No Rules in Art!

It’s about 3:00 in the afternoon. The Easter traditions have been observed. Our kids are doing the “leavin’ on a jet plane” thing. This Grammy is pretty tired.

It’s been great! A whole week with the Mighty Mini Women! Still pretty mini, but mightier every visit. At 6 and 8, we still have the occasional meltdown. I noticed, though, that their first move is usually saying what they feel or want or need. I’m thrilled for them!

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Notes from a happy grammy…

It’s Spring Break and my kids are here. Most of them. Kelly will be here in a couple of days. The girls are taller, even since Christmas!

The little artists are busy. A while back I painted the front closet door and the  back of a bookcase in chalkboard paint. Best idea I’ve had in a while!

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From tiny seeds, hope!

I never went to kindergarten. I don’t recall ever growing a bean seed in a paper cup at school. (We must have lived somewhere else when it was time for that!) We never had a garden when I was growing up. Somehow, though, I’m fascinated with seeds.

The magic is happening right now in my garden!

Tiny leaves on the grape vines. Muscadines. We had our first real crop last fall.

Chives I thought had died, back with gusto.

The scent of rosemary and thyme hanging in the air, still heavy with last night’s rain.

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Sometimes I feel stuck between the things I learned as a nurse and the things I’ve learned in the past several years. Even labels are hard.

Conventional. Western. Real. 

Alternative. Eastern. Fringe.

For my purposes at the moment, let’s go with conventional and wholistic. 

Whatever the labels, each has to do with balance. Conventional medicine looks primarily to numbers. Sodium and potassium levels. Oxygen and carbon dioxide. Intake and output. Wholistic medicine, on the other hand, thinks in terms of energy. Exercise and rest. Activity and meditation. Blocked and unblocked.

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