Half a lifetime ago, when I was a seminary student, I encountered the then-bizarre notion that language creates reality.
It freaked me out! (And was something definitely not covered during my previous years in nursing school!)
At first, faced with that enormous notion, I dangled my inner editor toes in the kiddy pool with the possibility that language proposes reality.
Later, I dove in head first!
You see, I lived a whole lot of my life as a word person.
Then, about 5 years ago, I discovered that I am also an image person!
And realized that images can create reality, too… especially if they’re attached to words. Words of Intention!
And you, clever soul, already see where this is going on this work-in-progress Wednesday!!!
My externalized journey with this round of Intentional Creativity® Insight painting is circling for a landing.
Every cell in my being knows that my internal journey is headed on a whole other adventure!
I know… she probably doesn’t make much sense to you.
The what are we trying to accomplish bit is pretty easy.
All three primary neuro-processing patterns working together to help us get from here to there.
There, in my case, being intentionally re-framed by these words from Frederick Buechner with which I’ve been obsessed recently:
The place where you are called is where your deep joy and the world’s deep hunger meet!
So… let’s start, visually, with the bottom left corner of this w-i-p. Home of the Critic and the Muse. The two chatty voices in all of us, playing tug-of-war over the next right thing.

If you squint, you may be able to spot the initials M and C in what insisted on becoming a stock pot.
Yep… predictable for me. Go ahead and laugh!
I do, indeed, have a thing for broth. Veg. Bones. Fish heads & shrimp shells…
It’s healing. It’s comforting. It’s alchemical!
And the magic happens when energy is applied to an intentional container.
That’s what I do!
In the kitchen, for sure. But in my journey, as well.
It’s about creating a safe container for the old stuff and the new… the scary and the thrilling… to be honored and nurtured until they become something that wasn’t before.
Often, a bay leaf is involved! Literally or metaphorically…
For now, an invitation…
A Red Thread Circle. Zoom. Me. You. Your Muse & Critic. A scrap of red yarn if there’s some handy. And a cuppa. Maybe a bay leaf! 45 minutes. My gift to you.
Click HERE & the Calendar Elves will find you a time!
ps… stay tuned! My Insight buddy will clearly have more to share!
pps… Thank you, Shiloh Sophia McCloud, and all those who came before us and walk beside us.