Once again, I seem to be the work-in-progress on this Wednesday!
And, yes, I’m hearth tending in the Red Thread Cafe, which I love doing. The art and the community are glorious.
Then there’s the whole notion of #Inquiry which is one of my favorite things. And it was my task, as hearth tender, to pose an inquiry for the community this day.
We’ll get to that, in a bit.
First, though, some – you guessed it! – context.
And, yes, Grandmother Moon has been whispering in my ear. (I love it when she does that!)
So, last night I officially signed up for a really big adventure, coming up this summer. The whole on-line form, passport number, and plastic money thing.
It wasn’t a snap decision. I’ve been dreaming and planning for this for months now. The only thing that’s changed is that it’s a big step closer to official.
Part of that dreaming and planning has had a lot to do with how I see the work I do in the world.
I won’t bore you with all the details and history.
Instead, I’ll share a really helpful inquiry I’ve been hanging with as part of the make-it-real adventure.
An inquiry from my genius friend who helps with everything from which button to push on my laptop to make xyz happen, to really big questions. Like:
Who are the people you feel most called to work with? The ones who are most aligned, for you?
The answer, which appeared in my awareness about 4:00am, a couple of days ago, was:
Women who are okay with wanting what they want!
That felt really true… and in need of just a smidge of editing:
Women – and a few very brave men – who have given themselves permission to want what they want, and go for it!
All of which goes hand in hand with the practice of Intention!
And that Intention has already turned into a whole list of related thoughts and next steps.
The externalizing work – the getting the new language and options out in the world – is in progress. (It’s Wednesday, after all!)
The cool thing, though, is that I’ve already made space for a few more travelers on an intentional path from here to where they’ve given themselves permission to want to be!
(Even if that’s not the way we learned it!)
The very next right thing is even more helping my granddaughters learn differently!!!
ps… the image at the top could be an ancestor! Technically, she’s a basically life sized bust of a woman I’ve christened Our Lady of Fierce Intention who followed me home a few months ago. And, as it happens, I’ve recently discovered several actual ancestors who might have looked a lot like her. Her message, in the moment, is “eyes on the path”!
pps… since I’m in the start-right-where-you-are mode, let me know if you’d like to chat! The calendar elves will gladly hook you up with 45 minutes as a gift from Our Lady of Fierce Intention, and me! A scrap of red thread and a cuppa would be great! For now, Anointing and Awakening the Open Heart!