The first thing I learned, in the first preaching class I took, was to always have tissues in the pocket of my robe! (Fortunately, my first practice “congregation” was three good friends at my dining room table!)
That was followed by a lot of academic, traditional stuff to learn. Much of it terrifying. Like the day one of my professors commented that they, “didn’t know where you were going.” In a moment of temporary clarity/insanity, I responded that I didn’t want them to know where I was going. I wanted them to to with me. Gulp!!!
Eventually, though, I got the piece of the puzzle that was missing for me.
Walter Brueggemann thundering, “Just tell the story!”
Not footnotes and debates and endless explanations. Stories!
I was found!!!
Turns out that sometimes painting has a lot to do with preaching, and this has been one of those weeks. You see, I’ve been spending a lot of time back in the land of MSNBC, crying and remembering. And being grateful that we are intentionally able to learn!
The painting at the top is one of the layers of an on-going adventure known as #Abracadabra, which can be translated I create as I speak. (I love that so much!!!)
Frankly, I wasn’t thrilled with where it was at that point, but I was willing to stay on the road. Then, President Jimmy Carter walked into his future. And my painting volunteered to help with my processing by holding space for Jimmy’s own words…

Time out for a bit of history!
I didn’t vote for Jimmy. I was too busy wandering in the wilderness and trying to figure out who I would be and how I would get there when a whole lot of the way we’ve always done it wasn’t working even a little.
Life IS for learning, though, and I have! And so I cried at the replay of Jimmy’s birthday concert. And then the tears really began to fall as I watched Saturday’s Medal of Freedom Ceremony at the White House, live. President Biden and Dr. Biden being gracious hosts for a real cross section of people who had done amazing things in this world.
Eighteen medals awarded. Several of them posthumously.
Hugs and tears and gratitude abounding. Joy at hearing our President, with a huge grin on his face, claim “Kids rule in this house!”
Some of the honorees were, obviously, easier for me to relate to than others. Michael J. Fox. The real RFK. Bill Nye, The Science Guy. Fannie Lou Hamer. And, as Jose Andres, of World Central Kitchen, said… a seat for everyone at the table.
And, then, the ceremony concluded and MSNBC went on to the complications involved in next week’s sentencing of the next President of the United States to 34 felony counts of “illegally influencing the 2016 election through a hush money payment to a porn actor…” (AP).
I don’t know how we’re going to get through the next chapter in America’s story, but I do know it’s going to take a whole bunch of Fiercely Compassionate Rebel Grandmothers, and other wise folks, along the Red Thread!

ps… I suspect Good Trouble will be involved in whatever comes next! Do YOU have some Good Trouble you feel called to make??? Let’s talk! 45 min. My gift. Your next right thing! Just ask the Calendar Elves to hook you up! And, of course, you’ll want a cuppa, something to write on & with, and a bit of red thread if it’s handy. Now is the time!!!
pps… there are changes coming soon at FierceArtWithHeart! And some really good deals now!!! Daphne and the shop elves have insisted on continuing the very special deal on my new kids’ book, A Creation Poem… through Monday, Jan 20. Buy 2 /get a 3rd free… no special codes. Just put 3 copies in your basket and one will be free!