!!

Eventually, though, I got the piece of the puzzle that was missing for me.

Walter Brueggemann thundering, “Just tell the story!”

Not footnotes and debates and endless explanations. Stories!

I was found!!!

Turns out that sometimes painting has a lot to do with preaching, and this has been one of those weeks. You see, I’ve been spending a lot of time back in the land of MSNBC, crying and remembering. And being grateful that we are intentionally able to learn!

The painting at the top is one of the layers of an on-going adventure known as #Abracadabra, which can be translated I create as I speak. (I love that so much!!!)

Frankly, I wasn’t thrilled with where it was at that point, but I was willing to stay on the road. Then, President Jimmy Carter walked into his future. And my painting volunteered to help with my processing by holding space for Jimmy’s own words…

Time out for a bit of history!

I didn’t vote for Jimmy. I was too busy wandering in the wilderness and trying to figure out who I would be and how I would get there when a whole lot of the way we’ve always done it wasn’t working even a little.

Life IS for learning, though, and I have! And so I cried at the replay of Jimmy’s birthday concert. And then the tears really began to fall as I watched Saturday’s Medal of Freedom Ceremony at the White House, live. President Biden and Dr. Biden being gracious hosts for a real cross section of people who had done amazing things in this world.

Eighteen medals awarded. Several of them posthumously.

Hugs and tears and gratitude abounding. Joy at hearing our President, with a huge grin on his face, claim “Kids rule in this house!”

Some of the honorees were, obviously, easier for me to relate to than others. Michael J. Fox. The real RFK. Bill Nye, The Science Guy. Fannie Lou Hamer. And, as Jose Andres, of World Central Kitchen, said… a seat for everyone at the table.

And, then, the ceremony concluded and MSNBC went on to the complications involved in next week’s sentencing of the next President of the United States to 34 felony counts of “illegally influencing the 2016 election through a hush money payment to a porn actor…” (AP).

I don’t know how we’re going to get through the next chapter in America’s story, but I do know it’s going to take a whole bunch of Fiercely Compassionate Rebel Grandmothers, and other wise folks, along the Red Thread!

ps… I suspect Good Trouble will be involved in whatever comes next! Do YOU have some Good Trouble you feel called to make??? Let’s talk! 45 min. My gift. Your next right thing! Just ask the Calendar Elves to hook you up! And, of course, you’ll want a cuppa, something to write on & with, and a bit of red thread if it’s handy. Now is the time!!!

pps… there are changes coming soon at FierceArtWithHeart! And some really good deals now!!! Daphne and the shop elves have insisted on continuing the very special deal on my new kids’ book, A Creation Poem… through Monday, Jan 20. Buy 2 /get a 3rd free… no special codes. Just put 3 copies in your basket and one will be free!

Signs… and choosing to receive them!

I grew up believing I couldn’t see signs… literally. My first pair of glasses helped with the actual sign seeing. The belief that I couldn’t see them has taken a while longer!

Today, though, they’re everywhere. And by today I mean New Years Day, 2025. In the news, obviously. And on my easel! Even in my body!!! And, yes — interpretation is a huge part of the seeing!

And… drum roll, please… it’s a Filters thing!!!

It’s NOT your imagination! There IS way more coming at us than any of us can manage at once!

Intentional curating helps! So…. my immediate space holds some helpful images – ummm, paintings! And Joan Baez is singing along. (You do you!)

Context matters, too. Seasonal notions of resolutions. Or intentions. Focal words for the year ahead. You hear me! And, if you’ve been hanging around a while, and squint a bit, you’re likely to catch glimpses of the Filters diagram in the under-layers of what’s turning into a whole new painting.

If you’re new, Welcome! And hang with me, please. This is some of the best stuff in my Medicine Basket!

First, though, a new lightbulb, last night! Well, two new lightbulbs!

The practical lightbulb came from realizing that using a heavy body paint spatula and working horizontally on my canvas hurts my cranky right hand way less than the more usual vertical deal with a brush. (And, given the number of #works-in-progress I have going, this is really useful information!)

The more philosophical light bulb has to do with realizing that I’ve been getting ready for my current #PhoenixRising painting since 2017-18! My first #Legend painting had one, as did my #Muse painting! And they’ve been showing up ever since. Sometimes as a focal paint. Frequently as a cosmic wink in dark backgrounds. And, in this moment, carrying the wisdom and love of my ancestors!

Last year, one of them even appeared in a business card I designed. (I have a thing about the aspirational vibes of business cards!!!)

This is a new year, though, and I realized – about 4:00 am – that, whatever else 2025 may be, it’s my year for living into the stuff on the back of the card! You know – out in the big world! (And I don’t even need new cards!!!)

There’s more to come. For now, though, I need food, so I’m turning this space over to the Muse named Joan Baez, singing one of my favorite songs…

ps… inspired??? Got a vision??? Curious about Filters??? Let’s talk! 45 minutes. My gift. We’ll plan your next right step on the road to the place my friend, Fred, described as being where your deep joy and the world’s deep longing meet!” Just click here and ask the calendar elves to hook you up!

pps… the Phoenix is calling my name! Might she be calling yours, too???

Let’s light more lights!!!

If you’ve been reading along, dear heart, you’ll be pleased to know that “everyone” did, indeed, make it to the mythic stable for Christmas! (Along with a few other sentimental items which make my heart happy!)

The backdrop for our creche is volunteer art from A Creation Poem… “blacker than 100 midnights, down in a cypress swamp” (slb with thanks to James Weldon Johnson!)

I’ve thought about that a lot. Imagine being one of the folks in that rather rag-tag original gathering. No notion of what was coming next… only certain that, somehow, you belonged there in that moment.

And, yes! I – in a very small way – am relating just now.

There are other things in my awareness, as well.

News, though I’m still rationing that!

Dizziness off and on… with the need for new glasses. A very cranky right wrist and hand which makes painting more complicated. You get the drift…

Along with a crazy plan to re-arrange all the rooms in our house. Again! And, no, it’s not avoidance. It’s commitment to meeting new needs!!!

Here’s the real-deal room view from my favorite chair just now! And, no… I haven’t taken leave of my senses! There’s just a whole lot going on inside that needs externalizing. And that means words and paint. (And, bears!)

It also means space! The designated kind! So, the current bedroom is becoming the library. The studio is becoming the bedroom. The living room is becoming the studio. We’re even going to get rid of a few things!!! And, yes – blessedly – the Legendary Husband is on board!

Fortunately, painting and pondering go well together! You see, in several places where I hang out, the notion of intention or words or vision for 2025 has come up.

I like words and intentions way better than resolutions! And, I know it’s a bit early yet, but I’ve also heard The Muse whispering our answers!

I am declaring 2025 to be the year of Fiercely Compassionate Rebel Grandmothers… literal, or volunteer!

(I’m guessing you’ll agree that there’s more hope in this notion than in the “project” some of the folks in the news are planning for 2025…)

The words that chose me are Promise and Persist. (As many times as it takes!) And I’d love for you to join in!!!

What might YOU promise for the coming year?

What matters enough to YOU to empower you to persist?

And, yes… I really would love to know! You can leave a comment if you scroll down a ways, or email me at suesvoice@gmail.com

Here’s another thing I’m thrilled about… the studio revision will give me enough room to actually invite people to paint!!!

For this moment, though, the edges on my #Legend painting, The Time Returns, are dry enough for another coat of paint! She/they are counting on me… and on you! Counting on us to live in a world where promises matter and keep showing up for new knowing.

ps… rest in peace, Jimmy Carter. And rise in power. With huge thanks… he is teaching me, still!

pps… can you feel the intentions rumbling??? The dreams whispering??? Let’s talk! The world needs as many of us as possible on the path to the place where our great joy and the world’s deep longing meet, and my Filters model is going deep and wide! Just ask the calendar elves to hook you up with 45 min. My gift. You bring your notions of joy and longing, along with a cuppa, some paper and markers, or whatever’s handy. A scrap of Red Thread would be welcome. I’ll bring my very excited Medicine Basket! We’ll name a next right step!

ppps… help the Littles you love to start their new year with an inclusive new sense of belonging and wonder! January 6th is the feast day of Epiphany and the word, epiphany, comes from the Greek word which means manifestation!!! The very obliging shop elves insisted on extending the buy 2 – get one free – offer on my first picture book, A Creation Poem… until then. No fancy codes needed. Just put 3 copies in your basket and one will be free! As my old friend, Dr. H. Stephen Glenn helped me learn, “if a teenaged child has 5 adults who will listen to them, take them seriously, and not shame or blame them for their questions, that child is practically immune from ever attempting suicide.” A Creation Poem… is INTENTIONALLY written exactly that way for Littles of many traditions and families! Mattering matters!!!