And, no… I don’t mean the drug store! I mean the learning and growing and claiming in all the under-layers behind the enormous painting entitled Choice, Voice, and Sovereignty, much of which insisted on joining us again, today.
Frankly, I was a bit surprised when she showed up during dream-time this morning, along with the voices of Lewis Carroll and Kathleen McGowan!
The next right things were obvious… ginger tea and an index card!
My dreams declared a holiday… it’s HOPE day in my world.
Words, images, choices… even food!
Because I can!!!
Then, the Walrus chimed in…
The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things… of shoes and ships and sealing wax. Of cabbages and kings. And why the sea is boiling hot, and whether pigs have wings!
A bit of button pushing added to the conversation. This particular poem has been interpreted through the years, not simply as a children’s story, but as a critique of entitlement. Of the abuse of power and greed. Which feels oddly timely!
And, then… another Lewis Carroll voice. The White Queen, in Alice Through the Looking Glass!
Sometimes I’ve believed more than six impossible things before breakfast!
Things were starting to make sense! You see, the White Queen was speaking to me in the voice of author, Kathleen McGowan!
We don’t have time for the whole story just now, but trust me… this multi-sensory dream adventure was entirely about choice and voice and sovereignty! Also about voting!!!
The walrus should be a fairly obvious reference, especially if you know that the walrus totally intended to eat the oysters traveling the beach with him!!!
And I suspect that Lewis Carroll did not imagine that The White Queen would show up, nearly 150 years later, as an American woman of color running for president! But it’s my dream! And, if it takes believing things once thought to be impossible to make it so, I’m all in!
It’s time to choose HOPE! The kind where everybody matters. Where asking, How can I help? beats vested self-interest and authoritarianism and being perfectly content to eat those who helped along the way.
Yes, we’ll have new things to learn and not all of it will be fun. It never has been. But we’ll be on the road to liberty and justice for all…
And that, dear hearts, is what this part of the painting – the Choice part – is all about. Love.

Now it’s time for voices!
I have two grand-teens trying very hard to grow up in this world!

ps… looking for ways to help spread the news about love and mattering? I’ve got you covered! Just click here to learn about my new book, A Creation Poem… and mugs and posters and puzzles to go with it! Lots of other cool stuff, too!