Perspective… the only thing we have control over!

I’m not sure who came up with this observation, but I suspect they may have been in the midst of a hurricane when they did!

First, we’re fine… and grateful! And sad. And determined… but we’ll get to that in a bit.

Our tiny corner of the universe has been without power since Thursday evening. We are blessed with a bit of a boost from solar batteries. And some tube sky lights. That has allowed us to stay at home, with no air-conditioning, in very dim light, and essential meds still chilled in the fridge.

As I’m a bright light kind of person, even this has been a challenge. Kind of an experience in being frustrated and grateful all in the same moment. And I’m counting on the notion that Creator gets it!

Here’s the wild card, though…

The Decatur Book Festival! October 5. And, much to my amazement, I have an exhibitor’s booth!!! My inner Author-Artist-Activist is ecstatic! And terrified that the books won’t show up in time!

It’s a really, really small problem compared to what so many are going through.

It also seems to have inspired my Inner Critic to think that she’s in charge of my world! You’re probably familiar with conversations like this…

What the hell were you thinking??? Nobody will notice you, anyway! And Stacey Abrams is going to be there, for Pete’s sake. You can’t compete with that! Besides, all that setting up is going to hurt!

Blessedly, The Muse is right here beside me, even in the very dim light, with some other observations!

This book matters. And you can feel it! You birthed it and you want it to get all oohhh’d and aahhh’d over, just the way new moms and grammies do. And it will. Probably in ways you haven’t imagined yet! In fact, this is what creating is all about. You give them life and you set them free! And, maybe – just maybe – they make enough difference that some people will try to ban them, which could turn out to be a very good thing for the folks who need them most!!!

So, I’m squinting in the dark to write this – on Saturday – hoping that there will be more light, soon! You see, I have some art to take to the festival, too, and it needs edges finished and gold thumbprints in red circles on the back.

Mostly, though, I’m squinting in the dark to write this – on Saturday – because I need to hear it. To be reminded that we ALL matter and that sometimes putting ourselves out there in the world is scary and that our Littles need us to model doing the big mattering stuff, even when it’s scary.

And, yes, it feels like a pretty big adventure right about now!

There are a whole lot of things in this world that are scarier that showing up…. especially not showing up! Not speaking out for mattering. Not intentionally including people who have different stories and wisdom.

Ironically, as I’ve been typing away, the regular power has, indeed, come back on, which means the solar stuff is recharging, too! (You know… just in case!)

Still not anywhere near optimal on the internet front, but it’s a start!

And, I have a sense that the bears are on it!

You see, a wise indigenous teacher named Maria Yraceburu told me about being bear clan, or having bear spirit animals. Bears are a strong source of support in times of difficulty… providing courage and a stable foundation to face challenges… a sign that it is, perhaps, time to stand up for your beliefs or your truth.

And here are some thoughts on the book, from an Intentional Creativity® Sister…

A lovely, easy to read rendition of the story of Creation. Sue Boardman has been able to infuse a lilting, magical feel to this ancient story of how it all began. Her colorfully sweet illustrations invite us ever so gently into the wonder of this story. As a Reverend and ‘fiercely compassionate grandmother’ she is devoted to seeding much good into this world, so that not only her grandchildren but all children can evolve and more easily realize their potential. A delightful read!

Eásula  Sedlmaier – author, artist and coach

ps… stay tuned for ways to get your very own copies of A Creation Poem… and some cool stuff to go with them!

pps… well, we made it to Sunday, and a whole lot of MSNBC! And now I know my next right thing… I’ve sold a few books already and I sent a portion of those funds to The Red Cross in North Carolina today. Then, I’ll do the same for all book-related items, including original art, through October 15, which is the feast day of St. Teresa of Avila, reformer, mystic, and one of four women recognized by the Vatican as a Doctor of the Church.

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Sue Boardman, Certified Intentional Creativity®
Color of Woman Teacher & Coach