Of art and words and soup…

I am going to take a wild guess that my world isn’t the only one that feels crazier than usual! And, yes – there seem to be several wild cards involved. So… let’s play!

Really!!! Art. Words. Even soup. They all begin with a bunch of random stuff, close enough to reach, and at least somewhat free from directions. (Shhhh… I might not be supposed to mention that last bit!) Just between us, though, I feel like I’m dog paddling in a huge vat of all of those things. And it seems more than a bit like chaos.

Blessedly, the creative kind!

Before we go on, I should probably say that my body isn’t sure that now is the time for all this excitement. It feels like various joints and muscles and nerves are trying to convince me that thinking up new things feels scary and it might be best to stick with safe, familiar plans.

I’m beginning to suspect, though, that actual creativity doesn’t feel safe. And, perhaps, it’s not supposed to. Perhaps we need to want it enough to stretch our notions of possible!

The photo at the top is a glimpse of my stretching in several ways. Orthopedically, for sure. It’s a 48 inch square canvas! And it doesn’t fit on my handy rolling table which complicates things. Then, there’s the fact that I am, officially, behind on this #Abracadabra project. Possibly because I keep starting over!

Finally, though, it feels like I’m getting somewhere! And that may have something to do with the words that are also happening inside me. New ways to tell old stories, in a place we’ve never been before. Stories that are on their way to being at least two books. Probably three or more.

Stories for those with ears to hear!

All of which got considerably more conscious for me a couple of hours ago. After a night of scramble-y dreams, I was pretty tired and decided a brief chair nap was the next right thing.

What I dreamed was ceremony. (There’s a reason for this but for now we’re just going with what happened!)

Music. Cacao. Candles. Words I hold sacred. Paint. And one of those questions! (A question I should note is considerably outside the circle in which I was raised right along my road…)

What if ceremony is an EXPRESSION of the Divine, in me??? In us??? A way we share our experience with others??? A way we live the holiness within us???

Now, I’ll admit this borders on a dangerous question in the context of these times when there seem to be way too many people trying to convince us that they own and control divinity. That is utterly NOT what I’m trying to express.

I’m wandering with the notion of the spark of creation, which dwells in all of us… unless we extinguish it by trying to own and control it.

By that point, though, it was time in the external world, to pull some soup out of the fridge and spend a bit more time with my #Apothecary Map of Reality, slowly taking form on yet another canvas. Fair warning! She’s changed again!!!

My Lioness has chosen to become a Mythic Tigon. The offspring of a male tiger and a female lion. (Yes, research was involved!) Once found in the wild, climate change has, as far as we know, confined them to captivity in our time… which is a pretty big metaphor in itself! For this moment, let’s just go with this being the best expression I’m conscious of for my Map of Reality.

Just after she and I got to this point, I had one of those random thoughts that led me on another Squeegie Hunt.

Erma Bombeck! For real!!! Like the old newspaper columns and the books my mom and granny laughed at.

It took me about two minutes to find what was calling me!

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, “I used everything you gave me!”

Me, too!!!

ps… stay tuned! Filters coming soon to a Zoom room near you!

2 comments on “Of art and words and soup…”

    1. Thanks, Gwen, for reading and hearing. And for joining this circle!!! Connection is helping the world survive! <3

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