Remember vocabulary tests???

Yep! Me, too! Possibly because I’m a word person and they made way more sense to me than – say – physics!

And, yes… most of us have a tendency to like things that feel familiar. Things that help us feel capable.

I’m also fond of an Ericksonian Hypnosis technique called reframing. (Probably because vocabulary is involved!) As I recall, there are 12-step reframes. And 6-step reframes. And my favorites… 1-step reframes.

Last night I dreamed a reframe! One of the really cool ones that feels like it comes with a big gold bow! And it happened – as most everything does – in a particular context. In this case, the context of a whole lot of news and some new actors on the world stage… Helene and Milton.

You see, I come from the place where Milton is headed. I’ve had plenty of storm-generated learning experiences! And, let’s just say that I’ve had several conversations, in the last couple days, about hurricanes and the notion of control not going very well together.

I’ve also learned a new thing from a dear friend named Jenafer Joy.

It involves dreams and, in my case, index cards! The index cards become artifacts of the ah-hah’s in the dreams. Here’s what appeared on my index card, this morning…

I cannot stop the hurricane.

I cannot “should” the world into integrity.

I CAN walk in Fierce Compassion, one wobbly step at a time. And I am!

I can also pick up my favorite gnarly sash brush and show up at my easel to claim and externalize hope in the world with dots. Granted, it won’t stop a hurricane… but the bear appeared, too, standing against adversity! (Really!)

It will keep me on the road. And, as the old saying goes, that ain’t nothin!

Oh! One more big thing… a familiar thing for me, with a whole new ah-hah!

I’m a huge fan of Stephen Colbert’s show. And, exhausted as I was, I tuned in last night because Stephen’s guest was Vice President Kamala Harris. And I learned a new thing…

You see, Ms. Harris – Candidate Harris – explained that one of her favorite books is C. S. Lewis’ The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Personally, I’m more familiar with The Silver Chair, so I fixed myself a cup of cacao & collagen this morning and went on a field trip.

First, a bit of fascinating context! The Chronicles of Narnia were written by a Lewis, a theologian, during World War II, where many children from Europe, including Jewish children, had been sent to shelter in London. Lewis and his friend, J. R. R. Tolkien, were part of a writer’s group called the Inklings who spent their time creating new worlds, with words!

As we pick up the story, the four children have just returned from their first fairy tale adventure through the back of the wardrobe… and are speaking with the Professor about the possibility of other worlds, like the one they just discovered.

But do you really mean, sir… that there could be other worlds – all over the place, just around the corner – like that? Nothing is more probable, said the Professor…

…which feels really huge to me in the context of our battle between worlds, just now!

And there’s another snippet, just after that, which really speaks to me:

But what are we do do? said Susan… My dear young lady, said the Professor… there is one plan which no one has yet suggested and which is well worth trying. We might all try minding our own business.

All of which makes me even more glad to be on team #Momala and #Coach.

May we have ears to hear and courage to explore new worlds! Even in the midst of the storms.

Especially, in the midst of the storms. The storms of all kinds…

ps… it’s time for a magical journey to FierceArtWithHeart, for ways to get copies of A Creation Poem… for yourself & the Littles you love. And, the collection is growing! A poster. A mug. And, very soon, some of the original art from the book will be available, too! Be sure to drop me a line if you’d like your books signed or dedicated! They’re in stock, now!!!

pps… intrigued by the wisdom of Jenafer Joy? She’s always doing utterly amazing new things and you can sign up for her mailing list to be in the know…

ppps… many, many people in my family, going back a couple thousand years, or so, have told fairy tales as a way to invite children, safely, into new possibilities of belonging and hope. May we, like curious Littles, have ears to hear the invitation of our time… to a world where mattering matters and it’s way more about power for than about power over. Amen. Amen. Selah.

10 comments on “Remember vocabulary tests???”

  1. I LOVE all of this. I’m purposefully working on minding my own business lately. (Ps: Love the name Inklings!) I think I’ll go do some prayer dots.

  2. Inspiring words you just wrote Sue,…” May we like curious ”Littles” have ears to hear the invitation of our times to a world where mattering matters and its way more about power for than power over…”
    I appreciate your writings…

  3. Lovely Sue and you always express things so well and pictures always show up. I loved the Chronicles and the magic and dreams we can create if we allow ourselves to just BE. Congrats too on all your wonderful new creations too. I must get your new book for the grandkids as now they are more curious of all things. My 10 year old grandson even stated talking about past lives out of the blue the other day when I mejntioned that I was wondered what all of this would look and be like in the future. He talks to the animals especially squirrels right now too. Blessings. Carol

    1. Thank you, Carol, for reading and hearing! And I’d be delighted and honored for your grandkids to learn “my” story which I so profoundly hope will help more and more of our kids find THEIR stories. And, yay, for talking to the animals! Blessings!!!

  4. your post was just what I needed this morning, thank you so much. I remember first hearing about C. S. Lewis’s work…it makes me want to go back and read it again. my mind has forgotten some of the details. I have learned so much about ‘story-telling’ from my friend and teacher, story-teller, Michael Meade. especially if you go way thing I learned from working with him, was when one listens to a story, pay attention to the places which ‘grab your attention”. there is something there for you to explore in one’s self. I will go to my canvas today and put prayer dots for all those who are hurting and afraid in these events of nature. I love you so…

    1. Oh, dear Olivia! Thank you for reading and hearing. For reminding me about the places which “grab our attention”. For making dots. And, mostly, for being you!!! I love you!

  5. What I gained from you with this missle is courage! I have allowed myself to sink some with all that is happening that I can’t control. Thank You for your wisdom

    1. I so hear you, Dee! I’m trying to focus on things I can influence. Helps me get out of be every morning! Hugs!!!

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Sue Boardman, Certified Intentional Creativity®
Color of Woman Teacher & Coach