Non-stop to the Rabbit Hole

Bill and I were on the road so early Sunday morning that even the Baptists weren’t up yet. With the girls’ birthstones around my neck and a jacket of many pockets, we headed for the airport and the 10:00 am flight to Portland. Or, more likely, the mythical Rabbit Hole.

Large portions of the Delta terminal are under construction. The lighting is oddly eerie. Rather like a low-budget sci-fi film.  As usual, in Atlanta, the place was teeming with the sleepy, the harried, and the lost. And no hard-boiled eggs.

As a veteran people watcher, I’d say a bunch of athletes, folks excited about a cruise and, maybe, just maybe, a few others of the rabbit hole type.

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Opening Up Choices

Little changes can make huge differences!

Recently, we’ve been playing furniture Yahtzee again. It’s a Feng shui thing.

For a while now, the only chairs in my studio space have been my marvelous Relax Your Back chair and a cool desk chair Bill camps out in. Oh, and three dog beds!

I’ve been seeing coaching clients in the family room. In theory, it was a good plan.

In practice, not so much.

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