As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve been painting a lioness! If you’ve been hanging around for a bit, you’ve likely guessed that – in reality – she is painting me! Well, creating!!!
We’re not talking purple nails and spattered brand new glasses and leggings where I’ve been known to wipe brush handles when I’m making dots. That’s all true. What’s even more true is what’s changing inside me as this adventure goes on.
First off, I didn’t plan a lioness for this painting. I mean… it’s #Apothecary! You know… mystical healing stuff. Medicine. (Just between us, I didn’t plan the elephant who showed up my last #Apothecary painting, either!)
The lioness has a new job. It’s a Filters thing! She showed up insisting on being my Map of Reality!!! Wrapping my head around that has been quite the journey…
Then, of course, there’s the – you know – painting! Let’s just say there are even more than the usual coats of many, many colors!
The glimpse at the top is the more traditional #Apothecary part. Vessels. Well, a least a couple. And books, which are – in my world – totally vessels, too! And dots, because, well, everything can use prayer dots these days! Most of these are for wisdom. (Which, under certain circumstances could be code for sanity!)
Early this morning, a bear hanging near the bed whispered the big why… why I’ve struggled so to get this particular painting to do what I want.
Somehow, I got Map of Reality confused with Realism!!! My bear buddy pointed out that those are two entirely different notions… and she was right!
Not being primarily a visual processing person, I had been studying photographs of lionesses. Especially white ones. The reality is, though, that realism is totally NOT my thing!!!
Duh!!! And, wow, am I relieved!!!!!!!
The kind of reality this lioness is in charge of is the way I interpret and interact with the world. You have a map of reality, too, though – if you grew up at all like I did – nobody mentioned it. (Stay tuned… we’re going to fix that in May!)
For today, though, there is much to do. The Legendary Husband and I are re-hanging all the rest of the paintings. Gulp!!!
And moving some more furniture. With a bit of car inspecting squashed in there somewhere, too. Food. Laundry. You hear me…
For this moment, I’ll leave you with the best first question ever!
What are you trying to accomplish???
And, yes… I really want to know! (Even if it’s realism!!!) So, I did a deal with the calendar elves. 45 min. My gift. You bring whatever answer you’re hatching from our best first question ever, along with a cuppa, and something to write on & with. Red Thread, if it’s handy. We’ll come up with a next right step! And look at ways I could help… Just click here and find a time!
For now, back to the lioness who is on her way to more mythical than realistic!

ps… as I am, literally, typing these words, Judy Collins, who is 85 years old these days, is singing Turn, Turn, Turn… A ti-i-me of Peace! That, dear hearts, is my big-picture answer. A time of peace! In me. In our home and family. And, yes… in as much of the world as I can reach. Good thing I can paint and write and coach. I’m really not much of a singer!