True confession… unlike The West Wing, Madam Secretary, and all of Kathleen McGowan’s books, I haven’t quite memorized the Harry Potter adventures… yet!
I did have a recent encounter with the movie version of …Philosopher’s Stone on our flight home from California.
You know how you see and hear new things when you encounter familiar experiences at new points on your journey??? Well, this story is all about that!
So, while I was somewhere over some mountains, young Harry was heading off to Hogwarts. And, as you likely know, there were new student traditions involved. Much as I’d love to have a magic wand and a mail-owl, we’ll skip the shopping for now, and move along to the Sorting Hat ritual.
(In case you need a reminder, all the incoming wizard students have the mythic Sorting Hat placed on their heads and – with a bit of mumbo jumbo, and some shape shifting on the part of the hat – the student’s House assignment is announced. And yes, watching felt a lot like middle school!!)
Young Harry wound up in Gryffindor, with his new best buddies.
And I wound up in tears.
You see, I’ve been having an experience akin to the sorting hat in the portion of my actual world known as Musea. or, Intentional Creativity® if you prefer.
And, yes… another name for this Sorting Hat adventure is Filters!
You see, I’ve been journeying in the land of QUESTIONS. (I’ve always loved questions!)
One of my favorite questions ever has to do with the notion of calling, as in…
What do I feel called to do and be in this world, now?
Or, to put it a bit differently, what is my big work?
We’ll skip the way back stuff for now and begin this leg of the journey in September, as I set out with a bunch of paint spattered sisters on the Intentional Creativity® journey called Origins. A journey which has felt, for me, like a whole lot of trying on hats until the right one for this time, now, claimed me! The Guardian Hat.
Here’s what I see now… consciously.
The mantle of the Fiercely Compassionate Grandmothers has been passed to me by generation upon generation of ancestors and wisdom keepers. I receive it, as a Guardian, with huge gratitude and honor. And I dedicate myself to continue to express and expand the notion of Fierce Compassion, now – in this context – and into the future.
I will continue to notice and wonder. To weave new learning into the map of reality I claim.
I will find new ways to share the old stories which have been Hope on my path.
I will be one of those five people… listening to our Littles, taking them seriously, and not shaming or blaming them for their questions… for as many people as I am able.
I will invite others to join this crucial pathway of empowering grace and Intentional Creativity®. As many as I am able.
I began, as we all must, by being one of those five people for myself and I will proclaim that Good News all the days of my Earthly journey.
Curious??? Stay tuned! With huge encouragement from my SuperPower SelfPortrait®, we’re about to set out on the magical journey from…
If Only… to I Am!
It’s time!!!
ps… hats optional… and encouraged!
pps… ready??? I mean, now… on your timeline! My new signature journey, Oh, I see… Consciously! is available for a very few individual clients starting mid-January! Just ask the calendar elves to hook you and your questions up with 45 min. My gift!