The day I DIDN’T buy a bookcase…

And, yes! That’s not a sentence I remember needing ever before!

I think it was the paintings’ fault! Not simply because bookshelves take up space where art could hang – and we’re kind of short on that – but also because I seem to be ready to let go of some things I no longer need.

Gasp! Some of those things are books. You know the kind… tempting but not really helping, like a whole lot of pasta cookbooks. And desserts. And trendy ideas for getting rich quick. And some old therapy ideas in way smaller boxes than I can handle these days.

The regular books, however, are not the whole problem. There are also spiral notebooks which are probably actually multiplying in the dark. (Well… it feels like it!) Like everything I’ve written down or doodled since long before 2017, when I began my Intentional Creativity® adventures. Big, bulky, no labels on the wire bindings. More security than actual help, some of them.

I’ve managed to weed out about half of those. Saved what I needed. Pulled out all the used pages I didn’t, for recycling. Saved a bunch of blank pages to share with a couple of twins who just turned eight. And – gulp – made space. You see, this weekend brought some power-full turning points.

Then, kind of as a reward for all the weeding… graduation from the Origins program I’ve been absorbed by for nearly a year. No protests. No arrests. Just a bunch of amazing women celebrating new ways to create a world that works better for everybody. (We have a 501 year plan!)

And a bit of conscious breathing as the next right things begin. Celebratrix and Animystica. There are only two things I know for sure… there will be new things to learn… and I need space!

Well, actually, there’s one more thing I know… what we’re doing is a big part of creating the world our Littles will inherit.

And that, dear heart, will keep me putting one foot in front of the other. I did some math today and realized that one of my grand-teens will be choosing colleges in a couple years and both of them will able to vote in the 2028 US Presidential election. IF there is one!!!

So… this is Guardians of Fierce Compassion… Then. Now. Always. They’re pretty much in charge in my world!

And they’re totally agreed that this is the map! As above… so below!

Tomorrow I’ll start re-arranging the same old bookshelves with what I need most – NOW – in the easiest places to reach, perhaps with a bit of help from the Feng Shui elves! You see, I’m clearer on where I want to be. And clearer about what I’m willing to claim in order to get closer.

Paintings and crystals and treasured gifts can be intentions!

And space can be an intention, too!!! Especially space that holds a prayer. This is mine…

Holy Mother, hear my prayer. Teach me and hold me in your strength. May I, too, be chosen, safe, and loved, along with ALL your children. Amen. Amen. Selah.

ps… if you have a dream, too, and are ready to explore some power-full tools for living into it, let’s talk! I have space for a couple of individual dreamers and a new group coming soon! 30 min. My gift. The calendar elves will be delighted to hook you up!

pps… the adventure known as Red Madonna is off to the kind of start that feels filled with both comfort and newness. And, there’s still time to join us!!! Fix yourself a cuppa, put your feet up, and listen deep. You may just hear what you’re longing for! (No painting experience needed! I promise!!!) And there’s a pop-up painting session with Shiloh on Friday!!!

Healing Whole Me!

Long before I began to paint, I taught myself to quilt in the liberated fashion of Gwen Marston.

Clearly, my consciousness is quilting, still! Bits of this and cherished scraps of that…

Saturday, Sunday, and Monday were all big days for beginnings.

Painting on Saturday and Sunday. Some new Medicine Basket magic on Monday. And all of that hatching inside me in a manner totally without neat edges!

What you’re looking at, above, will one day – about a year from now – become a painting of my Guardian Angel. And, yes… there’s a whole lot more work to be done!

The first thing my future Angel whispered to me was that it’s okay that painting and tending the livestream chat all at once is hard. At least it is for me! So, I haven’t made quite as much progress as some of the others on this path… and I will!

There will be a Celebratrix involved in this paint journey, too… soon!

In a way, the auditory-digital processing part of me pretty much took charge during all the live adventures. And got really excited about some music from COPPER WIMMIN.

Here’s what I scribbled down from one of their songs…

  • What would you have me hear?
  • What would you have me feel?
  • Where would you have me go?
  • What would you have me do?
  • What would you have me say?

And the closing line was: Beloved, let your will be done through me.

Well… that certainly made the inquiries for my very first Medicine Basket Monday journal prompts obvious! A huge relief as I really needed to sleep! My auditory-digital processing Muse did not, however, get the message!

There was a poem in my dreams. One I couldn’t quite catch consciously.

There was also a song. One I’d loved for ages, and couldn’t quite place. Research was in order. It took a bit. My first assumption was James Taylor’s Lullaby album. Not so much! As I hummed along, though, more of the lyrics began to come back to me. Finally I had enough of them to get a hit somewhere in web land.

Get this… what popped up was one of my blogs from 2018, when I was just setting out on Color of Woman! Singer, songwriter, and old camp buddy, Jim Morgan! This is a song he taught a bunch of teens and adults who loved them… Imagine this in the voice of the Divine, please, if that works for you… 

Ooo, child don’t you walk away telling me it’s nothing at all when I can see those tears swimming in your eyes, sayin’ your self-confidence has had a great fall. It’s just natural to want to hide when you’re feelin’ that you just don’t belong. Why don’t you crawl up here and sit by my side ’cause when you’re sad I want to sing you this song. ‘Cause you’re alright, you’re alright, you’re alright, you’re just as fine as you can be. And you can stay right here as long as you like ’cause you’re alright by me.

Which sure felt like my heart’s answer to the first few of those questions from COPPER WIMMIN!

And, there was more! You see, the blog post right before the blog post with Jim Morgan’s song had a poem in it. A poem from Alice Walker. And that poem had the rest of the answers I was trying to receive!

It took a bit of hunting through the bookshelves to put my hand on Hard Times Require Furious Dancing, a book illustrated, I might add, by Shiloh Sophia McCloud!

The poem – CALLING ALL GRAND MOTHERS – begins on page 30.

We have to live

or we
will die
in the same

old ways.

I call on all Grand Mothers
on the planet

to rise
and take your place
in the leadership
of the world

Come out
of the kitchen
out of the

out of the
beauty parlors
out of the

Step forward
& assume
the role
for which
you were

To lead humanity
to health, happiness
& sanity.

I call on
all the
Grand Mothers
of Earth
& every person
who possesses
the Grand Mother

of respect for
protection of
the young

to rise
& lead.

The life of
our species
on it.

& I call on all men
of Earth
to gracefully

stand aside
& let them
(let us)
do so.


There it was… a massive reminder of my own answers to where I will go and what I will do and say. All with the help of old and new friends, a Guardian Angel who lives already in my soul, and my willingness to dive into even more healing of whole me.

What do you hear???

And, now – with help from the Legendary Husband – is Jim Morgan’s song… there’s more!

ps… my wise, gifted physical therapist is exited about all the things shifting with the whole person healing! It’s time to paint on!!!

pps… curious? There’s still time to set out on the journey known as Red Madonna. For more information and to register, go to: (And, no… you don’t even need to know how to wash paint brushes to start!!!)

Sue Boardman, Certified Intentional Creativity®
Color of Woman Teacher & Coach