Signs… and choosing to receive them!

I grew up believing I couldn’t see signs… literally. My first pair of glasses helped with the actual sign seeing. The belief that I couldn’t see them has taken a while longer!

Today, though, they’re everywhere. And by today I mean New Years Day, 2025. In the news, obviously. And on my easel! Even in my body!!! And, yes — interpretation is a huge part of the seeing!

And… drum roll, please… it’s a Filters thing!!!

It’s NOT your imagination! There IS way more coming at us than any of us can manage at once!

Intentional curating helps! So…. my immediate space holds some helpful images – ummm, paintings! And Joan Baez is singing along. (You do you!)

Context matters, too. Seasonal notions of resolutions. Or intentions. Focal words for the year ahead. You hear me! And, if you’ve been hanging around a while, and squint a bit, you’re likely to catch glimpses of the Filters diagram in the under-layers of what’s turning into a whole new painting.

If you’re new, Welcome! And hang with me, please. This is some of the best stuff in my Medicine Basket!

First, though, a new lightbulb, last night! Well, two new lightbulbs!

The practical lightbulb came from realizing that using a heavy body paint spatula and working horizontally on my canvas hurts my cranky right hand way less than the more usual vertical deal with a brush. (And, given the number of #works-in-progress I have going, this is really useful information!)

The more philosophical light bulb has to do with realizing that I’ve been getting ready for my current #PhoenixRising painting since 2017-18! My first #Legend painting had one, as did my #Muse painting! And they’ve been showing up ever since. Sometimes as a focal paint. Frequently as a cosmic wink in dark backgrounds. And, in this moment, carrying the wisdom and love of my ancestors!

Last year, one of them even appeared in a business card I designed. (I have a thing about the aspirational vibes of business cards!!!)

This is a new year, though, and I realized – about 4:00 am – that, whatever else 2025 may be, it’s my year for living into the stuff on the back of the card! You know – out in the big world! (And I don’t even need new cards!!!)

There’s more to come. For now, though, I need food, so I’m turning this space over to the Muse named Joan Baez, singing one of my favorite songs…

ps… inspired??? Got a vision??? Curious about Filters??? Let’s talk! 45 minutes. My gift. We’ll plan your next right step on the road to the place my friend, Fred, described as being where your deep joy and the world’s deep longing meet!” Just click here and ask the calendar elves to hook you up!

pps… the Phoenix is calling my name! Might she be calling yours, too???