It’s been an interesting weekend!
Painting. Appliance repairs. A slumber party. Stories… mostly of change!
Five years ago, I was engaged in a journey called The Black Madonna Pilgrimage. My FIRST Intentional Creativity® adventure. My first painting.
(Well, except for walls with rollers!)
In the midst of that enormous learning experience, my friend, from the first day of 7th grade, was having surgery for a brain aneurism in the midst of hurricane season.
I made prayer dots, layers and layers of them, until the weather cleared enough that I could go help.
My first hint at how much my life was changing was how much I missed my canvas – my Black Madonna becoming manifest – and my dots!
My friend is doing well now. Blessed be! And we had an old fashioned slumber party to celebrate and catch up. Life has been a bit hectic for both of us!
We told stories. Not the cool kid stories so popular in middle school slumber parties where everyone is trying desperately to fit in.
The real, deep, authentic, questioning journeys of both our lives, now. Surrounded by all the paintings on my walls. And by dreams.
The photo at the top of this post begged to be included.
A giclee’ print of The Fiercely Compassionate Grandmother, aka my Black Madonna Pilgrimage painting. And, yes, the original hangs in my friend’s home which is as it was meant to be.
Then, my current w-i-p… Insight. She’s still choosing her forever name, even as she’s becoming. And teaching me soooooo….. much!
And, what looks like a white background, but is actually my next Legend painting. That starts tomorrow, after my recent beginning found a new home!
All of this memory/vision energy sent me on a hunt through photo land… and I found what was calling me!
The intention. The very first layer of that very first painting.

It came from an old quote in the Quaker tradition…
In order to learn, we must be willing to be changed.
I first encountered that notion at Eckerd College, while I was filling out seminary applications.
I was both resistant and intrigued.
After a whole lot of struggle to be me, through the terrifying single mom initiation, and the what will I do with my life questions, I wasn’t so sure about letting something change me.
Those words took root, nonetheless, deep within me.
They are, in many ways, blooming now.
And, yes, it has a lot to do with the whole bit about input and filters and maps.
Though the map has recently become a basket. A medicine basket!
Among the essential things in that medicine basket… perceptual tools, mark making supplies, and a big ball of Red Thread!
And, just in case you’re in a place that feels like a mysteriously important journey, I can help!
THE FIRST STEP is an adventure in Zoom Land. You. Me. Less than an hour. Red Thread. And some help from the calendar elves! It’s my gift to you!
Or… if that sounds too big, CLICK HERE for some guiding questions you can ponder deep inside!
ps… Legend the next has decided that willing to be changed is an empowering intention for now, too! That means we’re already on the way! Who knows? Another slumber party may be involved!