I wonder if Creator imagined, when they spoke the world into being, how complicated we – the created ones – would one day make it!
I’m guessing not! At least the parts of me that have writing to do are guessing not. There are calendar issues and tradition issues and hemisphere issues and, frankly, body issues, and I’ll bet my last nickel I’m not the only one who’s noticed!
I mean, Have you ever felt like you finally had it – whatever it is for you – all figured out, and then discovered that there’s a whole lot more ALL than you ever imagined??? Welcome to my world!
So, a plan was in order… Around here, that means mind quilting… and you’re invited!
Whatever traditions you’re observing – or avoiding! – in this moment. Whatever stories you learned as a Little. Whatever hemisphere you live in… you are welcome here, with your precious scraps of memories and hopes, on the path of intentional newness.
Some introductions are in order. Blog readers, please meet Red Madonna sisters. And y’all meet some folks who are new around here, too. And imagine, please that we’re all sitting around the fireside of the Dangerous Old Women, calling in light.
Many of us (as Dr. Estes reminds us) are scar clan. Still standing. Still dancing.
And it is time, in this moment, to call in light, in all the ways!
Stars, of course. And candles. A bit more sunlight, day by day, for many of us. A bit more rest for many, many more. And a reminder – if we’re open to it – that light and rest both matter for growth… literally and metaphorically!!!
Here’s the challenge… the scrap that doesn’t seem to go with anything else in our mind quilt…
Growth means change and change can feel terrifying!
One of the ways that people have held power, throughout the ages, is by convincing others that they have to do everything the way WE’VE always done it.
Which reminds me of a new-to-me quote I learned from a wise friend…
Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire... Gustav Mahler
Now, I don’t even pretend to know what you will do with all these words in this moment, around this particular fireside, where all those who long to be here are welcome. And that’s okay!
What I do know is this… I must re-claim my need for both light and rest.
And that means not ignoring what I need. It means finding ways to give myself enough light and rest to stay on the path.
I have already begun by adding an intentional bit of light and shadow to each of my four paintings-in-progress at this moment. And I’ll add the same bits to the one I’m about to begin… and to all those I begin as I go forward.
Another thing I know is that Creator means us to keep learning. To keep asking questions. To keep being open to wonder… and I will, even when it’s scary!

And, one more thing… it really, really, really is all about love!
ps… know some littles who could us some of this love while they still have enough space to soak it up??? There’s a whole bunch of it – complete with art! – in A Creation Poem… and, while it’s a bit late for Christmas day, there’s still plenty of time for Hanukkah & the 12 days of Christmas and – well – just because! And the books are still buy 2 get one free! No codes needed… just put 3 in your basket and the elves will gladly do the math! Just click here… FierceArtWithHeart!
pps… stay tuned for a mini gallery showing, right here, on Wednesday. A bit of wonder from me to you, with much love!
ppps… coming soon – coloring pages!!! (The elves are inspired!)