It’s time for C-V-S!

And, no… I don’t mean the drug store! I mean the learning and growing and claiming in all the under-layers behind the enormous painting entitled Choice, Voice, and Sovereignty, much of which insisted on joining us again, today.

Frankly, I was a bit surprised when she showed up during dream-time this morning, along with the voices of Lewis Carroll and Kathleen McGowan!

The next right things were obvious… ginger tea and an index card!


Then, the Walrus chimed in…

The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things… of shoes and ships and sealing wax. Of cabbages and kings. And why the sea is boiling hot, and whether pigs have wings!

A bit of button pushing added to the conversation. This particular poem has been interpreted through the years, not simply as a children’s story, but as a critique of entitlement. Of the abuse of power and greed. Which feels oddly timely!

And, then… another Lewis Carroll voice. The White Queen, in Alice Through the Looking Glass!

Sometimes I’ve believed more than six impossible things before breakfast!

Things were starting to make sense! You see, the White Queen was speaking to me in the voice of author, Kathleen McGowan!

We don’t have time for the whole story just now, but trust me… this multi-sensory dream adventure was entirely about choice and voice and sovereignty! Also about voting!!!

The walrus should be a fairly obvious reference, especially if you know that the walrus totally intended to eat the oysters traveling the beach with him!!!

And I suspect that Lewis Carroll did not imagine that The White Queen would show up, nearly 150 years later, as an American woman of color running for president! But it’s my dream! And, if it takes believing things once thought to be impossible to make it so, I’m all in!

It’s time to choose HOPE! The kind where everybody matters. Where asking, How can I help? beats vested self-interest and authoritarianism and being perfectly content to eat those who helped along the way.

Yes, we’ll have new things to learn and not all of it will be fun. It never has been. But we’ll be on the road to liberty and justice for all…

And that, dear hearts, is what this part of the painting – the Choice part – is all about. Love.

Now it’s time for voices!

I have two grand-teens trying very hard to grow up in this world!

ps… looking for ways to help spread the news about love and mattering? I’ve got you covered! Just click here to learn about my new book, A Creation Poem… and mugs and posters and puzzles to go with it! Lots of other cool stuff, too!

Of dreams and tissues and stories to tell…

Saturday was quite the day! I woke with my whole consciousness dreaming a new world.

Words, of course, for that’s the way dreams work in me. Feelings, too… tears and chills – the important kind. And even a bit of visual awareness. A loaf of bread. Really!

I suspect it had a bit to do with my having watched a replay of Stephen Colbert and Kamala Harris just before bed. You might even say I wandered through the secret door in the back of my own magic wardrobe!

(In case you missed it… here’s a bit of the backstory for later. Please stick with me for now, though!)

The first dream words I recall were these:

Before I built a wall I’d ask to know what I was walling in or walling out, and to whom I was like to give offense... Robert Frost

And then, some more words from back in the day, which went a lot like this…

There is no fence around this table… The Rev. Nibs Stroupe (1987)

Frankly, that one was a bit of a surprise to me – a very new seminary student – the first time I was in the congregation at Oakhurst Presbyterian Church on a Sunday when Communion was being celebrated.

There were no ifs or qualifications in the invitation to that table. Just a preacher speaking on behalf of Yeshua… Come unto me, all you who are tired and heavily laden… and I will give you peace.

You’ve probably guessed that all that scribbling at the top of this page is what happened after the dreaming, while I was sipping my cacao and collagen.

Then, I spent some more time writing, for there are now two books in the hatching phase and I seem to have more stories to tell.

Then, a few more words which may be new to you, even though they’re old for me, and really helpful. Words from Dr. Wade Huie, one of my professors at Columbia Theological Seminary…

If it takes more than 12 minutes, it’s two sermons!

And that means Dr. Seuss, who also made a guest appearance in my dream, will need to wait for more space on another day!

What came next in my day, though, was paint flinging. The kind that involves moving and mark making and not being sure where you’re heading, except that new knowing will be involved.

Then, Michelle Obama and Kamala Harris, preachin’ sense and belonging and hope and mattering… which is a profound change from the guy babbling fascism and hatred and all the people he’s promising to fence out.

Now, I’m not much for math, but the odds are good that, if you’ve been reading along for a while, you’re on team #HarrisWalz.

Just in case, though, that you might be thinking that your voice doesn’t matter, or that somebody will disapprove if you follow your heart, or that “we” don’t vote for ____________’s PLEASE hear me say that your voice DOES matter and it will matter for years and years to come, to all those who come after us.

ps… one of the ways we can help our Littles to know that they matter – that they are part of the story – is to read them stories that make room for them. That’s why I wrote A Creation Poem… and you can get copies for your beloved Littles, in stock, now… complete with real, original art, inclusive language, and paper that feels great! (Also, mugs, posters and JIGSAW PUZZLES!!!) Just click the link to be magically transported!

What if WE are the soup pot???

Yep… I have a bit of a soup pot fetish going on! Not the creepy kind!

The kind where an inanimate object is honored for its supposed magical powers. And it’s been with me for for quite a long time, in ways both literal and legendary.

Let’s start with the literal kind. The kind where bones and water and heat and time make healing magic. I think it began for me when my son, who was about two at the time, had repeated cases of strep throat-tonsillitis and was allergic to lots of the standard meds.

One of his docs – the enlightened kind – suggested soup. Not the kind in the red & white can. Bone broth. This was great for so many reasons… including the fact that it was cheap!

I loved my soup pot even more in the years when I had pneumonia way too many times. It felt good and helped me breathe.

Fast forward to my first #Legend painting, early in 2018. Much to my surprise, a soup pot appeared on my canvas and – a couple of days later – a phoenix appeared in my dreams, rising from that soup pot!

Perhaps because it’s about to be #Legend time again, or because fall is great weather for soup, the phoenix has appeared in my dreams again.

It’s likely, though, that the phoenix and the soup pot also have to do with what’s going on in the world around us, what’s becoming inside of me, and the presence of anxiety on my path.

Typically, for me, I noticed the words in my dream, first.

Anxiety is not a character fault. It’s not a diagnosis of doing “it” wrong. Instead, it’s a sign that something matters! What???

And that, dear friend, seems like a really, really good question in this moment!

I’d love to hear what this brings up for you… You can scroll down and leave a comment, or email me.

Here’s one of the things that happened since I dreamed that dream…

And, no… it’s really not supposed to look like much, just yet. It did get me pretty close to something that might be called dancing with the brush… which could be something that matters to my currently cranky body.

My physical therapist might even call it exercise! (It’s a 48 inch square canvas…)

What I can tell you for sure is that the process is something that matters. Curious about #Legend??? Click here for all the info!

pps… here’s something else that matters! A way to help our Littles feel included in the story of being. Complete with original art, some tips for the Bigs who are reading aloud, and the very most treasured thing I know! The holidays are coming… just click here to get your copies!

An ancient story for this moment, now!

Once upon a time, there was a magical Grandmother who believed – with all her heart – that ALL the people and ALL the beings mattered in the in the mystical forest where she lived.

Her name was Daphne, which comes from an ancient story about Laurel trees. The leaves of Laurel trees were used for crowns in contests like the Olympic Games and called to mind things which the world very much needed, like inspiration and healing and art. The Laurel tree was also a symbol of the end of war.

You may have met a Laurel tree as a bay leaf in your soup! We don’t eat them, but they’re busy adding flavor and healing energy! Daphne was very glad to know about Laurel trees, and bay leaves, for the world she loved needed lots of healing.

Daphne worked and worked to help healing happen, for she had many, many beloveds trying hard to grow up in her forest.

When Daphne was very young, her own grammy called the family together one day and asked them all to sit in a circle in the forest. Then, she passed a very, very big ball of red yarn back and forth across the circle until it looked like a spider web, with each beloved holding a piece. Then, Grammy told an old, old story. A story so old that it was called a legend.

A legend is a story that comes down from the past and has been told many, many times in many, many places. Part of the magic of a legend is that listeners learn new things, depending on what is going on in their worlds at that moment in time.

Then, Daphne’s grammy handed each beloved a leaf with a name written, magically, upon it. The names were of the plants and animals which lived in the forest, along with other natural wonders like moon and water.

Then, the fun began! Each member of the family shared a way that the forest-dweller on their leaf related to the forest-dweller on the leaf of the one across the red thread circle from them. Imagine it like this…

You are there in the circle in the forest and your leaf says honey bee. The person across the circle from you is holding a leaf that says dandelion. You – wise one – might share that dandelions help feed bees so that they can make honey to help animals and humans.

Daphne, who – as you have guessed – is a bear, had to think and think and think to understand how she, as a bear, worked together with river. Then, she knew! River gave her water to drink and helped keep the forest healthy so things worked better for all who lived there.

And on it goes, until each member of the family has spoken the ways they all work together in the magical forest!

Daphne loved that game! Then, Daphne grew up and learned many, many more stories along the way.

One day, she was sitting in a circle with some new friends. The kind of friends called artists. One of the teachers – whose name meant Wisdom, told them a story about red thread. First the wise artist teacher explained that the story she was going to tell was very, very old. So old it was called a legend.

Because the legend had been told since ancient times, in many places and languages, there were many ways to tell it. The one Daphne loved the best was this:

We are all connected by a magical red thread, even before we are born, to beings who will matter in our lives. To beings who will help us become who we were born to be.

Daphne is sharing that legend, still, with people who are looking for connection and ways to matter. Just like she is sharing it with you, now.

And Grandmother Moon is smiling!

ps.. this is a painting of a Laurel tree I met in France. It has a very special story… for another day.

pps… Daphne is busy writing a new book with more stories like this one – AND – there’s a book already ready to read! A book with a story of beginnings and belonging. Just click here to get copies for the Littles you love!

ppps… the statue, peering over Daphne’s shoulder in the photo we began with, holds the spirit of many, many of my ancestors, all thrilled with the hope of this moment! And their message is: PLEASE VOTE!

So, it’s time I told you a secret…

When I was a little kid, I sucked my thumb… much to my parents’ dismay.

Mom tried to bribe me out of it. Dad was more of an ominous outcome sort. You know… everybody will laugh at you and you’ll have crooked teeth forever.

They meant well. It just didn’t feel good, or help much at the time!

Update… I do have crooked teeth which I’d bet is way more of a genetic thing than I could grasp when I was six.

And, I’m eternally grateful that I managed to quit on my own, long before I began scrubbing for the Vet in surgery, while I was in high school.

I still need help coping with anxiety sometimes. Kind of ironically, my hand-washing fetish kind of helps! And so does understanding things like neuro-linguistic processing and prayer dots.

At this particular moment in time, I’m glad to have choices because I am, in fact, pretty anxious about – you know – the future of the world.

You, clever reader, have already guessed that one of those strategies is prayer dots. Or dots of intention. And, I suspect my need for a place to make dots had something to do with my #workinprogress bear insisting on leaving her brown bear costume behind and claiming her inner Panda!

The photo, above, is where we were Tuesday night.

One secret before we go on… dots do not all need to be round!

Here’s where we were this afternoon, after a whole lot of news and ready for a nap…

I’m hearthtending today, in the Red Thread Cafe Classroom and suspect there will be more time for dots along the way. First, though, a moment for the curious counselor who lives inside me.

What if… maybe – just maybe – we helped our Littles learn some things that would help them manage the anxiety that comes naturally from the unknown, without shaming or blaming them for just trying to get through the day?

Some ways to use our feelings to create something em-power-ing where it seemed there was nothing. Kind of an Abracadabra kind of adventure…

That’s how this painting began. A recent booth at a book festival. A blank canvas. And a whole bunch of Littles thrilled to learn that they could think a word and make a dot and get just a bit closer to something they hoped for. And a bunch of open-minded Bigs, willing to learn along beside them.

I know… if you’ve been hanging around more than 10 minutes you’ve probably heard this message before. For me, it’s one of those as many times as it takes kind of things! And, there’s another secret thing hiding there next to the bear!

Yep… Filters!!! The whole pinky-purple, triangle shaped thing is a somewhat gentler representatin of the 2-3 Billion bits of information coming at me, and you, and all of us in any one moment.

And, the making of the dots is one effective strategy for coping with all of that. For me, it goes kind of like this…

A half hour of news.

Then, as many dots as I can make out of a puddle of paint about the size of a quarter. The fingerprint kind are easier on my wrist than the paintbrush kind, and more sensory, too.

And, yes… I’ll probably wear paint clothes with my Good Trouble button when the Legendary Husband and I set out for our hot date to vote on Friday.

My dots, of course, are for Hope! We Fiercely Compassionate Rebel Grandmothers are like that!

ps… one great way to introduce your Littles to the whole dot deal is with their very own copy of A Creation Poem… Just click here to order yours! (And, hurry! The ones in stock ship faster!)

Sometimes “mattering” takes us out of our comfort zones!

Okay… maybe OFTEN “mattering” takes us out of our comfort zones! And it’s likely that, in these days, you’re having a bit of practice with this, too!

Let’s start by acknowledging that each one of us is carrying a lifetime of surviving around with us and that can get really heavy. Also – sometimes – outdated!

Let’s start at the very beginning. (Which IS a very good place to start!)

Here’s one of my most useful bits of inner luggage, attributed, by one of my favorite teachers, to the ground-breaking healer, Carl Jung.

The first thing we learn is that survival depends on keeping the big people happy.

And, when we’re three weeks old, it’s true.

Part of growing and learning, though, is that other things become true, as well! Largely because CONTEXT changes! (And, yes… I’ve been watching MSNBC again!)

And, we’re not three weeks old anymore! I got a big reminder of that a couple days ago when my son sent me a message asking for a photo of himself before he was two years old, for some work adventure.

And, wow, did I take a big trip down memory lane! Ultimately, this is what I came up with…

My son, and my dad, a very thrilled Grampy! A glimpse my son said he didn’t remember seeing before.

And all of this photo-hunting mission was going on while I was still waiting to hear from family and friends in the path of hurricane Milton… wondering what – and who – would be left.

Blessedly, my Florida tribe is safe and relatively un-scathed. Many more are not.

And I am reminded of the revelation that sometimes keeping the big people happy doesn’t mean what we thought it did, back in the days before we were capable of miracles like abstract thought.

If you’ve been reading along for a bit, you probably know I have a thing about limiting beliefs. And how heavy they can be! They’re also blessedly easy to identify, once you know the secret code! Here you go…

Limiting beliefs most often start this way…

WE Always — or — WE Never…

Are you with me? Here’s one of the ones I was raised with…

WE Always vote Republican!

Once upon a time, it was true. And, now, it is not.

Somewhere, in a jewelry box in Florida, there is a rhinestone pin that spells out IKE from the days when Granny worked for the Minnesota Republican Headquarters. And I’m utterly certain that it was Granny doing the absolute best she knew at the time.

The time, however, has changed. And I am editing the WE Always… bit for me, in my time.

WE Always vote for the candidates who think ALL our Littles – who they are and what they need – matter!

There’s room for a whole lot of us under this tent!

Last night, I worked some more on the painting you glimpsed as we began.

Specifically, I added the round bit of turquoise paint you’ll see, near the center, if you look closely. A symbol of VOICE. (It’s a chakra thing which I find helpful, even if I didn’t learn it in nursing school or seminary!)

And with the paint, I added an intention.

To use MY voice to help protect and heal the world our Littles are inheriting. All of them!

It is my way of walking the Way of Love. And that, dear hearts, is what the red flower in the bottom corner is all about! You see, I’ve learned a lot more about WE than my grandmothers had a chance to learn. And I’m all in!

Sometimes, “mattering” really does take us out of our comfort zonesand that’s where HOPE happens!!!

ps… get your in-stock copies of the book-baby, A Creation Poem… now! Our Littles need to hear that they belong. That they matter. (Just click the title/link to be magically transported!)

pps… yep! I’m goin’ to meddlin’! There’s never been a perfect choice at the polls. There are no perfect humans. But voting for a third party candidate with absolutely no chance of winning, or not voting at all – while it may be tempting – is actually voting for the ones whose vision is “Dictator on day one”. And they’re serious! So, PLEASE, let your voice matter!

Remember vocabulary tests???

Yep! Me, too! Possibly because I’m a word person and they made way more sense to me than – say – physics!

And, yes… most of us have a tendency to like things that feel familiar. Things that help us feel capable.

I’m also fond of an Ericksonian Hypnosis technique called reframing. (Probably because vocabulary is involved!) As I recall, there are 12-step reframes. And 6-step reframes. And my favorites… 1-step reframes.

Last night I dreamed a reframe! One of the really cool ones that feels like it comes with a big gold bow! And it happened – as most everything does – in a particular context. In this case, the context of a whole lot of news and some new actors on the world stage… Helene and Milton.

You see, I come from the place where Milton is headed. I’ve had plenty of storm-generated learning experiences! And, let’s just say that I’ve had several conversations, in the last couple days, about hurricanes and the notion of control not going very well together.

I’ve also learned a new thing from a dear friend named Jenafer Joy.

It involves dreams and, in my case, index cards! The index cards become artifacts of the ah-hah’s in the dreams. Here’s what appeared on my index card, this morning…

I cannot stop the hurricane.

I cannot “should” the world into integrity.

I CAN walk in Fierce Compassion, one wobbly step at a time. And I am!

I can also pick up my favorite gnarly sash brush and show up at my easel to claim and externalize hope in the world with dots. Granted, it won’t stop a hurricane… but the bear appeared, too, standing against adversity! (Really!)

It will keep me on the road. And, as the old saying goes, that ain’t nothin!

Oh! One more big thing… a familiar thing for me, with a whole new ah-hah!

I’m a huge fan of Stephen Colbert’s show. And, exhausted as I was, I tuned in last night because Stephen’s guest was Vice President Kamala Harris. And I learned a new thing…

You see, Ms. Harris – Candidate Harris – explained that one of her favorite books is C. S. Lewis’ The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Personally, I’m more familiar with The Silver Chair, so I fixed myself a cup of cacao & collagen this morning and went on a field trip.

First, a bit of fascinating context! The Chronicles of Narnia were written by a Lewis, a theologian, during World War II, where many children from Europe, including Jewish children, had been sent to shelter in London. Lewis and his friend, J. R. R. Tolkien, were part of a writer’s group called the Inklings who spent their time creating new worlds, with words!

As we pick up the story, the four children have just returned from their first fairy tale adventure through the back of the wardrobe… and are speaking with the Professor about the possibility of other worlds, like the one they just discovered.

But do you really mean, sir… that there could be other worlds – all over the place, just around the corner – like that? Nothing is more probable, said the Professor…

…which feels really huge to me in the context of our battle between worlds, just now!

And there’s another snippet, just after that, which really speaks to me:

But what are we do do? said Susan… My dear young lady, said the Professor… there is one plan which no one has yet suggested and which is well worth trying. We might all try minding our own business.

All of which makes me even more glad to be on team #Momala and #Coach.

May we have ears to hear and courage to explore new worlds! Even in the midst of the storms.

Especially, in the midst of the storms. The storms of all kinds…

ps… it’s time for a magical journey to FierceArtWithHeart, for ways to get copies of A Creation Poem… for yourself & the Littles you love. And, the collection is growing! A poster. A mug. And, very soon, some of the original art from the book will be available, too! Be sure to drop me a line if you’d like your books signed or dedicated! They’re in stock, now!!!

pps… intrigued by the wisdom of Jenafer Joy? She’s always doing utterly amazing new things and you can sign up for her mailing list to be in the know…

ppps… many, many people in my family, going back a couple thousand years, or so, have told fairy tales as a way to invite children, safely, into new possibilities of belonging and hope. May we, like curious Littles, have ears to hear the invitation of our time… to a world where mattering matters and it’s way more about power for than about power over. Amen. Amen. Selah.

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